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Why do scientist need money to do things like go to space or cure diseases? It's not like money magically creates resources we have all the tools to pretty much do whatever we want, why would money be a factor?
Because we need money to live, and if you aren't making money, you are losing money.
because scientists like to cum and poop on everything
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Most get programmed by the school system to only move unless money is involved

Pretty sad really, its so stamped into them that they grow to fear the ones who decidecnot to be coin operated automatons
You are free to do it for free.
Scientists usually don’t use the same shitty equipment that the average high schooler encounters in a science class. If the money for expensive equipment comes out of the scientist’s pockets, how are they supposed to buy necessities to live?
Money is just an accounting system to keep track of things, its not a limiting factor on anything. Even a full soviet command economy where some king decrees things to get done would require an accounting system.
Soviets tried to ditch money by planning production and consumption strictly in terms of physical inputs. Like they would have recipes of what resources it took to build a truck or a house, and then plan budgets in terms of ingredients and man-hours rather than some money abstraction. Then they would order things to "get done". Existing resources and labor would get mixed at the planned recipe-formulas and products were physically created.
The initial idea was to then just give people physical compensation, like housing, clothing, bags of food, rather than money.
This idea is still used today at least for analysis of economies, and for non-central planning. Called input-output models.
Now, the soviets had A LOT of scientists, they alloted many physical resources to science, so essentially the farmers and factory workers had to hand over more of their physical production to SCIENCE
Why do you need internet forums to post your thoughts?
It's not like forums magically create ideas, you have all the tools to pretty much think whatever you want, why would internet forums be a factor in your retarded musings?
they want to get money without earning it because they're greedy, simple as
If scientists are so smart, why can't they figure out how earn the money they claim they need instead of greedily demanding handouts like a helpless welfare case?
Greedily demanding handouts is the smart thing to do. I don't make the rules.
That isn't what they do though, they do like elon and secure funding in exchange for huge promises that won't have to be delivered until the the promiser and promisee are long dead.
This sounds like a 6 y/o kid asking stupid questions to his parents.
>science in 1890: i need $10 million dollars to invent the flying machine
>*proceeds to invent nothing*
>a couple decades later two farm kids from rural nowhere who never even went to high school invent the flying machine using less than $100 of their own money
Materials to build things cost money
Machines to make things out of material cost money
Eating, drinking and shelter cost money
Electricity costs money
Internet and phone costs money
Papers "cost money"

What do you think we live on photosynthesis?
>why can't they figure out how earn the money they claim they need instead of greedily demanding handouts like a helpless welfare case?
Because scientists are workers, not financiers, and workers are not responsible for procuring their own capital. Workers get capital to work, they add the work and the product of work+capital belongs to the financier.
Ther workers on their own are free to ask for capital or just go where the capital is. What scientists do is what all workers do, they dont beg for handouts but for capital to work.
>scientists are workers
no they aren't. publishing replication crisis papers isn't work. workers produce something of legitimate value, scientists don't
>t. retard who doesn't even understand the technology produced by multitudes of scientists that he is using right now to make his retarded opinions known by a worldwide audience
sorry I will remember to draw some magic circles next time and just materialise a space ship.
How silly of me to buy the parts and materials needed for construction and paying my workers so they don't starve
Be like Nike and just do it. You are morbidly obese, eating isn't your problem, eating too much is.
>. publishing replication crisis papers isn't work
Yes it is
>workers produce something of legitimate value,
The labor theory of value was proven to be a sham. The market has valued Science! as a high value product and pays for it. Quiet simply, rich people pay scientists to work for them, they provide them with the neccessary tools and pay their salaries, as they believe that scientific work is worth a lot more than what it costs to pay scientists and their tools.
Your preferences here dont matter, the market has spoken
you're not a scientist and you aren't building a spacecraft
>Two characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder are:[28]
>A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior)
>A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, wealth, beauty, or ideal love.

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