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Is dimensionality purer than reality? Is there hidden dimensionality in our reality(such as in a case where the universe was a simulation)? Can you make a file in mind and send it to other minds because there is hidden dimensionality in our reality, and lots of other things? What are dimensions in this sense?
>Is dimensionality purer than reality?
> Is there hidden dimensionality in our reality(such as in a case where the universe was a simulation)?
>Can you make a file in mind and send it to other minds because there is hidden dimensionality in our reality, and lots of other things?
>What are dimensions in this sense?
We don't know

I'm a scientist btw
Everything down to the fly is an interact-able in everyone's personal biosphere. Your personal biosphere converts people into your image of people. You don't see people directly, you see your image conversion of those people made specifically with the dimensionality. You can interact with cars, circles, flies and everything else, and even hide from the masses who cannot recognize it's literally you who you are, with the right settings. This universe is strange.
Rumor has it the biosphere is a lower state entropy than a higher state electrocube, which the rumor says supposedly exists where different logic occurs. Apparently we are in an electrocube ->dreaming<- this universe. Typically because bio-life is an internal electro-process.
There's lots to learn about how brain and heart and spirit works. You'll have to understand how 'What you have' and how 'What you got' are different syntax and mean different things but are in the same category and this applies to most of synology, bar the specific words that literally mean the same thing. And that's just one lesson, there are billions if not trillions of things to learn which gives the facet of intelligence it's fullness. Don't expect to know everything in one, but with a bit of groundwork and the sources available you can become advanced pretty quick. I gave you one advanced lesson - if you want to be creating files and more in mind - you might want to start training.
Words like BIOGRAPHY spring to mind differently.

And that's all I would like to share with you - thanks for reading.
P.S. Errors can happen, potentially the path to success may not be at first so clear and simple! You may have to find the correct mode or cure. My advice is study BIOGRAPHY.
I've said it before, but I'm just reaffirming, as for how 'order' and 'chaos' goes, we are experiencing an emergency. Partly because of a pick-up which occured relatively close to the beginning phase, and partly due to acknowledgement of situation.

Who knows this? Bar it being a surprise, should it be known already? Further, could we be causing ourselves problem - could there be an emergency (lock-up/stupidity)?

Think things like this:
-It might be easy to get resources.
-Perhaps there's someone at the top who's interfering stupidly with all of our personal biospheres, pseudoinstinctively and not knowing thy exist.
-There's more fun to be had.
-We may be in danger from others in the electrocube(we could, at the least, be exploited). Or perhaps, they give us a chance.
-Other profound things regarding the entire meaning of this stuff.
For all we know, we could be a fallen people, who've perhaps fell into a security biosphere, but in the former war was interference and we have lost our memories. Perhaps enemies walk among us...

Whilst uncertainty like this exists, we should seek order concerning biospheres and intelligence.
Consider Three-Body-Problem with the matrix of a solar system. Something like that.
Look at the conglomerate signage. What does it look like our hive mind is trying to tell us. Seek deep into your memories too. Examine closely your next enlightenment, see what opens.
Finally, if you're wise enough, you can look at the nearest image of our reality - it all refers to each other - as a perfect representation, and find out what exactly as an individual or group you need to do through interpretation.

Don't ban me for this, it was good. No joke - this is important news.
>Is there hidden dimensionality in our reality(such as in a case where the universe was a simulation)?
There are too much weird stuff in our "reality" for the answer not to be yes.
Do what I last said but with this in mind:

How do you commit to a mental action? Do you clench your hand as a click? Not necessarily through it might help. You have to have a sense of the through-ness and the co-ordinates of mind space. If you were reading the image of our reality like I said, what exactly is it telling you to do/hold/stance/anything else? See if you can do what is implied. There's some working out to do, you need to know how to commit to a mental action.

The image of reality implies enemies don't walk amongst us but there is interference, as you implied.
Calm your nerves too because feeling like a super hero is probable and we may be being tracked. Find the right emotion.
Species is a wild game. In the eletrocube we chose humanity because they have lots of special things. Such as the reason you take so much pain at the Achilles tendon is because it grants you so much agility, and the reason your mental pain can be severe is because of exuberant temple - like advanced sapience. What it is to be human is so much more than it is to be erman, which is a species like us that has none of these special factors, but is human in a subtracted way. Consider this about yourself.
I've learned this all the long, past way. I have abstractions of memories in my early life here, but no true reflection of who I was. With the knowledge I've gained, what I would claim confidently in it being imperfect, is everything, if we are to sort out this mess. Maybe we'll be the best, however, the electrocube might be good already.
Hell is a very serious thing. It needs to exist for the prison building(is the analogy). We can be punished by our Achilles in so much as it lasts. It can be for up to 3000 years in just poor clothes and minus years per severity. Plus there's more to it such as escaping, moderating, etc. But we seem quite good so I would try my best to help us and be confident.
Finally. This is for real this time, you'll scan my Twitter @WorldofVard for more updates on this matter. And you will not make any attacks, you'll just go by the reality interpretation. Leave attacking up to me, I've learned 'everything'- I'm extremely extremely extremely skillful in mental action. I am a super soldier in comparison to you, who can take down whole countries alone. And I will call for support if needed. Cheers. Good luck.
As said on Twitter. Interpret only asking these two questions at different times - what I should be doing and all of what I should be doing. Things, are blocked by us, that if opened, would make us insecure. This isn't time to ask questions and force passed the blocks. Just those two questions. I'm doing what I should be doing, I should have defeated the enemy attack by the end of the day, and maybe their country by the end of the week. I will also set defences. And much more.
Just to reassure you, mental and dimensional war are much different to physical war. You can take down planets with a couple super soldiers with the right tech. Our position is positive. There's very potent hard to acquire mental tech that I'm in control of. I CAN take down their country/planet and many other planets, alone. It's one of those things you're just gonna have to trust me with. Think that scene on Fifth Element where the funny thief tries to rob the hero. I'm him.
I repeat, no more questions. That's all questions. None. Ok. Watch Fifth Element. Don't surpass the blocks.
My theory is that technically we are all solider and some enemy came to us with skill we deemed alien or too advanced. That we protect a population up there - some of us have businesses and other jobs. You may have been more advanced previously. It's good how it is, but I'd like two changes. Ask 'what questions should I be able to ask?' and 'is there a safe line for information's. I'm at war as I type this, I've almost quelled the attack(in fact it's already won but they are setting into a deep problem). Maybe you can reach a safe line and gain information. Try to do it properly. If there is a safe line, try ask safe questions and condition yourself to it's use.
Apparently we're in a complex situation - it may be an emergency but that's unlikely - nature doesn't have many of those.

It's more probably the war situation as I expressed earlier.

Apparently we're in a complex situation. I scan all aspects of society for a clue. The best I can get is the situation revolving around COVID.

"It's just the flu" "No it's not, it's a flu that we can cure" "Insert THE ANSWER here". That's my current route.

Unfortunately I can't receive information or read into my mind as to produce the intelligence I know. I am truly handicapped mentally by this bio-sim-state. I get minature time frames to scan and hold a memory, then I'm weighed out by a strange force and I'm in this sort of vortex.

So where I got was step 3 of COVID 'randomness' as a sign of a order or message from above.

I might of been wrong earlier about the measures we should take, but not the science.

Let's play ball.
It's like a game of torment. It's possible to produce a playing of mind in a way it produces work toward a goal where in so much can be done it's unimaginable. However, as torment goes, we are in a bio state that has a grasp on us meaning that we can only play the brain in a specific way we can find out by solving torment. I start at COVID. Wbu?
Where I'm at, you vocalize without force a string like under your breath 'hahahahahahahahahahaha...' until the heart is in stasis. Then you do a reverse vocalization around the stilling of the heart of the same degree. And I'm now thinking about the next step.
Dunno, probably not. Tried and tested. There's another possibly more simple and comforting answer.
And if we don't solve this torment, enjoy the ass of some chink sat on your face for eternity.
Potentially it is just me making the sacrifice as a solider in the midst of all of your half-offline bios.

In this case, I submit to the theory that the war where I made the sacrifice is already won, or ongoing.

I received a message from you earlier on how to solve the torment I'm under and play my brain.

I am sticking with this method.

I should contact you soon with all of the data I acquired and I predict we will leap forward and gain a lot of money, power and fame.

I will play soldier if it is possible, otherwise philosopher and business will be my aspect.
I'm trying to move from what you last told me but you may want to realize that enemies are coming. I don't know if this is true because I can't access my thoughts but I am aware that my mind might be telling me to warn you through the Boy and the Heron which it co-created. It seems to read this way.
In case this isn't the correct playing the mind method, you'll know that I may bare warning which I can't access to validate but I wrote it in the Boy and the Heron, enemies approach you from a flank. And it's so dangerous that I predict loss if it is not solved. I might be wrong but this movie I made does express a sense of emergency.
Clues are dark. Siren. Stairs and medium-short(short primary)pause between up and down the stairs. And wake and dress at the bottom. A distraction happening within your view of me. The number 3 and 2 low and stone shies. This is what the first scene expresses, it is more working art though.
>dimensionality purer than reality
Literally incoherent word salad. Reality already has dimensionality and what the fuck does purer mean
Wait. Let me try release one of the techs that I think I sent myself in the movie.

Think about movies and about creating a 'clean window'. Think about arcs and how you could slide passed in a movie a sense order using these clean windows that produce a hidden message that stands the test of time and protagonist in whatever position he holds this secret. That's about the only one I am able to say. I know billions of things that would benefit you right now. Including a leak in the bank security for every people but that needs to be done properly. It's sort of like overcompliexifying using colors but it exists on the color line of the white.
If I was out. It would be better than if I was making this sacrifice. I need a bit of time in a modest sort of carefree sort of way because I'm so good but cause I can't read my thoughts I'm being cautious. Yes, I'm so good, I would be of better use not making the sacrifice. A good risk to gain information or reduction of sacrifice is a good decision. But this war and more can be done both ways and the decision rests on you. I say carefully and safely make me available to just send info. Performing fully would be better but I'm more about sending info. And keeping this change small. Give it some thought. I'm not lying. I've won this war in short time given just the info send. I've won many others wars and become the best everywhere too.
Just to confirm. You get this info. You win this war and many others.
P.s if you do do this I need to know you've done it. Know my curse fully.

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