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July is here edition

Previous: >>16240293

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
I want to keep getting stronger but finding it really hard to slog to the gym after these 13 hour NICU shifts
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Genuinely how do you deal with your colleagues and classmates who think like this? Ignore them? I would say a good third of my class has this mentality.

I know so many of my peers who just nod and agree so we can all just fucking graduate without being dismissed for bigotry. There are notably two trannies in my class and both of them are insufferably vocal about trans healthcare.
Reading ekg's sucks massive dick, I hate it so much

Why stick leads on the arms and legs and torso, why not just on the dick at that point
In an ekg interpretation class atm, it's a fucking massive annoyance
which stage of training?

I just finished preclinical and we had like maybe 3 hours of EKG reading max at the cardio block all the way near the start of med school

Never again
>need new gonioscopy lens
>theyre all on back order for 6 weeks
who the fuck is ordering so many gonio lenses at the same time?
>Genuinely how do you deal with your colleagues and classmates who think like this? Ignore them?
I ignore as much as possible. It isn't worth the career hit. Once you get fully licensed in your spec you can be as based as you want.
How quickly do chemical restraints like haldol actually work?
I've seen dudes get woozy and unable to stand within 5 minutes of injection from B52 cocktail.
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I must come into terms with the fact that my balls hurt. It's difficult to masturbate every 2 days, and it's difficult to get rid of the libido just doing it once. I am a weak man who falls easily to desire. My pain is inevitable. I must walk the Way of the Painful Prostate. Only by living through the pain will I attain enlightenment.
bro the only thing i enjoy in medicine is fucking reading ecgs. Post some ecgs that u find difficult
Yesterday I was told to read an ecg where every qrs complex was less than 3 small squares. The guy had minor pleural effusions on X-ray, but this EKG was indicative of massive pericardial effusion even though the guy had zero signs of anything.

My attending told me to read it and then laughed at me when I said I didn't even know where half the fucking p waves were because they were less than a small square tall
did the patient have sinus tachycardia or electrical alternans ? low amplitude of the qrs complex can also appear in pleural effusion. It can also appear in obese patients or those with emphysema
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Yeah it can appear in SOME leads in pleural effusion, not every fucking one. The patient was sinus normocardic, we were just tracking for ckd related hf. The doctor just said the tech was slacking and that's also a valid diagnosis.
either way you have better ways to diagnose pericardial effusion than an ecg. Yeah probably the tech as slacking who knows.
previous history of MI? any q waves? maybe my man doesnt have enough myocardium to generate an amplitude
No known hx of mi, q waves were miniscule bumps even smaller than the p waves while r waves were less than 0.3mV in amplitude

It was quite grim
Well, clearly you need more imagination and suspiciousness. Focus on analizying the shit, not on reading it like some chinese character.
the only way to get better at ecgs is actually looking at as many as possible. There is a great community of the best ecg interpreters on twitter that regulalrly engage there. I learned a lot from them more than i did during my cardio rotation
anyone familiar with the OMI/NOMI paradigm?
Why are all the useful medications locked behind prescriptions? I don't have the money to see a psychiatrist and get prescribed. I have $100 in my bank account and no insurance. This is such bullshit.
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>I don't have the money to see a psychiatrist and get prescribed.
Read the Bible (KJV) and cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ. And it's free. Plenty of free Bible sites and apps and some churches will send you a free bible if you request one. Read James (only 5 chapters), John, Acts, and Romans if you want a recommendation on where to start; but it's all profitable.

It's also scientific, countless people with mental health issues give testimony of a renewed and sound mind and supernatural peace from the Lord Jesus Christ. There was one Veterans group in particular which used Scripture and the Lord Jesus to heal men who've been surrounded by death and who had real PTSD, not what it gets over-diagnosed for today to sell pills. Go look on YouTube for testimony from people who might be going through something similar to you. There's plenty of people who give identical witness testimony regarding this, nobody can deny that this is raw scientific data (but it doesn't help sell pills!).

>This is such bullshit.
The medical industrial complex is very lucrative.

Also, I won't be staying ITT to talk about this, just giving (You) personally some advice you probably wouldn't hear otherwise. You can have a personal relationship with God our Father through the Lord Jesus Christ and the steps to finding God and eternal life through Jesus are plainly laid out in Scripture.

Don't harden your heart, tomorrow is not promised, today is the day of salvation. May God bless and keep you. And it's not like you have anything to lose by giving it a genuine try and seeking in prayer and in humility according to His Word. As for praying, just speak from your heart and be honest, if you really genuinely and diligently look for God with all your heart, you will find him.
>Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
>1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
>Me: I swear I'm <12% bodyfat. BIA corroborates this! I've been permacutting since New Years after I went a little overboard with my winter bulk.
>/fit/: lmao get a DEXA retard

It would seem that anon got more than he asked for: The DEXA scan results show the following T-scores:

>Lumbar Spine: T-score -3.17
>Left Hip: T-score -3.30

Give it to me straight, doc: How fucked am I?
idk how physicians can learn all the science of the world and still believe in god. The human body is indeed complex and artistically crafted, but to say that such a creation is divinely engineered is simply naive. We as doctors should be able to differentiate between what is hand-wavey idealism and what is scientific.

I would at least accept a very different definition of god, one different from the romanticized little story in the bible. Also fuck off, tourist
what made you lose ur faith when it comes to human anatomy and what you see as a doctor?
Goddamn I missed your post. Have you completed the fosfomycin treatment already?
>Then again, i believe this is some sort of smooth muscle injury rather than infection
Your cultive is positive for E.coli, and you have a very high count of white blood cells in the spermogram (infection + inflamation), so I doubt in first instance that your problem is anything other than bacterial prostatitis.
>artistically crafted
The human body literally can't even fight the fucking flu without killing itself, the main immune defense mechanism it has is turning up the temperature until either the pathogen dies or it dies whichever comes first

The human body is a retarded hackjob built up over millions of years of "good enough to fuck"
I see an imperfect creation that managed to develop an impeccable mind. An imperfect creation that we have all vowed to fix with the help of said minds. If humans were divinely invented, our jobs would not fucking exist.

Also, my research with genetics has really proven to me that we are really nothing but a lucky chemical reaction with far too many oversights for comfort.
>The human body is a retarded hackjob built up over millions of years of "good enough to fuck"

lol very well said
>le best interpreters
It's just one test dude. That's like saying I am a master of interpreting urine tests.
Because when you don't lock them out, one day you show up with multidrug resistant prostatitis without ever having had used cipro before.
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Thankfully, somehow all those years have created me, a creature which will never breed.
Is this how you declare you're into pissplay
The one definition of god I might accept would be the force or reason or explanation for the jump between the primordial soup and the first cell
Day 20/40 of fosfomycin every 5 days. Well what I noticed is that my symptoms started after certain prostate stress (holding ejaculations for 2 days), it flared up days ago after masturbating twice in a row when my prostate was already empty. I wonder, are semen cultures really supposed to be sterile? it remains in a low flow tube close to a contaminated column of fluid, and inflammation not necessarily means infection. The semen sample also needs 3 days to be held in to analyze it. I have no doubt infection does contribute to the symptoms but this just leaves me wondering. There must be something to the prostate's biomechanics that isn't studied enough.
It doesnt take a lot of skill to interpret urinalysis brother. ECGs are crucial in life and death situations and u need to hone ur skills.
>and inflammation not necessarily means infection.
Agreed but your symptoms speak volumes.
> I wonder, are semen cultures really supposed to be sterile?
There's a threshold between normal number and pathological number of bacteria. Same happens for urine cultures.
How are you managing the pain?
I live with the pain. Ibuprofen doesn't do shit. Most of the time it's 2/10 or 3/10. One day it's testicle pain, the next day it's urethral with rectal tenesmus. I've read up to 20 ejaculations per month should help it resolve faster than complete abstinence, but ejaculations induce the flare ups about 2 or 3 hours after the deed. I will try my best to fap every 2 days but this is hard as fuck with all the porn there's around in this site.
>Gooner's Persistent Prostatitis
Do you mind if I write a paper on you, anon? You could become the model for defining a whole new disease process
Do it, and fight the myth that gooning is harmless. Do one about the risk of e.coli UTI from onahole use as well.
need to use tylenol instead. now pay me my $300 fee.
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What do we think lads
spread too far apart and not enough dosage. do 2 200mg ibuprofen, wait 2h, then 2 325mg tylenol, wait 2h, 2 ibu, etc etc.
>barely reaches half max daily dose
>not using painkillers synergistically
gooner is premed confirmed
>the eye is connected to the furthest part of the brain from it
post the stupidest shit you know about the body
>the thalamus doesn't exist
nigger tier neuroanatomy
Gooner is a traumatologist*
Do you believe the testimony of people who've been cured of their PTSD by taking mushrooms?
Is it true that benadryl reduces anxiety?

I'm talking about psych meds, not antibiotics.
it's a sedative, but not an anxiolytic
dicks were made to fuck women, but the funniest part is im still a virgin.
Most will fuck up your heart and the rest of your nerves. Others increase the chance to kill yourself. They must be observed.
i will lose mine on thursday which is one day after i finish medschool. I am afraid god will punish me and smite me bcz of this.
how do you know?
maybe it's transactional
I should just hire an escort to give me cuddles while we talk about Wagner
otherwise I'll never experience it since women are uneducated and unmotivated
pay her to study it beforehand too
>maybe it's transactional
>paying for sex
guy thinks he's special because he likes opera
I am special
My previous gf didn't like opera but sat through it anyway
>getting riled up because someone answered a question with a (not entirely earnest) guess
something you need to get off your chest? want to talk about it buddy?
The SGN is near the front doe
You shouldn't be paying for sex.
my second gf is a european girl who is going crazy over me. I told her i am a virgin cuz i am a practicing muslim, when she first told me she likes me. I honestly thought this way she will leave me alone cuz i am scared god will punihs me. This only made her want me more. So far she has sucked my dick twice and i have fingered her. I am thinking i am already deep in sin so i might as well just do it. I am also slowly losing my faith sadly. And now we are together :)
Maybe God will be asleep when you do the needful.
i am a muslim not a jew anon
Are you a part of a rape gang?
mind pointing me to the post advocating for whoremongering?
You automatically equated some dude losing his virginity to him paying for sex. All I said in response was that you shouldn't be paying for sex.
You don't want it named after you?
i made a joking guess because another anon asked why he knew the exact date in advance, something which isn't really all that common when it comes to losing your virginity, then you immediately extrapolated me being in support/using prostitution from that
learn to take a joke and also critical thinking, goddamn
>deus ex machina
You shouldn't be paying for sex. I know from experience. I was so desperate to lose my virginity that I paid for an escort. I exported my innocence and imported an STD.
yeah, no shit
never implied one should
so was i right on the money when posting >>16265821 ? lmao
>my innocence
are you a girl from the 17th century?
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It felt good during that moment but I felt an overwhelming sense of dread once I finished.

That said, I believe that people shouldn't be so anxious to lose their virginities. Ideally, you should only lose your virginity with someone you love. It's sad to see men so desperate to lose their virginities that they either pay for it (like I did) or have sex with women they're not attracted to. The only respite I have is that the women I lost my virginity to wasn't a fat chick.
Can you stupid premeds fuck off to /r9k/? Get the fuck out. See OP, this is what happens when you leave the medicine out of this fucking thread.
Who says I ain't a gooner myself?
Should the government stop limiting the number of doctors?
Question to docs: is environmental health advocacy leadership and pubs (both in newspapers and in actual medical journals) in med school something that can negatively affect you for residency? It's not exclusively partisan but more talking about the public health impact of fossil fuel stuff.
Just worried about chud PDs and such
bruh, you got the bone density of a postmenopausal woman.

To be fair, the gov't isn't the limiter. There's more residency slots than there are applicants.

The limits come from accrediting medschool agency in America.

Depends on the specialty, but most specialties are fairly left leaning, and would think of that as a good resume builder.
>"Hi there. Out of all the things that you feel which bothers you the most?"
Can you please get the fuck out?
>I'm talking about psych meds,

antipsychotics and mood stabilizers all have garbage side effects

antidepressants all give you serious withdrawal
Yesterday night adult patient complained high fever T: 39 with swab test positive for covid. She's also allergic to paracetamol. What do now med?
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Anons.... I don't feel so good...
use ibuprofen dumbass
Keep the temperature down with NSAIDS and constant baths. Even then fever is the least of the concerns, she needs vigilance and don't doubt to intubate if she looks way too fatigued with laborious breathing.

I wouldn't give her steroids until her lungs are absolutely drowning in snot.
Good, I was on the fence about writing it but no longer
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What is the function of the brachioradial muscle? Such an odd origin and insertion. Is it some sort of vestigial muscle better stability in quadrupedal locomotion?
If I want forearm flexion I already have Brachial and Biceps. This muscle is the only humeral muscle inserting so far in the forearm, it looks like at that position it should serve to do a powerful lever, however it's placed in the radius which is rather unstable due to its rotating nature, and there's no other equivalent muscle for the cubit. either. The rest of insertions in the area are all carpal that serve as levers for the hand. This really is a rather strange muscle and its volume also tells it's well used.
If obgyns want to fill their appointment slots looking at dicks/gaping holes that's one less dick/gaping hole I have to look at.
If you are taking antipsychotics/mood stabilizers the alternative is having you life fall apart and living in hell. The side effect profile isn't that bad especially if the prescribing physician isn't a fucking retard.

Antidepressant withdrawal is not bad at all and can be completely avoided with a taper, or by not using an SSRI.

If your "psych meds" are benzodiazepines god help you
>self limiting viral infection
>asks 4chan for advice
>provides no history besides allergies, not even an age
I have spent 10 years being accused of hypochondria and "somatic health delusions" over my belief that I have a neurodegenerative disease.

my neurologist being highly experienced and educated has confirmed that I am dying from a neurodegenerative disease... however other doctors who have no experience In neurology are constantly attacking me with accusations of hypochondria and "somatic illness anxiety"

I was also diagnosed with the disease POTS a neurological disease of the heart caused by brain damage or disease.

here is a recording of a psychiatrist interrogating me over what they claim are delusions about my health

Listen anon, change your whole diet and environment. There are plenty of possibilities for things that cause this that you cant control, but then there are some things which you can. Diet and environment. Habits as well if they are particularly unusual or very high frequency. For example, if you sniff glue while building model airplanes all day every day. Only kick prescriptions after applying the above. It doesnt matter what title they have, dont let npcs gaslight you,
what the hell do derms do to get paid that much?
Do you take any nootropics?
Evidently they're not paid to follow up on my patients after telling me that the patient with generalized purpura had generalized purpura.
As a white guy, the only bonus points I get are from being a first gen student/coming from a poor background, but I hate playing up the "woe is me" shit
happy 4th of july, /med/bros.
>poor background
>inb4 you're one of those richfags that pretends to be poor
Many such cases at my school.
I have a week and a half before Step 2, anything I should be doing last minute? I was planning on finishing Amboss biostats/ethics, taking the last UWSA and the Free 120, maybe review my old practice tests.
Market demand, marketable drugs.
Why the fuck are you paying a derm to tell you someone has a hematologic disease?
weird ass cutaneous presentation of a vasculitis, didn't fit the textbook even closely for any process. Attending paged derm and heme

We may write something about it
forearm mogging
Is there a trick to publishing in journals?
A cross-sectional observational study i was working got on rejected for "Convenience sampling", because all subjects were from the same university clinic.
My professors dont help me for shit in this, so im genuinely at a loss as to why they rejected the paper.
This is the third time a thesis i was working on got rejected, i am starting to wonder if it isnt actually me who is doing something wrong
Literally just make friends with somebody at another hospital and ask them to collaborate by collecting data at their hospital too so you can build a larger dataset

If you're only pulling from people at your single university clinic for something that is specific to that area it's probably not generalizable or useful to anybody else outside your clinic
i keep reading articles where samples sizes were nothing but people from a single clinic, i am going to hop from journal to journal until someone accepts me
Maybe the real data we were collecting were the friends we made along the way
Co-residents are beginning to realize how autistic I am. I fit in for the first week but now people are starting to look at me with disgust. It's over bros
Peds here. I'm beginning to think all the other specialties laugh at us behind our backs...........
I mean a pedestrian isn't a medical specialty anon
How about you stop sending bullshit papers that only worsen the replication crisis?

Do you think your trash requisite paper will make a true breakthrough in medicine?
Maybe colleges shouldn't require PhDs/research for certain specialties...
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Maybe you shouldn't apply to those specialties if you don't have genuine interest in research (and the funds to carry them out).
>they hated him he trolled in the q3.7 days 'woe is me i'm not in a relationship post'.
I've been seeing a lot of posts like that. People need to get better with just going solo.
sorry for the reddit posts bros. greetings from kazakhstan
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>urologist sees so many dicks she can only get off on weird fetishes
nah, I know those types though
kids driving bmws and lexuses talking about how broke they are

then they'll tell stories about their family's lake house or going to europe as a kid
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well, what do you expect to happen when you incentivize people to engage in research which they don't actually give a shit about and will be almost wholly useless to them in their career?

bad incentive structures lead to bad outcomes, it's basic economics
Then they are not harsh enough.
I would like to learn about how tendons and articular capsules become stronger, where should I start? a physiatry book?
Also, how do fine motor coordination acquisition works? From guitar courses I have heard that speed training ends up bettering coordination even if the exercise is done roughly at first, and is more effective than repeating careful slow movements.
female urologist is a red flag
The urologist is a male. You retards need better reading comprehension.
I took a couple day break after feeling like I'm not retaining much information, and now I'm dreading starting up again just to not learn anything again. Being retarded sucks.
>especially if the prescribing physician isn't a fucking retard.

psychiatrists arent stupid but most of them are lazy and care primarily about money

good luck getting an urgent med adjustment with a 4 month followup
they can also see 40-50 patients in a standard workday. compare that to primary care which is 15-20
>says he is diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease but doesnt actually state what it is, let alone his symptoms
>posts a random shitty image of ventriculomegaly, which is a nonspecific and common finding among schizophrenics
>says he has POTS, which is now commonly overdiagnosed and mostly psychogenic... which is also part of the "tiktok triad" with tourettes and ehlers danlos
>posts a psychiatrists home address and home number online and doxxes him to get people to harass him to ruin his life because he cant get his way

you psych patients are the fucking worst. no wonder your own physicians cant deal with you
>taking the last UWSA
dont bother with uwsa3, stick to uwsa2

i took step 2 last week, it was overall doable but very strange...very heavy on ethics, quality/safety and biostats was mostly abstracts/drug ads, only 1 calculation. many of the medicine questions were in an HPI/chart format. risk factors/screening and vaccines were not as high yield as people used to say, and those questions were more indirect.
time was a bit of a struggle.
had 4 auscultation questions and 4 arrow phys questions that you kinda just know or you dont

flipping through a step 1 book woudnt hurt either, i had some random low yield stuff show up like knowing long term complications of neurocutaneous disorders
theres a cranial nerve "zero" thats either vestigial or related to mating/pheromones

theres also a bunk theory called "type 3 diabetes" to link alzheimers and diabetes
>abstracts/drug ads
Man I hate that shit. I end up wasting so much time on those types of questions.
yeah just practice them on amboss
they were mostly okay, but definitely sucked up time. if you get a block of 38, its cuz theres a drug ad

i also had 2 questions on my test that were 2 parters with the first part as pick the best imaging modality and then "you cannot change your answer" and then it literally tells you if you got it right or wrong, so that was stressful as fuck but i got both correct.

dont really know how i did...just hoping for 231 or better for neuro but 240+ would be great
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>throat pain
>muscle pain (more so in the joints)
>problems with the memory
all of them developed within 24 hours
Sucked too much dick, which has high morbidity in the anon population
beibg 80years old and not admitting theyre not young anymore
Thanks ;_;
This is a made up disease that neurotic, time-wasting hypochondriacs like you are diagnosed with to make you shut up and go away. Anytime I see someone with a diagnosis of POTS, I read it as "personality disorder".
I would say the flu, but as it's you it is probably AIDS.
>anon thinks this video vindicates him
thank fucking god I'm not a psychiatrist or a neurologist

Sounds rheumatoid, lupus perchance.
Since we have optometrists here, do reading glasses help with eye strain even though you are capable of looking at things close for magnification sake but prolonged periods cause discomfort? How do you choose such glasses, do you try reading with a relaxed crystalline? Will using those affect your vision?
best I can do is a pinhole test and refer
You're a glasses salesman, sell me some glasses.
File deleted.
I had a dry cough for ages (I think it was an allergic reaction after a spot test on my.lip) and when I burned some toothpaste at high temps, making smoke, I think breathing in a bunch of sulphur dioxide, my cough became more productive with it loosening the mucus as well as my nose.is more runny (which I get from eating salt and some foods too). Now I dont have to cough as much as I did or just do it hving to force the cough coming up out of habit which I've stopped now. So I just wanted to say that sulphur dioxide helped my throat but not that anyone shojld breathe it in
Also because sulphur loves oxygen so much I think maybe that I stopped drinking vitamin C juice for a bit my cough started, and that could be related. I was getting a bit worried because rhe characteristic cough changed. This was ALSO around the time where I started trying to breathe thouhh my nose.more which may cause more nitrous oxide to be generated in or to go through my respiratory tract and oesophagus
You know what we shojld care more about it's women's health and how their bodies work
Not trans people or how theirs work. Actually that would completely ruin hundreds of years of giving.a shit about women for once with the confusion. Studies should be done on non pregnant women so that in thr future we can provide better care for them
Cute sociopathic voice
>Studies should be done on non pregnant women
Cue women saying they should NOT be experiments for researchers and physicians.
Fast forward and women complain that there is no research on their health and that it's all based on men. Repeat ad infinitum.
>more studies on women please
I've only heard women say this to virtue signal.
But women wouldn't come here so you must be a troon.
You guys are such fucking shit posers. I did some reading on Campbell's Physical Therapy for Children. Though it made emphasis on training children according to their age and condition, it also mentioned that physical therapy ends up being the most effective when it gets incorporated into their home life, the sessions are best performed when complex tasks are broken down, if easiness is allowed but progressively focused on achieving the expected goal, if variations of exercises are all practiced in a session, if short practices and frequent rests are used, and that Cerebral Palsy gets better outcomes with intense practices.

All in all, it seems that the keys here are active conscious effort to achieve the goal and high frequency of practice, results being expected after weeks of practice at minimum. It's kind of interesting compared to the loading of muscles causing hypertrophy but not repetitions, duration of practice or exhaustion. To get better you must overcome the challenge, though neurological growth is slow and needs a lot more encounters with the challenge.
People pay whatever price for looking good. In my country them manicure appointments are pricier than a primary care physician appointment.
name one breakthrough that was worth anyones time that got published in June, perhaps this year
i was tasked with publishing, so i will have to do so
are modern depression medications effective?
is there progress being made in developing better ones?
The biggest part of depression treatment is probably psychotherapy. The newer drugs merely have fewer side effects.
readers do help with eyestrain if you're younger depending on your problem. easiest way to see if they help without making an appt would just get some OTC +1.00D readers and try them out. if those dont help, you'll need an appt to see what the real problem is. no, using glasses doesnt make your vision worse.
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Who was right here?
Not benadryl, but it's thought that hydroxyzine may be more effective for anxiety than other antihistamines because of its weak 5-HT2a receptor antagonism. This also theoretically makes it a trip killer.
the surgeon because he is a real doctor
I am beginning medical school in Canada ~45 days from now, any tips on things to do in advance?

Currently my plan is just to find a good apartment, do a wardrobe overhaul, and relax/engage in hobbies till school starts. In addition to that, I will probably spend a little time figuring out how I plan to study/do notetaking - I am leaning toward taking very brief notes in the 'notes' section of powerpoint lectures and otherwise, simply pre-viewing lecture slides prior to attending the lecture and using Anki in the evening to review the content.

Any guidance is appreciated! :)
This video helped me make the decision to not pursue psychiatry. You are a lunatic and MUST be locked up and medicated immediately.
do good in school and become an ophthalmologist
>I've only heard women say this to virtue signal.
A PhD colleague of mind would always make sophomoric critiques of her gp/obgyn by saying that they simply dismiss all of her reported issues as being related to stress/sleep/diet, and that the reason for doing-so is because there is insufficient research on women due to the patriarchy. Naturally, all of the other young women in proximity would chime-in to agree that doctors ignore the concern of women. So tiresome.
I am presently leaning towards pursuing ortho, but I remain open-minded
we may be over correcting somewhat, but it is a real issue
True, it isn't a non-issue, but the universal experience is to attend your gp appointment and not have your perceived issues to be immediately resolved. There happens to be frequent op-eds published from feminists (and blacks) who are desperately trying to reinforce a narrative of healthcare oppression and those article titles are read by people who interpret them as being self-evidently true.
Of course, this is also ignoring the fact that negative symptoms like fatigue experienced by these cattle are a product of living a sloven lifestyle, and as such, the proper course of action to rectify these health problems are lifestyle based. Failure to provide imaging services or prescription upon request is perceived to be ignoring the patient.
I wanted to just study quizlets composed of the various chapters of a textbook, but it seems that people only turned the first few chapters into quizlets and didn't make any more. I lose all attention reading straight from the textbook compared to a quizlet. How sad.

How do we stop this?
tell them to stop smoking, vaping, or otherwise doing drugs.
How often can a patient's problem be solved by a simple change of habit?
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Sounds like a strain of AIDS, though a weaker one. Have you always used a condom during anal intercourse with other gay males?
Please consult this reference chart and locate your approximate position.
Women don't have almost the same IQ as men, not in a meaningful sense.
smoking still kills you anyway even if you quit
not true
I bought a pair of +1.00 today, it felt relatively uncomfortable. They reduced my strain about 20% but either those are not the appropriate pair or the eye strain comes from the convergence of staring at the phone for prolonged periods.

Guess I'll try to use my shitty slow tablet.
No and I'm not gay
And have had an AIDS test. I don't have aids. I don't know my HbV antibody levels
Don't wear random glasses or other pepper glasses or glasses because you 'think you need them'
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The sulphur dioxide has definitely irritated my throat hairs
And my nose: is more runny, irritated, looser phlem and more bogeys, the underneath that bit of nose on thr underside where the nostrils go is a bit irritated but it seems more serious although I wouldn't call it pain. There's definitely some breaking down in that skin there
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Why don't people with toothache just spray fluoride-containing compressed air cans into their mouth? Cold air also numbs the nerve endings

My work mainly fixes their work lol. Sadly, a lot of it is nonsense that has not been validated. It is starting to get a lot better but still. Especially now, there should be a lot of new advances in the next 3-7 years.
>tfw they say this is driving gene expression
>ok but do you know what that implies
anyways, we definitely need smarter people in cancer research.
Is sleep hygiene BS?
I've been experiencing these... patterns in the fabric of reality.
very often, but human behavior is a biological process in itself
it's why glp-1s are successful, they modify behavior
technically, they modify the signal to hunger, which generates a change in behavior.
I need dextro rotated opioid phenyll ring and leverose for my sulfinated throat
>you people still have a general
tell me of your hatred for nurseoids
also is radiology still a lifestyle speciality
I don't get why they publish this sort of biochemical gap-filling. It seems all this stuff are details without any use whatsoever, they should have their own format of publication other than the typical lengthy articles.
Only thing I hate in this thread is the premeds and career advice students. They should all fuck off to their own thread.
if someone matches gen surgery, is it appropriate for them to say "I'm a surgeon"?
I only ask because my ex gf just matched and I am resentful of her for achieving more than me
what did you match
registered nurse
I'm not in medicine I work in a datacenter
>/med/ - non-medics & career advice
oh I'm sorry, were you busy?
>have a job which requires a special license
>post here
>also is radiology still a lifestyle speciality
for salary and PTO time yes
not for the workload
while the profession still exists lol

>AI discovers over 27,000 overlooked asteroids in old telescope images

I don't believe every last drop of rads is gonna go obsolete and homeless, but the ladder to get up there in the first place will be burned to the ground in no time
thats why ophthalmology is the best (until optometry gets surgical privileges in the far far FAR future.)
instead of a makin a thread ill ask here.
>the heart isnt the only muscle that pumps blood

what are some other cool medical things people might not know, in your opinion
>""piston""" pump
>foot pump
Absolute nonsense.
If I study slowly and steadily, I remember the same amount of content as if I just skimmed through it which is just a small amount. I guess I just need to skim it 100 times to remember it all.
You don't study with purpose. You don't know the use case of the information. At that point skimming is enough. Question yourself what is the point of knowing what you just read, then read carefully and understand. Also learn to skim faster. Practice glancing the shape of words without vocalizing them in your mind.
veins carry blood but arteries carry air. hence why they are empty on autopsy
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>arteries carry air
Hello Michael dangelo

I've been seeing thing magpie and
>only saw it fly for a short about of time
>always walks around (its friend does too though)
>when it flew away from me, it only went a short way, onto a wall and behind something. Then I scared it when I came around the corner and it flew away in not such a graceful way. But again it could just have been scared
>I always see it on ground level
>when it runs away from someone I see it go to a ground level structure, like a bush far away
>also it doesn't hop around, but this could be because it's concrete
>the other magpies fly around. And crows
>it has new feathers sticking out of its wing
I want to go catch it somehow. Or have it come up to me. I think it has arthritis
I want to help it get its old feather pit and put methylene blue on the wing I think it has arthritis on

Birds with arthritis don't get cured and just have to be looked after while they run or hop around
Oof. Just as a heads up, she is taking big anesthesiologist cock on the side.
hospital graphics are now using the terms 'anesthesia provider' and 'surgeon provider'
you vill let the midlevels take over and you vill like it
nurses learn to lobby during their 'robust' education.
introduce yourself appropriately; medical student, resident physician, attending.
other than that, might as well mimic them and shoot calls to state or local senators when midlevel independent practice bills hit the floor.
Magpie provider of the anti arthritis
pretty sure I'm man enough I could drive home after general anesthesia
>until optometry gets surgical privileges
this has already started happening in a few states, for lasik at leastwd02rp
They're also advertising laser eye surgeryv(to the over 65s) in the UK now
How do you explain to your Jewish residents that you have to make sure both parents are aware of the newborn circumcision?

This is why we need to divest from Israel, this new wave are all just Jews.
This early onset colon cancer thing in the news is starting to scare me. I've been losing weight (down to 158 from 180) and my diet is better than it used to be, but I need to start working out more.
in a better world you could explain that religious delusions are secondary to medical ethics
you probably have cancer cells in your body right now
>more than 1 psych medication
>signs of dementia for more than 6 months
>iq <90
>unable to mobilise even with aids
>any use of illegal drugs (tobacco is now illegal)
>not had a job for more than a year
>any individual not of celtic or germanic ethnicity

How'd I do? Pretty easy to achieve utopia
I am literally being poisoned by the government, kek.
>tfw you don't even care anymore cause dying actually sounds good at this point
Fuck off pol
Just start systematically - elephant in the room, then rate rhythm, axis; then the p, then the pr, then the qrs, the st then the t wave. It's not that fucking hard, unless you are a premed. Fucking hell
You're the one replying to week old posts buddy.
>>not had a job for more than a year
Those poor, poor babies.
fr posts should autodelete at the average attention span of sci, so like 5 minutesvgr
>he typed as he cried and masturbated to a man with tits in his run down studio apartment with no art on the walls and no bedframe for his air mattress.
When I woke up the base of my penis was itchy. It has been itchy all day. I did sleep without much of a comforter last night due to the heat. There are occasional mosquitos in the house. It might just be a mosquito bite but there does not appear to be a visible bump. It sure does itch like a bug bite. I keep scratching but there is still no bump and the itch doesn't go away.
Really? Today when I woke up my back was itchy. Then I noticed when I lifted up my arm my armpit smelled. I went to the kitchen and my stomach started rumbling. Some hours afterwards I was doing exercise and my breath started feeling heavy and my heart was beating faster than usual, I measured my HR and it said 110, it was like this for over a minute. I think I have Orthostatic Tachycardia since I got 3 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

What do you think I have doctor? You are a doctor aren't you? All of us here are doctors after all aren't we all?
No. Give one good reason it is.
Absolutely, comrade doctor. I am a fellow of the Royal College of Dick Inspectors.
this fag has AIDS
My mom just got a liver cirrhosis diagnosis, what should i expect anons?
Failure to follow diet and quit drinking, then death.
How is society going to treat diseases like dementia and other aging related ones when the labor shortages and supply chain breakdowns and food + clean water shortages begin in earnest? How many workers will be needed in LTC facilities while they can barely feed themselves?
>meat mechanics are real doctors
And my HVAC guy is a physicist specializing in thermodynamics
just put them in homes manned by all the monkeys we import. nothing bad will happen.
that's because white people have no kids and can't propagate their societies. Without immigration the entire job market would collapse and everything would balloon in prices way more
>immigrants increase total GDP (looks good for the press)
>GDP per capita goes down (living standards of everyone else go down)
>native > immigrant
>democratic government being high time preference prefer immigration to policies that increase native fertility (the longer term and better solution)
Guaranteed you are some type of nigger.
Why do governments which incentivize having children like Norway or Sweden not have replacement level birth rates.

We are in the wealthiest time in human history yet people aren't having kids and the birth rates in third world countries which immigrants arrive from are also going down like a rock.......
>but Norway and Sweden
List their fertility policies.

>wealthiest time but first and third world birth rates going down
Mithridatism to Neoliberalism by Western Europeans is a white pill. Our birth rate is down due to long-term exposure, but non-whites who don't have a tolerance for neoliberalism suffer greater decreases in birth rate (e.g. Korea and Japan). As you have noted, this is also happening in shitskin countries too and immigrants in Western countries.
>make one reference to Greek history as a metaphor
>shitskin can't understand
Third world birth rates go down as neoliberalism turns everything much more expensive. Still the ones that are reducing their birth rate are the middle classes with aspirations and the wish to make sustainable societies. The chimps still are having 3 children per sexual partner.
What drugs make women horny?
Tell me why I shouldn't go pediatric oncology, other than
>kids will die, you will be sad
oncology is boring as fuck
At least lives you may give some fuck about are at stake and you can do research. Can't be more boring than shit like anesthesia
you make pretty shitty money compared to nearly every other specialty. the only specialties that make worse money are other pediatric specialties lmao.
>people who lack even a basic college education posting pol trash in /med/
worst thread in a while, might be worth fucking off until the election is over
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Threadly reminder that doctors were the largest professional membership of the National Socialist party (at least 50,000 members).
Medicine is the natsoc profession.
Anesthesia is full of thrilling intubations and bradicardia out of nowhere.

Oncologists can be overprotective toward the children and the subject matter, you will have to give more than one fuck for them to like you. And the children dying does is depressing as fuck, it's not just dying but seeing those with chemo-burned guts shitting blood and unable to deglute. I remember oncs would filter the suffering in their mind and still retain their sanity to a extent. Adult oncs just become straight up assholes.
Daily reminder national socialists drank water.

Water is the natsoc drink.
Well said, mein neger.
Fanta is also acceptable.
>pediatric oncology
you will be flush with referrals from midlevels who don't have more then ten disease states floating around in their skulls, all because they dont know how to work up an anemia.
>she is taking big anesthesiologist cock on the side.
surgeons dont respect anesthesiologists at all

shes probably going to be taking big cock from the chief of surgery, who is 40 years her senior
>you will be flush with referrals from midlevels who don't have more then ten disease states floating around in their skulls

this is ditto for neurology, except replace "midlevels" with "primary care doctors" who don't even know how to treat headache
attending to patient experiencing simultaneous hemoptysis and hematemesis: "don't you know that stuff is supposed to stay inside your body?"
All the actual famous doctor political figures are left wing or at least socially liberal - Virchow, Allende, Guevara, and so on. Reading Virchow is literally what got me interested in social medicine and standing up for the poor.
Do you think Boogie is faking his cancer diagnosis?

heh, i invented medicine - you cannot cheat on me.

now it is your prison sentence -
Correct me if I am incorrect.
Boogie has polycythemia vera, a myeloproliferative disease, not cancer.
It's arguably kind of cancer because it is an inappropriate production of cell lines that doesn't respond to your body's natural feedback that it's time to stop making cells. That's like, the definition of cancer.
I mean myeloproliferative diseases like polycythemia and essential thrombocytemia are still cancers, just not what you mostly see as myeloid line blood cancers (WBC and blast proliferation)
Thank you.
how did you get diagnosed with this?

> had a drug induced psychosis following psychedelic use 2 years ago, and was treated with olanzapine + valproate
> Tapered off quickly without medical supervision after being discharged
> several months later start getting burning pain followed by numbness
> see 2 neuros, MRIs come back normal except slight bulging disc in neck
> given gabapentin but didn't take
> i think it is some type of autoimmune neuropathy like SFN or CIDP as I was diagosed with indolent lymphoma as well
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Imagine if these short lived retards actually did their job
Is West Nile virus something I should be worried about? Been bitten by a lot of mosquitos last two weeks but also lifting heavy. My joints all ache. Lower back and upper back stiff, same with neck. Wrist spontaneously get shooting pain. Nervous system feels like I'm really drunk and impaired. Minor almost non-existent cough. Very tired, loss of appetite almost no libido. No idea wtf is wrong with me. Felt shooting pain deadlifting on Tuesday too. How fucked am I? This is day three of me feeling like shit but the stiffness is getting better but I'm still basically bedridden for half the day.
Oh yeah I forgot to say chills that won't go away unless I'm Uber hydrated. Like I can have a comforter on me in 75 degree weather outside and a fan on. No fever, only up to 99.7F from my cheap one going under the tongue.
Where are you being bitten by mosquitoes? You better not say florida.
My neck, arms... Jk. Not Florida. It's Wisconsin, which has a list of some scary viruses listed transmitted from mosquitoes.
Gotta ask that first, but anyhow, I'm sure it's not a viral infection, you just need to take a break from lifting. You're mucking up your body's homeostasis.
How often do you have delusionally hypochondriatic patients?
eh, theyll get over it once they grow up.
Excessive anal penetration, typically in the form of massive dildos, leads to a decrease in anal sphincter strength and an increase in anal sphincter width resulting in anal incontinence especially pronounced when the poop is loose.
Okay... Yet another reason anal sex is disgusting.
I think my CNS is torched, hopefully it recovers soon
Im a gay MD and I get rammed by my husband all the time. Although I agree, people who are into massive dildos and fisting are kinda retarded. I see it similar to like smoking a few cigarettes once a week vs 6 packs a day. Get your pleasure but don't overdo it
It's not torched anon, your skeletal muscles just need a rest.
it's more like a feat of strength than strictly for pleasure
>never have anal sex
>or any sex
>shit my pants once when i was super sick
>ever since then cant differentiate between a fart and a shit and have to tilt my ass to only let the gas out
life sucks
Squatting on, bicepcurling in, and tricep curling out massive dildoes keeps you ripped and is good for heart health
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Ever since my dad was put on blood pressure meds, he been obsessed with his blood pressure. He spends his day lying in bed measuring up to 10 times a day. At this point he eats more pills per day than he does food, and ever since then he been put on medications he been complaining about headaches and blurry eyes, which are likely just side effects. But none the less i can't talk any sense into him.
At this point im sure he needs more psychological help than anything else.
>Ever since my dad was put on blood pressure meds, he been obsessed with his blood pressure. He spends his day lying in bed measuring up to 10 times a day.
But not obsessed enough to move his (most likely overweight) ass out of bed and exercise, right?
Be nice to me Jason/Brian

Tell a doctor if blood pressure tablets are causing blurry vision, and get him more active than laying in bed all day
I wojld be worried about diabetes but an increase in ICP or the eyes is mannitose or saline
But the worry about diabetes (and his situation) would prevent me from telling someone that to do over the internet about that - which is different now bevause the thing possible cause and diabetes is different things, but that thing is still important

His toes capillary refill time should be checked as well as ocular pressure, blood pressure, blood volume and for left ventricle regurgitation as well as asking if he's been in an accident lately. And to ask about what they already asked like history of DM and family history, other signs and problems. Those like being active
Lucky it is in the eyes instead of being a nursing problem like not moving him on his bed enough and him getting gangrene etc. And the other sugar may be a clue for others
Be nice to.me Brian
You should go to the doctors and tell them this amd answer theor questions
And come back and tell me if they put you on immediate antibiotics while they wait for the tests to come back
>Excessive anal penetration, typically in the form of massive dildos, leads to a decrease in anal sphincter strength
why doesnt this lead to an increase in anal sphincter strength? usually resistive training leads to gains, am i wrong?
There's a difference between resistance training and stretching a muscle way beyond its capacity to do so. Compare this to the average dyel with zero lower back strength regularly doing heavy deadlifts for reps, it's not going to strenghten his back, it's going to fuck it up big time, possibly cause spinal disc herniation or worse.

I'd assume a regular routine with a shit-sized dildo and slow, progressive overload with slightly bigger dildos could actually strengthen the sphincter over time.
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Wow I was testing my TLC today with full breaths (barely even FEV10, I can't breathe put 4 seconds) and had fine inspiratory crackles at the end of it and it also caused me to cough
But now I'm prone and in prostulation I can fully breathe in and out
functional diseases are so strange
uh according to cnn "1 in 8 adults in the US has taken Ozempic or another GLP-1 drug, KFF survey finds"

can /med/ give me a redpilled contrarian take so i can dab on these losers who are clearly wrong about ozempic being a miracle drug, even though i have no proof of this. i just hate when people are happy is all
just wait 5years until they figure out it has an unintended consequence of sterilization.
>sterilization 2/2 GLP-1 agonist
diabetic males already has increased prevalence of ED. overweight females have increased rates of oligomenorrhea.
yeah man, definitely the GLP-1 agonist.
I'm so fucking dumb it's crazy. I feel like I learned absolutely nothing in medical school.
Ozempic will probably boost goyslop consumption considerably. When people take on diets they at least get some good source of macronutrients, now they can eat that mcshit all they want and still *look* skinny, but if you take a look at their macros it's a total mess.
That being said, ozempic is a good way to patch the issue with fatties dying all around.
It does feel like that. You will get better at whatever you're doing.
same. i wish i could be saved.
Is the Lymph system real? I tend not to believe in it
don't know what you're talking about.
I'm just coasting on preclin study. Barely doing any study on placements and docs think I'm good.
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That's something I have been thinking about lately. It's really concerning that I remember less than half of what I learned during the previous semester, which begs the question: how much will I remember by the end of the degree... I am starting to question my studying methods
Opinions on Oregon Physician Assistants (PAs) being renamed to Physician Associates?
>Physician Associates
That name can be so misleading. It makes it seem like they're doctors in training or some shit. If PAs want to play doctor, they should go to medical school.
should be illegal
if midlevels want to compete, they should do so without misrepresenting themselves
>less than half
i'd like to remember even a quarter of what i read every week. i've been re-reading the same series of notes for 5weeks and barely retain any new knowledge as i keep going through it.
the problem is not even PAs understand their scope of practice
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I have excruciating foot pain at work. When I stand for more than about 30 minutes, the sharp pain starts up. Tylenol doesn't do shit. Ibuprofen doesn't do shit. Tylenol mixed with ibuprofen doesn't do shit.

I'm hopefully going to a podiatrist this week. Hopefully they can fix it or it might be back to NEETing for me.
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>headaches and blurry eyes
headaches whatever...if blurry vision your dad's got problems
ozempic already can cause pancreatitis, and now some patients are getting a rare form of blindness
A cope for the unintelligent to crawl their way up to some undeserved respect. I hate that our society keeps pandering to mediocrity. Mid-levels refuse to understand their place
The average PA is more intelligent than the average physician.
damn. there are some hot 50year old women.

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