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>be me
>acquire scholarship in high school to attend Harvard for neuroscience and mathematics
>constantly get shit on by faculty and research directors for being le intern
>tfw smarter than literally all of them
>sperg out and seduce chaser research director always complimenting me on my hair/outfits
>get him to steal unused but highly volatile and safeguarded materials from the project we're both working on
>some faggot snitches
>both the chaser and I are charged with serious offenses for appropriating materials
>lack of physical evidence, positive character witnesses, and a good ass lawyer save my ass while chaser goes to prison for half a decade
>mfw he's getting out on bail next week
>mfw we're both still blacklisted from academia to this day despite my charges getting dismissed
>mfw i'm still using the appropriated materials to singlehandedly change the world and our understanding of human consciousness as we know it
stay on the lookout and remember this post, anons. within the next decade you'll hear about my name on the news in a manner that rightfully gives me the credit i've deserved this entire time. you'll be proud to have been there the day it was announced. i'm worried about the chaser coming back after me though and trying to put me through the wringer, legally speaking. does he have any basis? is there anything I can preemptively do so he can't fuck me over when i'm standing at the precipice of a technological and neuroscientific revolution here?!?!
>be me
Should've stopped here, kys
>he didn't get accepted into harvard

You are a delusional degenerate with severe mental health problems. In reality the material you procured was actually a sack of rat shit from the Harvard alley dumpster, and you've spent the last five years mixing in test tubes with your urine, vomit, dilation discharge and other bodily fluids. But yes you should be paranoid, your former colleague is coming for you, but not for the reason you believe.
post girlcock
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You cannot be in prison for half a decade and get bail.

At least if you’re gonna larp please make it believeable.

Now kys fag
What does you being a troon have to do with anything you posted
>be me
>know harvard only very recently (Spring ‘22) started offering double concentrations, and I’ve never heard of a neuro/math joint conc which is weird bc I’m a recent harvard alum
>know that, even if I didn’t know that, troons can’t be anything other than permanent victims

larp better anon!!!
>tfw smarter than literally all of them
no you're not. nobody with a genuinely high iq thinks that trannyism is a valid worldview.
OP, it legally depends if your charges were dismissed with or without prejudice, and whether there are any other charges that may be able to arise with current possession of the material (issue with some CBRN materials).

If you were found not guilty or charges were dismissed with prejudice and there are not other crimes you can be charged with for continuing to possess the material, then it is Double Jeopardy.

In terms of preempting illegal retribution, you can coat the front of your dwelling in 3x 10mm porcelain tiles for good rifle/frag protection, change addresses, wear body armor and disguises, or even get weapon(s).
forgot to add

>t. /g/ /k/ and /sci/'s 200IQ version of engineer doctor-lawyer
Really hate when people claim arrogantly to be more intelligent than faculty who did the exact same thing you did but also have a lot of experience.
I'd say your partner in crime deserves to tap that trussy after taking the fall for you, I bet he's really randy after half a decade too.
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