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>neonicotinoids are killing le heckin bees!
Didn't it turn out that moths are far more important pollinators than bees?
anyone who actually goes outside and isn't a urbanite brainlet always knew it was fake
>t. urbanite brainlet
I used to see monarch butterflys all the time as a kid. Haven't seen one in ages
>libertardian pundit is against any measures that may harm the profits of the megacorporations he has invested in
where do you live? I live in a city of 2 million people and there's birds(including many* birds of prey), cats, squirrels, groundhogs, chipmunks, foxes, coyotes on the fringes.
Insects: all kinds. I've seen at least 10 different species of bee or bee mimic. I see all sorts of butterfly, beetles, jewel wasps.

maybe you just don't go outside, OP.
You don't live in a city
OMG What a fucking moron.
1. Reason.com is a right wing libertarian shill sight that consistently lies, and takes the side of capitalism and its grift ever time. No one takes anything they publish as fact.
2. The reason bee populations in some area seem to be increasing is due to the bureaucracy of counting. Beekeepers with fewer than $1000 in sales are not required to report bee populations, but with inflation, there are now an estimated 23% more farmers with small hives that now have to report bees.
3. Wild bee counts are way down.

Take your /pol tier shit and choke on it, liar!
inb4: Just keep repeating the lie.
Is capitalism in the room with us, right now?
Its funny how once you scratch the surface of all of these environmental scare stories you always find people with communist political ambitions lurking underneath.
Typical communist, nothing but ignorance and stupidity come from you.
The global warming narrative appeals strongly to people who are prone to the narcissistic savior complex as a result of their inferiority complexes.
I saw at least 3 yesterday, they're not gone, but yeah there aren't nearly as many as there used to be. When they were around you saw hundreds.
>narcissist has inferiority complex
>kill all the moths
>honey bees just pull up the slack
envrionmentalists btfo
>capitalism and its grift ever time.
>blames government interventions in the market capitalism
>demands more government interventions
>things get worse
Why are you statists/socialists/fascists like this? Are you retarded or do you ruin peoples lives on purpose?
>Wild bee counts are way down.
See >>16261861. Honey bees won't be allowed to go extinct. Honey bees continue to pollinate crops, humans carry on without crisis.

The most charitably conclusion to draw about you is that you're catastrophizing over the environment is driving you to grasp at more government intervention to deal with the perceived threat.
Environmentalism is just another offshoot of statism & communism: Gives an excuse to violate other peoples rights.
>being a cripple is praised in modern society (dysgenics + century of communist subversion)
>narcissists desire appearance of uniqueness
>"look at me, I'm a cripple!"
they do that on all sorts of other topics too
and always with the compliance of the dishonest scientist who profit from the fear mongering
they manufactured the whole global warming meme too
how much milkweed do you have growing in your yard? i see tons of hummingbirds every day because i grow chilean glory vine, if i didn't do that i could easily leap to the conclusion that hummingbirds were going extinct
or you could look at data
I walk by a bee hive everyday it’s odd they sit on the wall of a fence it’s not even a nest or the nest is inside the brink wall I’ll take a picture later. And upload it here it’s the most strange nest I’ve ever seen
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>muh lines and words on a jpeg i saw in a replication crisis paper
that shit is all fake and gay, anyone with mspaint can make fake lines and words on a jpeg
Fuck your feelings. Data is the only thing that matters.
shooped fake graph
this is the real data, you can tell because its dubs
Data is always up to interpretation, see galactic rotation curves for more details on that
There's only one legitimate interpretation: bee populations are declining. Anecdotes about seeing bees in your yard or while you walk to work doesn't change facts.
>Honey bees continue to pollinate crops
>crops are the only thing that needs to be pollinated
>I want to see butterflies
>oh no the world is coming to an end because I can't see butterflies even though I don't care about them enough to even slightly lift a finger to attract them to my year
>this is the end of the world
>you need to give all your money to al gore because I can't see as many butterflies as I feel entitled to seeing
>Everything is fine
>Just trust me bro
What a gay ass article.
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Been driving up and down the CA central valley this week, barely any bug splats on my windshield. Used to be it was so thick you couldn't see and had to use wipers in the summer. Used to need bug screens on my house windows, not anymore. Bird songs used to wake me up in the morning, now it's silent. No bugs to feed the birds. Planet is dying.
You should try looking up real data instead of going on unhinged diatribes.
>al gore
Why are /pol/tards so obsessed with a retired politician?
people with mental illnesses are necessarily low iq.
their brains are diseased and function poorly, so its inevitable that they behave stupidly.
>dumb things are dumb
bees are garden pets. no bees exist in real forest. bad garden=no bees.
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I stepped on a bee in my garden recently. but I pulled out the stinger very rapidly and little damage was done to me. The bee died of course.
This video brought to you by the manufacturers of neonicotinoids
>growing plants
choose one
environmentalists are too busy virtue signaling on social media to do anything productive or beneficial for the environment

>After almost two decades of relentless colony collapse coverage and years of grieving suspiciously clean windshields, we were stunned to run the numbers on the new Census of Agriculture: America’s honeybee population has rocketed to an all-time high.
do you even get paid to spew pesticide industry propaganda here or are you just some hick retard?
the apiary bees were never the problem. wild bees were.
and America has actually been changing land use for the best in the last few years. it's the largest carbon sink in the country, too. so better land use equals better environment for bees. since they're still insects that reproduce very fast, populations can rebound quickly.

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