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Is intelligence nature or nurture?
If by intelligence you mean IQ, then both, but mostly nature. Although It becomes almost entirely nature the older you get
(heritability of IQ increase with age)
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IQ capability is genetic. This was proven decades ago. Only insane SJWs and trannys ignore this science.

There is a reason there is no 1st world black nation on the planet

>b but white people

White people dominated which means they are scientifically superior. Deal with it retards. The scientific evidence is what it is. You don't have to like it, but the truth is there for you to see. You don't because you have been conditioned to not see it. Simple as

Science does not care about your feelings or identity politics
white IQ is lowering because too many retards breed at higher rates than smart people
China will take the lead from the US this century
fakse dichotomy.
nature is just compounded generations of nurture.
like a 150 year old house with mold.
its easier to tear it down and just rebuild.
Did you know Indians (dot not feather) have lower IQs than american blacks?
This claim has been debunked over and over. It’s beyond tiresome to see this /pol/ tier shit posted repeatedly on /sci/

Fuck off racist. Not welcome here.
Neither, it's a level up from nature. And nurture is intelligence over nature.
This isn't your home base, homo. Get your ass back to discord, where you and your CIA handlers belong.
>This claim has been debunked over and over.
No ... it hasnt and every single aspect of reality confirms it every singe day
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I propose we round up all the blacks low iq or not and throw them in prison camps auschwitz style and incinerate them alive. That should take care of it. What say you?

Most environmental effects are confounded and most evidence of environmental effects is just the imperfection of heritability estimates.
The woman in your webm would be very upset that she would no longer be able to reach orgasm with a man.
Sorry CHUD those are deprecated definitions. Use DSM 5
IQ mainly has to do with how much Omega 3 your mother ate when you were a fetus (ALA, DHA, and EPA).
You reverse the two retard.
Nature when you're young. As you get older nurture determines how you end up using it.
That doesn't explain the high IQs of Asians
It's because they eat a lot of fish which is good for brain health.
europeans and asians only split 40,000 years ago, compared to e.g. 75,000 years ago for aboriginals
be a good goy- i mean guy and read Sapiens, it will all make sense
What causes a human to look at it’s reflection and recognize itself?
the first time? by watching someone else look in the mirror - there's 2 of them, so the other person in the reflection must be me
Arbitrary semantics.
noun: semantics; noun: logical semantics; noun: lexical semantics

the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.
Shit bait

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