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Rank the 5 Best and 5 Worst popular "science" channels on Youtube.

This is not really in terms of entertainment value, production value, mere popularity, or how much you personally like the host. It is primarily about scientific accuracy and those producing it actually understanding what they're talking about, versus mindlessly regurgitating popular misconceptions and half-arsed science journalism for clicks.

Naturally there are channels claiming to be about 'science' that even a normie would never mistake for an actual science channel, crystal healing, diet fads, and the like. I'm not talking about those. I'm only talking about those channels high school science literate and science interested normies might watch believing they're actually learning something.

>If you don't know the difference, or are unaware of how many low quality and misleading channels are on Youtube you're probably not qualified to answer
Best: Eugene Khutoryansky or however you spell it
Worst: Sabine and Kurgeszagt (or whatever)
You must be joking.
best YouTube science channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TonyHeller
>Eugene Khutoryansky
his cartoon videos are too psychedelic to watch, lol. His accent is too strange to listen to, and I've seen him promote personal interpretations about quantum physics which I have not seen anyone else ever mention nor even present as fact, so that was it for me.

Sabine: too opinionated, but at least she makes it clear it's her personal opinion. I don't mind watching her.
Kurgeszagt: fun! ANd they do a good job at researching what they are talking about. It's mainstream science presentation, but that's fine to catch up with things that aren't my specialty>
They entire detailed seris on the working of the immune system was very nice.
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I haven't delved through all these in this HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE chart someone made, but I'm in the process.
Calm your tits Billy
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
SV Astronomy Lectures
Stanford's Cosmology Lecture Series
The Royal Institution
MIT Open Courseware

Whatever dogshit you were thinking was good before you came here.
Why Sabine such ecchi hag?
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If you want to see science on youtube, you watch a real lecture by a real professor from a real university. If your video has bright colors, a porn girl or le funny retarded man, it's not science, it's retard bait.
I'm trying to convince some friends to stop watching this crap, especially SciShow and PBS, which are obviously low quality retard shit. They're not only becoming progressively stupider for it, but actually mal-educated and increasingly science illiterate. I'm sick of them sending me this fucking garbage and it being near-impossible to correct it due to having to tip their head sideways and bash the ludicrous amount of incorrect shit out of their earhole first.
If they're going to watch anything at all I'd like them to at least watch someone who knows what the crap they're even talking about.

The diagram might help, but maybe we just need a checklist, bingo card, or flowchart of dumb shit that these faggots do that indicate you can just totally write them off.
eg. Fuck up easily demonstrable basic science concepts. Come to retarded conclusions. Relate every single fucking science-related thing to Climate Change somehow, because worrying about that shit is ALL scientists of ALL kinds do all day, right? I fucking swear you could come up with a more efficient Hellfire Missile and most of these fags would talk about the benefits of its reduced 'carbon footprint' like that's the sole reason anyone would even come up with any innovation in the first place.

I've even tried to get them to follow specific individuals working in the relevant fields, with very limited success. Does anyone know why some people are so enthusiastic 'about science' but never actually learn any? Like Joe Rogan has talked to plenty of actual science fags, and oohs and ahhhs about shit they say, but next show it all seems to have gone in one ear and out the other. What the fuck is that shit anyway? How can you NOT learn basic science shit by osmosis at this point - even with all the misinformation and faggotry? I mean if you're really interested you can easily look into any subject that genuinely piques your interest deeper.
I'm interested in this. I want to watch more about electricity to revise some of the knowledge from university that I hadn't used since, but I have no idea where to look. I like electroboom's videos, especially the older ones, but he doesn't really go into detail that much and he's more about demonstration.
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>Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
>SV Astronomy Lectures
>Stanford's Cosmology Lecture Series
>The Royal Institution
>MIT Open Courseware
You'd describe those as popular "science" channels, as the OP put it?
That list is kiked AF.
It's because it's delivered to them and they aren't seeking it out actively. They continue to watch to make themselves feel smart but never put it into practice or actively use that information
Sabine Sabine, the wonderful Sabine, have you seen her? What a bad world we'd live in without our lovely Sabine.
See the pattern

Hyugens optics

Professor Dave is the best thing that has ever happened for flerfs.
>putting all the boring math shit at the top
God why are math autists so fucking boring?
Content consumption
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I enjoy watching Flat Earth and Moon Hoax videos for the entertainment value and because those crazy fucks actually come up with some interesting questions and rather clever loopholes. It's a fun intellectual exercise.
Professor Dave fag doesn't even understand what he's arguing against. He thinks he can just waltz in and 'win' a debate because he's such a 'smrat' science man, without even understanding their arguments or model. It's like watching a Catholic having a theological debate with a Mormon while not knowing Joseph Smith even exists or their Bible is different.

So most of his "deboonks" don't actually even address their actual arguments, and often include spherical Earth premises, which makes him look like a fucking moron in a room full of Flat Earthers of all things. It's common with 'muh science' fags to make these retarded arguments.
eg. "If the Earth is flat then why doesn't the gravity change when you go from the centre to the edge?"
PROTIP: The FE model doesn't include gravity because many Flat Earther's don't believe it exists, and it isn't a disc floating in space in orbit around the sun like picrel either. So you prove your ignorance and lose right away if you even ask this question.

It's the old thing of about an actually intelligent person being able to entertain a theoretical for the sake of argument. Dave can't seem to do that, like a lot of pseudointellectuals, so Flat Earther's can actually take him to pieces for anyone paying attention, and he's too stupid to even know it. Same with people who want to argue against Moon Hoaxers. You better know your shit because NASAfags say some of the dumbest crap that actually helps the Hoaxers at the end of the day.

Idiots banning Flat Earth videos and burying them in searches only made 'muh science' fags intellectually lazy and worse at debate. Even if these FE fags are totally lying and grifting, they're still providing a public service keeping these retards on their toes.
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Those are exactly my thoughts on the flat earth debates. On the flat earth side you have people who believe in flat earth just to be anti-authoritarian yet this still makes them operate on a higher level than people on the science side who refuse to—or cannot—engage with theoretical models of reality. You said it yourself: science youtubers take alternative ideas and apply current science to it to debunk it, like saying gravity would point sideways near the edge of a flat earth and that other planets are spherical so flat earth is false. They refuse to step outside their bubble and instead of entertaining hypotheticals they say "Nuh uh, The Science™ says __________." Especially prof. dave whose videos are him smugly berating flat earthers without thoroughly explaining why they are wrong, just that they are wrong. Amateur midwits like dave don't get that intellectuals can simply entertain a fun thought experiment without actually believing it.

However, people who take flat earth seriously are actually retarded and it's a shame we can't have mature discussions about a hypothetical flat earth model without people posting facebook conspiracy jpgs and others whining that it's unscientific. Flat earth videos are normally just as annoying since the people making them are uneducated and low IQ and usually narcissistic. But it doesn't help that youtube and google censor fringe information that goes against the current scientific consensus while forcing the same Expert-approved™ videos and creators in the algorithm. A person should be able to freely find information on a topic they want to research. This constant ostracisation of alternative opinions is causing a rise in science slander and skepticism. I should be able to freely research a topic without faggots working at google HQ deciding what is good-think and what is bad-think on my behalf like a parent controlling a misbehaving child.

I'm not a flat earther but am still innocently curious about such a model
Also the fact is, many apparent anomalies cannot be immediately/definitively explained, are genuinely counterintuitive, or just look plain fucking weird, and these 'muh science' fags can't simply admit that or that they don't know. While 'there's probably a logical explanation' is usually true and you should try to figure one out without jumping to crazy conclusions, its not an answer in itself either.

A perfect example is the Apollo 15 flag video Bart Sibrel recently talked about on Joe Rogan. These men are both low IQ retards, but even they can see the flag moving independently, contradicting the 'muh science' deboonker narrative about it swinging like a pendulum in the vacuum of space ONLY in response to the pole being manipulated by astronauts. Mythbusters did an experiment in a NASA vacuum chamber, declared the flag waving myth BUSTED, totally failing to even address this video:

This episode aired after the Apollo 15 flag video had already been pointed out, and it's like these fags are pretending it doesn't even exist. Often it's news to them and they handwave it away with hypotheses of static electricity or outgassing from the suit or lander without really being able to justify that, (and after just having heard about it eighteen seconds prior), or lazily look it up on Wikipedia which still doesn't address this shit in 2024.

They're obviously starting with the conclusion, not just that the moon landings happened, but EVERY bit of footage is real, and anything NASA tells them is true. 'Muh science fags' wont even stop for a second to admit it does look weird:

Also 'the debate is over' retards are quick to label anyone asking obvious questions a 'conspiracy theorist' when these questions should be answered and re-explained when people ask. A kid who hasn't heard any of this before could innocently ask and they'll still pull the condescending 'conspiracy theorist' shit on them.
Remember when /sci/ hated Lex Fridman
Holy shit, I knew Professor Dave was a fucking clown so I haven't bothered with much of his shit, but watch him literally pretend that Youtube isn't artificially demoting Flat Earth videos and promoting his own shitty videos instead:

I know they did that because I was there. One day Flat Earth videos and channels were very popular and growing in popularity, and the whole phenomenon was fun as shit. Then the next you couldn't find them because they were buried under boring faggot deboonker videos like Dave's, (often with misleading titles to get people looking for FE videos to click on them I might add). I suddenly couldn't find Flat Earth videos I'd seen and knew existed, or FE channels for the love of trying.

But I suppose that's just another 'crazy conspiracy' that "Flerfer" heretics believe too. I now have to compulsively 'collect' FE channels in my RSS feeds whenever they reference each other just to follow that type of content, when I didn't ever buy into it in the first place.

>"Do you really want to talk about my education?"
Jesus Christ, nobody even brought it up. ffs what a fucking fart-huffing maggot.

Also watch Dave totally ignore this little demonstration, which is actually one of the coolest things the Flat Earthers have come up with:

Before the argument against a small local sun was to ask why it doesn't cast light over the entire flat disc of the Flat Earth? That at least should give you pause to admit it looks cool, or would seem to explain it.

Dave's refutation:
>It doesn't
>The dome doesn't exist because I say so
>muh tides as if the Flat Earther's don't have some kind of explanation for that too, whoever said the sun and moon had to be inside the dome for that to work?

What a disingenuous piece of shit.
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I made this chart some years ago with some suggestions
Thank you for your input.
I've looked at one video from bobby broccoli where he tried to explain how Jan Schön was more likely to win the Nobel prize because his name in derived from John and that's the most common root for Nobel prize winners and that's about where I felt like stopping.
>What a disingenuous piece of shit.
To be fair, debating flat earthers is like talking to a brick wall.
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>waaah i can't goon to obvious bullshit on yootoob
Theodore of Mopsuestia is still in hell, faggot
You just can't claim to be the intellectually honest, rational, logical, scientific, or even fair one when you're doing the shit that faggot is doing.

The Apollo 15 flag is a good example to use. How hard is it to say?:
>yes I can see the flag moving
>no it doesn't look like the astronaut was close enough to have touched it
>it does seem anomalous to me and not what I'd expect in a vacuum
>it seems superficially consistent with what one would expect to see in air
>it's at least POSSIBLE there's some fuckery afoot, we are talking about the government here
>whether the rest of the landings/mission is fake or not, this section of video raises valid questions, you're not crazy for questioning it
>I can hypothesise about static electricity or outgassing from suits or the LM, but without really looking into those I'd just be talking out my arse
>I honestly don't know why the flag is moving
>I'd like to know why too

But just because they're worried the Flat Earther's are going to take that and run with it, they become just like them and sit there with a straight face denying the obvious like retards. Same when anyone questions their other dearly cherished dogma, because they want to control the conclusion, so pervert the argument in such a way to try to prevent it leading there. That's literally not your problem.

Like the average racial IQ thing, they're worried someone is going to use the slightest difference to perpetrate a genocide or something, so they deny it exists at all and denounce anyone who says otherwise. When the probability of different populations in very different environments being exactly the same is obviously infinitesimal on its face. Denying it is clearly politics not science. Same with thinking anyone not accepting trannies as Real Women™ is incongruent with the right to wear a dress and act like a fucking faggot.

Then they HYPOCRITICALLY accuse Flat Earthers of distorting all of science to make it fit their preferred conclusion.
>omg why didn't he have a debunk ready for the conjecture that an effect created by a flashlight and a coffee mug is a better explanation for the day-night cycle on earth than a helio-centric solar system that perfectly explains that and 500 yrs of astronomical observations!

good point.
>I've seen him promote personal interpretations about quantum physics which I have not seen anyone else ever mention
can you explain more? im interested in this because i dont believe the shit about mainstream explanations for quantum physics
It doesn't perfectly explain it though. Consider the three body problem.
sure, the three body problem could be a problem for the solar system, if the sun wasn't 99.8% of the solar systems mass
you can expect a very long period of stability in the orbits of the planets.
>I honestly don't know why the flag is moving
Then you are a fucking brainlet. There is no air resistance to stop it.
Not the issue retard. Why is it moving with no air to START it?
Because somebody had to move it to get it to the moon.
This is exactly what we're talking about, fucking retards who don't process information, they just regurgitate their 'science' talking points they've been told right on cue to defend their "side".

Watch the fucking video:

I suggest running it at triple speed a couple of times too. The flag became motionless. Astrofag moves past it. Flag starts moving. Just look at how many people are incapable of actually looking at this video and being honest about what they see with their own eyes, let alone use their brain and eliminate some hypothetical causes by logical deduction and inference.

It's like they're afraid of coming to a conclusion they don't like, so they're intentionally obtuse and tripping over themselves to force a square peg in a round hole. One video isn't cause for panic, it's probably not going to turn you into a Bart fucking Sibrel overnight, even if it was conclusive, but they act like fucking cultists chanting thought-stopping slogans because they're afraid of the truth, (whatever that might be). They're often worse than the people they're arguing against.

If NASA came out tomorrow and said they faked this particular video, or some Apollo videos, or the whole fucking programme due to the political pressures of the Cold War, these idiots would have egg on their face. That can never happen if you're intellectually honest and not making unwarranted pronouncements or denunciations in Sith absolutes like an unscientific retard.
If there was air why doesnt the flag fold while he pushes it from behind in the beggining
You have fucking brainrot if you think nasa faking the moonlanding, which none of their enemies at the time believed by the way, so fuck off with the cold war nonesense, is the best explanation of that video.
BEST: any channel that actively does interesting things in a scientific way no matter how cheaply it's filmed or how retarded the presenter sounds (IE fraser builds)
WORST: any popsci wikipedia article reader no matter their production value (too many to list)
>if you think nasa faking the moonlanding
Who said I did? Taking "sides" again instead of just being intellectually honest about what's in this one video. But if they had, you'd be the last person on Earth to figure it out.

That's why people like you are a fucking joke, not only to people who really do understand the scientific method and logic, but Flat fucking Earthers and people you consider 'conspiracy nuts' can rightly laugh at your obvious disingenuous chicanery.

When you're intellectually honest and not retarded, you can entertain hypotheticals and ideas you personally don't believe. There's only one 'side' and that's objective truth, and you don't get to decide when you're going to play it that way or not.

Fair question. I'd say another indication that it's a vacuum, (or effective vacuum to be completely accurate), and not air is that the flag seems to 'swing' a bit too long as you'd expect, but I still couldn't tell you why it moved in the first place. And the 'swinging' wouldn't be definitive since it's so small and the cause of the motion might persist for a while.

It seems to have something to do with the astronaut passing by, but you can estimate how he's much closer to the camera since the flag is taller than the other astronaut when he's standing right next to it, so it doesn't seem like he made physical contact, even being able to brush it with his outer-extremities on the way past. Also seems too distant for any kind of electrostatic interaction or some shit like that.

Maybe some kind of outgassing, but I don't know how much they get off those suits or from where. As far as I know they use some kind of 'rebreather' type deal where they scrub CO2 using a solid, so you'd think unlike a diver blowing bubbles with every exhalation.

See boys and girls? Isn't this interesting sitting down, both being on the same 'side' (truth), and actually trying to figure it out? It's not that hard.
I do wish they'd improve the video and sound quality of some of these classroom lectures though. Still, better than not having them at all, it's just that it is the 21st Century an' all.
Also I wondered about vibrations through the ground somehow being transmitted up the flagpole, but the other astronaut was standing very close to it and fucking around, including hopping near it. I was waiting for him to physically kick the pole or disturb it in some way, but it didn't move perceptibly. So the foreground astronaut being a greater distance away seems to discount any such thing.

It's also possible there's some kind of cable on the ground we can't see, since as I understand it when they moved experiments/equipment a distance out from the LM some were connected by data/power cables or guidelines that might be in contact with the pole that the astronaut could disturb, trip, or otherwise put momentary tension on. Though the second astronaut doesn't seem to contact anything like that if it exists. I also don't see anything it might be connected to besides the pole itself, (maybe to gauge some predefined distance), but you'd think you wouldn't want it to stay there for you to trip over if not entirely necessary.

Basically this is what I'm talking about though. There's nothing wrong with a discussion like this, even if it's ultimately inconclusive either way, and many discussions like it will be. They should happen - even if it only proves you're giving the other 'side' a fair shake instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and going lalalalalalalalala. It's actually pretty painless.
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Can anyone explain why anybody ever in the history of time itself has ever clicked on this obviously soi shit?
>the Cold War is serious enough to get maximum tax dollars to win the Space Race
>the Cold War is not serious enough to lie and/or fake the moon landings
Pick one.

Oh it's just because some dead president said so in a speech once? That was the motivation? Pfft! If politicians could speechify shit into existence we'd have men on Mars by now ... riding pink unicorns.

Also kek this shit just came out and Moon Hoax fags are already using it as 'moar proof' NASA is full of shit:

Hardly the conclusive slam dunk they think it is, and these guys are way-off-the-mark retarded as often as they ask actual interesting questions, but an example of how there theoretically could be a discovery of something fundamental that we 'don't know that we don't know' that could definitively belie the whole Apollo programme. Something that would render the missions physically impossible, at least in the way NASA claims to have done it. Something they could not account for in retrospect.
eg. We discover something unexpected about the n-body problem that would have totally F'd NASA in the A.

But back on thread topic, gritting my teeth in anticipation of all the shitty videos by the pop-sci channels talking about the 'photomolecular effect' that are 90% regurgitation, 95% Chinese Whispers distortion, 98% brown paper bag huffing exaggeration, and 99.9999% 'muh Climate Change' soi-faggotry, (I know that's not how percentages work, but it's still somehow true when it comes to these channels).

What I don't get is how the same faggots who run and watch these channels can simultaneously be in a 24/7 panic about Climate Change doom AND tout some 'new amazing technological breakthrough' every week that if it worked the way they tell it would totally solve it by next week.
Ve goes in the empty top left space near the center and SciShow is NOT Cringe. It's based
What is the polar opposite of smug faggotry?
Would this be like humility or something?
Would tech ingredients be it?
Also, did you just transform this in photoshop to make it angled like that?
>SciShow is NOT Cringe
it's trash popsci of the lowest level
are you the channel's owner? lmao
I had to look them up. Did you know that bees in India drink the tears of the poojeet?
>but that's fine to catch up with things that aren't my specialty
You should know that modern Kurzgesagt is no more than popsci trash.
It's pretty obvious that they're pushing agendas over showcasing actual research.
The last few videos I watched they pushed a wildly imaginative scenario and used to to invalidate any and all opposition. That made me stop watching them.
Cringe and based should be understood as a horseshoe/circular. Actionlab is so cringe he's based, and vice versa
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>Also, did you just transform this in photoshop to make it angled like that?
Simple, (if you're not worried about perspective).
>The Thought Emporium
I remember years ago the guy found some chinkshit "ion bracelet" had thorium mixed with the silicone. He had a nice demonstration with a cloud chamber and did spectroscopy. Spooped me from ordering chinkshit.
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>Same with thinking anyone not accepting trannies as Real Women™ is incongruent with the right to wear a dress and act like a fucking faggot
In principle this is true, but unfortunately people today do not value rights. This causes activists to make it seem like more is at stake than freedom.

For example, if "muh rights" worked as argument, then most scheduled drugs would already be legal here in the US. It wasn't until some of these substances were found to have medicinal benefits (shrooms and marijuana) or when it was argued that it would fight addiction/racism (heroin) that regulations started rolling back. If we actually respected rights rather than asking for justification like some kind of British cop, then less people act this way. Unfortunately the people who act this way also happen to be the people believe that it's ok to take away rights and it doesn't seem like they're going to change anytime soon.
get filtered kiddo.
>PBS Space Time
>literal bearded faggot
>cringe as fuck
I tried watching one of their videos once, but soi started dripping out of the screen like blood from the Picture of Dorian Gray so I had to shut it off.
>literal bearded faggot
I dont think you know what literal means anon, he's not a faggot.
And it isn't normal to get that upset because a guy has a beard
Quantum physics might be "mysterious" but there's nothing mysterious about that guy's obvious severe lack of heterosexuality.
I found veritasium in a show called Ancient Impossible. He was actually alright as one of those History channel shills. I don't watch his channel, but knowing he grew up to be a millionaire is pretty comfy.
If anyone is into electrical engineering and integrated circuits and plasma physics this dude does homemade experiments.

He made a silicon chip using photolithography in his fucking house

There is not 50% women or black science channels. Why is Youtube oppressing them?
Just more proof they can't get ahead due to racism.

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