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Hey longevity trannies, antiaging research is fake and gay. You will die alone and pathetically just like all of us. Stop spamming this board with your useless scam science to shill for your web traffic. Buy an ad.

>The junior author of the retracted paper get the blame for the doctored images that they didnt make
Kek. Worms in the institutions almost guarantee that any future results come out most likely is not significant and not replicated because they're performed by fraudsters. You will not reach the escape velocity. Bahahahaha, fags.
Link here, longevity faggots. Lest you call me a liar.
I dont understand the problem, it just says that the bone marrow stem cells are not the way forward to me, we should get back to cloning embryos or china is already doing it
all of antiaging research is fake and gay. It has been shilled nonstop since the 2000s when I was a teenager and still nothing ever happen hahahahahaha.
If you like death so much, why don't you just kill yourself now?
>If you like death so much
Never said I like dying myself retard. But the constant shilling from the longevity tards based on faulty sciences has me irked for the last few months now. Faggot also called me the n word for pointing out their fantasy will not come true in this timeline.
Imagine linking longevity to troons lmao how brain rotted are you? I assume you're a christcuck?
I'm an agnostic faggot. Oh and I advocate for banning all religions. Just cant stand your bullshitery since the past couple of months. It's unbearable.
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I'm not a Christ cuck. Longevity research is typical soi boi technocratic science worship from the cult who believes in "endless progress". It's literally just a materialistic form of religious cope that tells you human immortality is possible: you just have to believe and put your faith in the Science. Longevity research and transhumanism is a quasi-relgious believe system. Even the notion of the "technological singularity" is a sort of messianic/millenialist narrative that tells of a glorious future age to come.

Even if immortality fags did succeed, the technology would only be made available to billionaires and Jews. Regular old goyim like you and me would be shit out of luck.
The immortality fantasy cope is popular amongst people who are incapable of reproduction
This has nothing to do with longevity
it does, one of the most shilled longevity topic is using STEM cell to cure diseases, clone and repair organs. embryonic stem cell research is practically banned.
Firstly stem cells aren’t an acronym so don’t need to be capitalised and secondly stem cell research has faced many other obstacles anyway. Longevity research has gone to the rejuvenation through Yamanaka factors route which is completely different to this paper.
no he meant STEMcels BTFO
>STEM cell
god you people are dumb
ah the anti-white troon dude. he's megavaxxed btw
based anti-antiaging op
>The post has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the article.
Classic misinformation from /pol/tards who have the scientific culture of an oyster.
>being this obsessed with /pol/
>linking longevity to troons
>linking TRANShumanism to TRANSgenderism
>people who want to do weird stuff to themselves to defy nature
yeah I don't see the link either
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>one study is problematic
>therefore all studies are problematic.

Explain to me the logical fallacy here.
People are corrupt. So naturally science will be corrupt as well. No different than religion or anything else.
>I'm an agnostic faggot. Oh and I advocate for banning all religions.
It doesn't sound like you're agnostic lol.
low iq people lack self awareness so they're prone to contradicting themselves
>dumb things are dumb
stem cells are just another line of pie in the sky soiyence lies which appeal to gullible idiots who've seen too much sci-fi and are too dumb to differentiate between movies and reality.
anyone remember fullerenes? same style of scam. someone won a nobel for that junk and its completely worthless
The stemcel in his final form after decades of indoctrination in state-sponsored brainwashing centers.
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Worthless? I thought bucky balls were going to be used as molecular cages. You could think of it like nanoscale hands, a practical route to Feynman's vision of colonizing the bottom.
this has nothing to do with longevity you nigger. You can still rejuvenate any cell of the body with yamanaka factors. It's done every day.
Why are there so many creationist morons spewing their anti science shit all over this board?
You shit for brains have no understanding of science, or even high school level mathematics. You're literally morons. Your hatred of sciencepl purely comes from the fact that you hate evolution. It's so obvious
You can be a pro-science/futurist without being a soi cringe redditor and wanting immortality only to consume media forever.

Also you may be confusing religious faith with optimism. Both accompany this particular topic but they are different. Try having some nuance.
>Even if immortality fags did succeed, the technology would only be made available to billionaires and Jews. Regular old goyim like you and me would be shit out of luck.
Transgenders do wierd stuff to themselves and cause selfharm
Transhumanist would advocate doing wierd stuff to themselves to overcome the human condition.
While OP is clearly a massive faggot, the article was an interesting read though. It's the sort of thing I'd expect a BobbyBroccoli video about.
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Why does it take 22 years to call an article BS ? 22 years without replication is ridiculous when we’re talking about something so hyped up.
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The southern hemisphere doesn't want people to live longer because it makes their giant piles of scam children lose biological value. Nigs sqwack and kikes make problems to cover for them. Op is sour grapes that he wants people to die alone though.
>It has been shilled nonstop since the 2000s
its been shilled way longer than that. ponce de leon was given a fortune to go searching for the fountain of youth 500 years ago
>like many other fields of biology/medicine, antiaging research is full of fake and fradulent results
its not just biology/medicine, every field of science is plagued by non-christians committing large scale fraud
Careful with the edge anon your mom’s gonna freak when she hears about this
>t. butthurt tranny
What even matters at this point?
Nothing physical.
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virtue signaling and getting rich all bureaucrats and merchants, exactly like the first day of the republic.
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>highest ever cited retracted work
makes you wonder what the previous record holder was
good pic
Why don't all of the papers that cited the retracted paper also get retracted? The initial retraction demonstrates that those paper citing it are based on false premises
That's right.
Because the retracted paper is unlikely the single one foundational premise that other papers depend on. For example it could simply be used as a point of discussion (e.g. we found this result in liver stem cells but they found this other result in marrow stem cells).

A research paper cites around 50--150 other papers.
so what? if a paper is based on a false premise then the contents of that paper are false.
>I don't care if muh soiyence is fake and wrong
>muh papers muffuguh
>muh publications
>muh CV an sheeeeiiiiiiiiitttt
this is what """scientists"""" actually believe
>this is what """scientists"""" actually believe
atheists don't have consistent beliefs systems, atheists are faithless, they make up and change their stories to fit their egotistical selfish desires as they go along

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