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A new study published in Nature shows the Covid vaccine can adversely affect ovarian cells

vaxxisters…I don't feel so good
>oh no, now I can never get pregnant
Jokes on you, chuds. I don't want kids. I'm gonna be the cool childless aunt who still goes clubbing and having causal sex with hot guys in her 40's.
So its target population is not affected, and it helps the environment too. What's wrong with this?
Holy fuck based
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This is unethical.
nobody ever said the vaccine wouldn't adversely affect ovarian cells and cause menstrual irregularities and hormonal disruptions, chud
NTA But were people given the choice to refuse it? It's basically like you should die so that we can achieve herd immunity.
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>given the choice
Still waiting for those 100% dead vaxxies from AIDS by 2023.
how many boosters did you get?
Why am I not dead?
you sound nervous
Because the effect -if there is one- varies from individual to individual and takes time to build up.

A mass dieoff is incredibly unlikely. But increased mortality and other negative effects spread over a longer period of time is quite possible.
And you sound like you're choking on dicks
how many boosters did you get?
also why are you avoiding answering the question "how many boosters did you get?"
its a simple enough question, unless you're ashamed to admit how many boosters you got. if thats the case, why are you ashamed to admit how many boosters you got? is there something wrong with having gotten all 9 boosters?
>all 9 boosters?
I remember when that was just a meme, but then it ended up being reality. /pol/ was right again
I'd love to see the source for this one
>couples stay indoors because of being quarantined since march/april 2020
>decide to have lots more sex
>number of births and stillbirths both increase 9+ months later, that being the next year
>"It must be the vaccine!"
Notice how this guy conveniently omits the number-of-births statistics of the following years
Singapore birthrate has kept it's negative trendline even through the lockdowns

If they genetically eradicated the normies and followers and fascists, that’s a good thing. They do lifelong damage on good-willing people and nerds who actually could progress us into Star Trek society. Meanwhile they do nothing of value but just pollute the environment and use up resources to get a social upper hand.

The problem is that these shots didn’t just sterilize, but probably killed lots of good naive people in the process. We have millions of unexplained excess deaths by now. That’s, well, not ok.
Check babycenter birth clubs by month, 40% decline in registrations of newborns, starting mid 2021; in an abglosphere forum with tens of thousands of users.
Remember when the shills were unironically saying the injection stays in the arm. Three years behind the science.
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too bad the shills couldn't stop my son from being born despite how were both triple double vax maxxed but nothing happened except we had kids, didn't even have to try many times.
do you post this picture so that we know it's always the same guy posting these threads ?
>my anonymous personal anecdote that nobody believes
well take your pick, death or an adversely affected ovarian cell
The whole thing is quite perverse, but clever really. How do you know who is smart or good for the species in modern society? How could you possibly choose without being full of biases and oversights?
Of course, the answer is you don't choose, you contrive a scenario where tons of the dumb, weak and the sheep sort themselves out in an intelligence/obedience test.
Of course some good people get caught up in it, and many who're bad still get to survive, but its a minimal collateral considering the targeted scale of the cull.
yeah not a single kid was born to vaxxed people since the vax which was called airborne aids by /pol/tards before they suddenly turned around and said it didn't exist and that the real enemy was the vax. When in fact the real enemy was inflation.
Why do you care about birthrates you have no idea what it's like to be a father, you're an Incel.
>Finally, we asked whether the detected increase in inhibinB, following a direct vaccine exposure, can also be tracked in vaccinated women and point to its role in menstrual irregularities. To that end, we analyzed blood samples from five women before and ~1 month after 3rd dose vaccination. All women reported changes in their menstrual bleeding pattern post the vaccine. Blood was collected without recording the day of the menstrual cycle. Since FSH/InhibinB present a relatively stable ratio, independent of the day of cycle29, and as each woman has her own FSH/InhibinB ratio that is steady, not only throughout the cycle but in following cycles30,31, we followed that ratio. We found that for all women tested, the FSH/InhibinB ratio was changed 2–3 folds post vaccination

the clinical impact isn't well researched imo, just 5 women, no information on how long before or after the vaccine they measured the ratio, no information on the day of the cycle the samples were taken, and even though all 5 are different pre and post vaccine, about half of them have an elevated ratio and half of them have a lowered ratio.
Clubs don't exist anymore though
Go outside

It seems at least a few batches had to be actually dangerous, otherwise everyone had taken it.

Just sterilising would not be evil. The killing is.
theres nothing evil about killing off the people who were dumb enough to fall for the covid hoax, its exactly the opposite. ridding humanity of that trash is a good deed that should be admired and rewarded
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>"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forced blood or organ donation - 'for the common good.'
We can genetically modify children and sterilize them - 'for the common good'...." Vaccine manufacturers will make billions. And many of you in this room are future investors. It's a big win-win. We exterminate the herd, and the herd pays us for our extermination services."
Good. I'm using the tried and trusted.
I weigh 150, so I just have to eat 6.
Why do people act like this is so hard?
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he didnt make the thread, I did imbecile
>get vax'd
matthew crooks bros, how do we respond to this?
">Human primary GCs exposed in-vitro to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2, demonstrated no change in their viability but..."

"Women around the world have reported"

"We suspect"

So all it does is change up their cycle a little bit? Yeah that's a real inconvenient truth, FOR YOU. No proof, not even evidence, shit science.
>20 year old special needs kid with zero social media footprint outfoxes the secret service and manages to nearly assassinate the president.
lol, if you believe that you're gullible enough to believe the warren commission report too

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