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Can someone explain what really happened during the pandemic and why whitout sounding like an NPC or schizo?
Why did they use these new genetic vaccines instead of traditional and subunit ones?
Was it really just a slightly stronger flu?
The fact that you are asking this question indicates that the decision-makers may not have been entirely transparent about how their decisions came to be.
No shit nigga thats why I made tthis thread
>Why did they use these new genetic vaccines instead of traditional and subunit ones?
"they" used all kinds of vaccines, but the MRNA ones were faster to manufacture in bulk
Will recommend Gustave Le Bon "Mass hysteria" or so. One of the books of genuine truth.
This is bullshit lol. China made an inactivated one quick.
If so it was only to save shekels at the expense of the longterm health of goyim.
will read but sound pretty blackpilling.
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The fact that you are unaware of what happened shows the globalist and the elites plan worked just as planned.

It’s time to move on anon the pandemic was 4 years ago.
Does China still put entire villages on lockdowns because they couldn't into MRNA? Need to check.
Dumb frogposter
What would you rather

Moving on, but become hypersensitive and instanteously kinetic at the mere whiff of it coming back (cause retroactivity is fruitless)
Slowly lay facts bare, settle with legal arbitration, make international law and the post ww2 foundation myth robust
>The fact that you are unaware of what happened shows the globalist and the elites plan worked just as planned.
I started on /pol/ in winter of 2020 as an election tourist so I am very well aware of that narrative but I do not want to pick a side like some sort of tribal ape and trying to find to most logical reasoning and explanation behind it all.
99% of vaccine contreversy would have been avoided if the government would have mostly opted for subunit and traditional vaccines or atleast would have recommended people under 40 to take those instead.
To me it seams like corporate greed and government incompetence but that is equally distrubing as malicious intent.
The government was not in a position to choose, and all vaccines were available for you to pick from. AstraZeneca was a readily available "traditional" adenoviral DNA vaccine, not the new MRNA one. They lost to MRNA tech in a fair competition.
>doesn't know what a viral vector vaccine is
Why are you even on /sci/? You are normiest of normie tier.

There is nothing "traditional" about viral vector vaccines, it delivers genetic code to the cell like mrna lnp just uses a different method (virus).
It may not be considered gene therapy but viral vector gene therapy uses the exact same technology and there is a thin line between the two.
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Real vaccines take years or decades to create and make safe. Often times it just fails and fails and fails. No vaccine for HIV, nor Ebola, nor Herpes, and so on. Making safe vaccines that actually protect you from infection is one of the hardest things to do in medicine. With no promise of results.

The evil reptiles that rule this planet wanted to do a world wide clinical trial of MRNA gene therapy so they lied and called it a vaccine and also unleashed Covid-19 to cause the problem+fear to prime the public to accept the solution blindly. Like always. Without the panic, fear, and mass hysteria no one would have taken the shot. The Powers That Be hoped this would get their foot in the door and now those who took the vax are psychologically primed(conditioned) to blindly accept future MRNA shots for anything or even all things. Had they rolled out shots that turn humans into GMO products without panic and mass hysteria it would have been widely rejected by all except the terminally ill who have nothing to lose.

It's highly likely this is just the first step in a long line of steps to change and control the serfs of Earth(useless eaters) via gene manipulation. You can make them docile, physically weak, or like the Vorta of Deep Space 9 you can even cripple their senses to make them more compliant slaves. The Vorta have horrible eyesight and couldn't fire a weapon if they needed to save their lives. Meanwhile the Jem'hadar soldiers of The Dominion have perfect reflexes, eyesight, and massive physical strength. However they are hyper religious and unable to mutiny from a genetic level. TPTB would become Changelings in charge of a tyrannical galactic empire all based off gene manipulation. But that long road has to start somewhere and it started with the first massive clinical trial of GMO humans.
Viral Vector vaccines have been invented in the 80s and mrna lnp since the 90s but never been authorised for public use and never been used on a massive scale before the pandemic.
Just another psyop.
Are all doctors cult members then?
US gov bans gains of function research under Obama.
Trump gets elected.
Fauci funds gains of function research because he does not respect trump.
He partnered with his long time friend Peter Daszik who runs EcoHealth Alliance.
EcoHealth Alliance partners with Chinese Wuhan Research Lab.
Virus leaked out due to human error.
Trump said its a nothing burger since it was a slow ramp up at first.
Media claimed Trump was wrong and claimed it would be the end of humanity, the doomsday because they dont like Trump
Trump said just use ivermectin and common sense
Media said its wrong and that Trump isn't a doctor, the media is the doctor.
They get Fauci to comment.
Fauci and Daszik immediately says Trump is wrong
CDC doctors does study. Find out its from artificial manmade virus.
Trump latches on, says its a Chinese lab leak virus.
Media says Trump is wrong.
They turn to their rent-an-expert duo.
Fauci and Daszik says, its not lab leak, its a bat and a pangolin having sex in Chinese wet market virus
And if you say its a Chinese lab leak virus, you're racist!!!
Also, for the vaccine, since Trump said, use common sense/ivermectin/etc, they promote something else, the DNA altering vaccine.
The cautious sound alarm that this new DNA altering technology hasn't been tested yet
They say you're a Right wing Trump voting Nazi if you question the vaccine, its efficacy, etc
New president comes, they pump out trillions into these DNA altering vaccine companies
Because you have to show support for things that you said is true because Trump is wrong
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in theory temporary genetic modification of the immune system can instill a lasting response in general biological functions. the theory is sound but the practice is not as good as they expected. this can legitimately give people cancer and make all their problems a lot worse
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Everything went to shit after the Epstein stuff. Demons are scared of losing their power. Bill Gates has assured the next virus will finish the job exterminating 90% of humans, so their satanic club will have absolute control of the world. In order to have plausible deniability they even released AI technology to generate fake images and video, just in case their child fucking activities get wildly distributed.
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Have you guys read the rockafellas scenarios for the future of technology written in 2009? They already planned this. In this, it has the pandemic scenario mentioned as well as the withdrawal of Afghanistan both of which happened.

The elites aren’t stupid anons you guys are
homeless people often sign up for drug tests to make money
it was to bait out anti vaxxers and slowly kill them off
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>Why did they use these new genetic vaccines instead of traditional and subunit ones?

First of all, RNA vaccines are absolutely nothing new. They've been studied and manipulated for over 25 years.

Secondly, traditional vaccines use dead or deactivated/weakened viruses. This is more dangerous and less practical, because with mRNA, less time is wasted preparing the vaccine, and the body is left to do the job.

Was it really just a slightly stronger flu?

First of all, it's not the same type of virus. Secondly, even if viruses have preferred tissues/organs in which they develop, this isn't necessarily always true. Even if a virus is known to infect the respiratory tract, for example, it's not uncommon for the virus, given the right conditions, to infect other organs or tissues. This was the case with the covid virus, a respiratory infection, but they could also infect and disrupt other types of tissue or organ, such as nerves (which is why one of the symptoms was loss of smell) or heart tissue and even muscles.
I know
OP, let it go, homie.
what part of "dont sound like a schizo" did you misunderstand?
>Was it really just a slightly stronger flu?
Influenza doesn't spread via aerosols, Covid-19 does. Huge difference.
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here is a helpful graph
Bad faith argument. This is the first time such gene therapies have been deployed on humans. The notion that traditional vaccines are more dangerous requires evidence my nigger.
Realistically, yes.
Nobody but people with some degree of psychopathy want to spend over 10 years training basically to deal with old people's bodies and bodily fluids in one form or another in exchange for money, all while reciting the facts (or not) taught by the textbooks and pharma-paid clinical studies with no room for critical thinking whatsoever. It's basically the opposite of a vocation like math where people go through difficult training just because they love it and the pay is shit.
there's no virus, no new disease, no pandemic. unless you're willing to accept this option, there's no point in any discussion.
Not that guy but if truth is schizophrenic then what you gonna do. You may as well ask "what's 1+1 and don't say 2". Real vaccines do take immense time and effort to develop and make safe, there's just no way to do that for a seasonal flu. Jews create a hysteria and then experiment with gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine to take advantage of the panic. Most of the planet proved to be totally compliant which further incentivizes these kinds of schemes.
Would make sense consedering almost all of them took the expermental mystery juice that can potentially be poison.
>Why did they use these new genetic vaccines instead of traditional and subunit ones?
digitalization. mrna vaccines don't require physical "virus" (which is just cell debris anyway) but only a genetic sequence downloaded from the internet.
In a fair world you would be skinned alive and then crucified.
are you ethnically jewish?
I've changed from calling them "They" and started calling them "It". Like a hydra, it's got multiple heads but it's one monster.
Do you realize that a hydra is an ancient term for what is now called a robust network?
Sinovax was 50% effective when they rushed it out, biontech pfizer was 90+%
Public Health, and many other areas of "science" aren't about telling you the truth. They're about telling a version of the facts that get you to act in a way they think will be most beneficial.

>Scare the shit out of people and they'll avoid the virus.
>Pretend the vaccine is more safe and effective than it is and people will get vaccinated.

Add on top of that a layer (or many) of peverse profit incentives, hardcore censorship, relentless fearmongering, and boom you've got hysteria (and compliance).

Countries like New Zealand mostly did pretty well during the pandemic using these methods, but at the cost of bankrupting trust in media and institutions. Childhood vaccination rates have now gone over a cliff, in some areas and ethnicities not even hitting 50%. Sooner or later public health will need to reckon with the fact that it traded short term benefits for massive long term damage.
Maybe I mixed up the two but Sinopharm was inactivated too and it was 80% effective. But it literally doesn’t matter because the virus itself was a nothingburger and only fucked unhealthy fucks.
Government incompetence seems like the most logical narrative. They could have gone with something like novavax or sinopharm and at most and only recommend genetic ones to old people. They could had easily avoided a lot of controversy but now less people have faith in the government and that’s a good thing.
>maybe I mixed up the too.
I might have mentioned sinovac in an other thread, probably not this one.
My best guess is the 'headless monster,' or perfect storm of overlapping human interests. Doctors want to feel important, news outlets want clicks, US political parties want to stand on opposite sides of an issue during an election year, then after the issue picked up momentum, big medical companies wanted to make a buck. Otherwise I am at a loss.
Wrong. You are a complete idiot, despite catching a nice timestamp.
They are all forced to be member's of the same organization, the AMA, if they want to have their authority recognized by the government.
That doesn't explain the huge R0 difference between flu and c19, so I remain skeptical.
If the result is real, other papers will follow.

Wen chainlink moon sars?
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We've been telling you for years you stupid frogposting dipshit. You don't deserve to have your hand held any longer if you're too upset and squirming in your seat over it because it got "political".
Go find another board to spam low-IQ consumer memes

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