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Post and discuss math and science related books, articles, lecture notes, etc.
I plan on reading this guy. I've gotten through the first two chapters, but the second chapter was a real struggle. Currently learning a bit about topoi, so hopefully my brain can get more accustomed to this level of abstraction.

Your notes look nice, but browsing through, it seems weird that e.g. you spend so long on Schur's lemma. Also, I'm not a fan of the informal style, frequently writing in first person singular or in second person. There's a lot of unnecessary asides, while it seems you maybe skip over important details.
recommend me a good book on algebraic topology
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The moving sofa problem. My favorite maths problem ever
Love the way the japanese school treats algebraic geometry. Kato's "Heart of Cohomology" is another book I really like
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>The Earth-atmosphere system is in radiative equilibrium with a theoretical solar constant, and all global mean flux density components satisfy the theoretical expectations.
>The greenhouse effect predicted by the Arrhenius greenhouse theory is inconsistent with the existence of this radiative equilibrium.
>Hence, the CO2 greenhouse effect as used in the current global warming hypothesis is impossible.

https://files.catbox.moe/23o4uz.pdf 5.9mb
stop posting schizo garbage
not math or science
Johnathan Tooker
Heres a good one about AI being trained to tell if ppl are gay based on just pics of their face
>most recs are memes
really high-brow board here
people have been able to do that since forever ago
hes dead
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Heres one about how "green" energy is driving endangered species to extinction
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Death came for Tookie once, but he was in a neighborhood at infinity with all of the other non-trivial zeroes. Death couldn't tell the difference.
File: Ostrach 1988.pdf (2.15 MB, PDF)
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2.15 MB PDF
Natural convection within an enclosure. Trying to go through this paper since I have to figure out whether it's worth modeling airflow within an electronics box.
Heres one showing how religion increases life expectancy
>(((you))): I want science to discover the secrets of life extension
>science: Just like you asked, we discovered the secrets of life extension, enjoy
Spanier is fantastic. Hatcher is very good too. Don't read May, it's full of mistakes and will drive you insane. Bredon I found a bit bizarre and confusing. Same with Fomenko&Fuchs.
Who are you quoting? The voices in your head? Get help
>"Climate Consensus and Misinformation"
this paper completely debunks the 97% myth and shows how the lie was constructed
there is no formula for gayness you fucking noob
Politicians and Corporations intentionally and not caring killing civilians is not math or science
>ah finally a real boo-
>category theory
goddammit I prefer the schizo /pol/ pdfs more than this shit
>Carbon dioxide is a gas that is of fundamental importance to life as we know it. If its concentration in the atmosphere becomes too low, the bulk of the living things on the surface of the Earth will die, and the surface will become as barren as the other planets in the solar system
File: DP1007.pdf (2.62 MB, PDF)
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2.62 MB PDF
In this paper we have reviewed data on climate and temperatures in the past and ascertained that there have been large (non-stationary) temperature fluctuations resulting from natural causes.
Subsequently, we have summarized recent work on statistical analyses on the ability of the global climate models to track historical temperature data. These studies have demonstrated that the time series of the difference between the global temperature and the corresponding hindcast from the global climate models is non-stationary.
Thus, these studies raise serious doubts about whether the global climate models are able to distinguish natural variations in temperatures from variations caused by man-made emissions of CO2.
Carbon dioxide is more important for life on Earth than O2 is, plants can generate their own O2, but no living creature can make CO2. Life can exist without O2, but not without CO2
>Life cannot exist without CO2
Yes it can, dumbass.
no it can't
you're so stupid i actually feel bad for you
You're clearly upset and emotional for some reason or other which is why you're attempting to be insulting.

>These findings suggest that the consumption of red and processed meat are not a contributor to the development of these cardiovascular disease outcomes.
Its nice to see someone finally publish what has been plainly obvious to most of humanity for tens of thousands of years.
Ice cream prevents diabetes.
this paper always massively triggers the low IQ know-it-alls on this board.
they're all so positive they understand nutrition because "mommy said ice cream is bad for you"
>for tens of thousands of years.
several million years
An article on how first-person consciousness is evidence that physicalism is false
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Principia Qualia: Mike Johnson's theories on consciousness

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Plants use the Earth's radiant photonic field to vertically transport water and nutrients

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