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How do you feel about this video and why?
You're depressed. Do something. When you're coming in a pussy you have no desire to be anywhere else.
>Muh projection.
Incels should be deported.
>makes me cry
??? lmao are you ok?
Based reality enjoyer. rawdogging + creampie = heaven. I'd give anything irl to do that all the time
we really need to stop romanticizing idealized illusions of shitty lives lived in shitty places.
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This you spaceship anon. Learn how to look after it before you even consider fucking up yet another place.
counter point, no other body in the solar system has 2 billion indians
>Learn how to look after it
Humanity will not survive much outside of Earth. Space conquest is a scam so you keep following the carrot endlessly like a slave. Same with AGI. The promise of a technological utopia is like the Church and its message of an eternal life in paradise after death.
Nobody’s promising utopia or paradise, just long term survival of humanity.

Hopefully we can make space colonies comfy, but that’s up to the colonists.
You think space travel fantasy "promises" this? I don't think you know what a promise is. If you can live on Mars or the Moon, you can live under the sea or in Antarctica. I don't see real estate agents lining up to sell property in these areas. You're not going to space because there's nothing fucking there that isn't better here. You're just too uneducated and low IQ to understand this because space is magic in your little monkey brain.

> You're not going to space because there's nothing fucking there that isn't better here

lol, your logic!

You're not going to the New World because there's nothing fucking there that isn't better here in Old Europe.

You're not going out West because there's nothing fucking there that isn't better here in Missouri.

You're not going to settle in Iceland because there's nothing fucking there that isn't better here in the old Viking homeland.

There is AIR in the Americas, you brainlet. You're not even a midwit. You can't live in microgravity, cockroach-brain.
So sad for all those astronauts who suffocated on the ISS. You’d think NASA would know to supply air!
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You mean the ones that come back crippled (and now likely smelling of greasy shit)?
you really want to live a lifetime stuck inside a closet just because that closet is "in space"? Come on, It's one thing to go up there for a while, look at the view and come back down, but a lifetime, have children, etc?
I rather be under house arrest than life my life like that.

>I rather be under house arrest than life my life like that.

OK, you don't have to live in space, no problem. There are many who would. That's their problem. Maybe they'll be happy, maybe not.

Personally, I'd like to visit space. Maybe spend a day in Earth orbit. But I don't want to spend the rest of my life there.

Crippled? That's nothing.

Anon, let me tell ya about the ones that got burned, fried, and barbecued intto crispy critters.

Better to stay home, nice and safe...
All it made me realize (or remember) is that we'll never live in that cool sci-fi timeline we all dream about. And even if we did, we'd still be here, on the mudball, waiting to hear if the people who're out doing the exciting, amazing things, are as exciting and amazing as we thought.
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>How do you feel about this video and why?
It'd be interesting as a vacation, but I'd not want to live in such a situation forever. You have to understand that unless we have revolutionary acceleration/deceleration technology, those voyages would take several years just to get to an interesting destination.
Also, unless we'd have a plethora of fantastically diverse landfall and exploratory equipment aboard, many places you'd not be able to even "visit", that is, to walk on them and explore, for countless technical reasons such as the amount of fuel required to shuttle everyone onto the surfaces and back, the number of shuttles and spacesuits required, or the limits of pressure and the potential chemical demands on the space suits and shuttles, etc, so it'd be like a multi-year cruise where most of the time when you look out the window it's just black, and then you'd get to a very beautiful place but could not go explore, and they it's again years and years of darkness, stuck on that cruise ship.
It works nicely on Earth because the oceans are always salt water, and the weather has some reasonable bounds, and the technology we've developed works in general nicely no matter where you go on Earth. So a dingy can float and run about on the surface of the sea, be it in the tropics or up in Norway. But a space suit to explore Io and Europa would not be the same type of spacesuit, nor the same type of lander.
If, somehow, all those technical barriers were surpassed, and it it were just like a modern-day cruise through space, there and back in a couple of weeks, and lots of enjoyable exploration to do about, then yes, I'd totally be in.
You already live in a sci-fi timeline. Whether it's cool or not depends on you.
Just try writing about your daily life from the point of view of a 1980s cyberpunk novel and you'll see how far in the fucking future we already are.
>there's nothing fucking there
No jews in space and relatively few indians.
Israel's among the handful of nations who've independently developed orbital rockets and landed probes on the moon, and yes they achieved this capability before Nixon's lend-lease program and US aid kicked off.
I asked Orbo-sama since this was an interesting claim:

The claim contains a mix of factual information and inaccuracies. Here’s a breakdown:

1. **Israel's Space Achievements**: Israel is indeed one of the few countries that have developed their own orbital rockets and have launched satellites into space. The Israel Space Agency (ISA) has been active since the 1980s.

2. **Moon Missions**: Israel attempted a moon landing with the Beresheet lander in 2019, but the mission ended in failure as the spacecraft crashed during the landing attempt. Thus, Israel has not successfully landed a probe on the moon.

3. **Timing of Achievements**: The assertion about achieving space capabilities before Nixon's lend-lease program and US aid is misleading. Significant US aid to Israel began after the Six-Day War in 1967 and increased substantially after the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Israel's space program developments, including launching the first satellite, Ofeq-1, in 1988, occurred well after these periods.

Overall, while Israel has notable space achievements, the claim about successful moon landings and the timeline regarding US aid is not accurate.

Unironically sad Israel didn't stick the landing. More competition for space = faster space development. And if you don't like the people up there, there's literally thousands of lightyears you can put between yourself and them. Everybody wins.
Prove you're retarded by replying to this poster, I dare ya
pretty good OP

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