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Have you ever noticed how high IQ individuals almost spend zero time listening to music every day, whilst midwits and low IQs tend to always put something on? Now peer-reviewed science has proven that there's a heavy link between listening to music for "sensation seeking" and being retarded.

it's not a coincidence that none of the participants with a sensation score of 5 had a WAIS score over 125
interesting, it could be that reinforcing the neural networks for strong emotions uses energy and resources from the limited pool available to the brain, which could otherwise be dedicated to reinforcing analytic/reasoning networks.
Ig uess there are no free lunches. bummer.
There are studies saying intelligent people listen to music, there are studies saying that intelligent people don't listen to music. If you had real intelligence you would know that u can't trust the replication crisis science article industry. The intelligent people listen to music when they want to and it depends on which genre. People who listen to classical like Bach are usually more intelligent. people who listen to pop are usually more dumb. It's just obvious from observing reality.
As someone who got into Mensa I used to listen to challenging music until I realised how pointless it is to challenge myself with a passive activity, and now I listen to kpop and video game music while playing challenging video games instead, because with them, you have to physically participate to overcome the challenge, and there's a clear finish line to it, whilst for a Bach fugue, you just sit there and try to focus until you get it, but you can't prove that you get it so there's not even a difference between posers and people who actually overcame the challenge of understanding the fugue, and all you get for learning to appreciate the fugue is the same as from a pop song, you listen to it a few times before it gets old and your mind needs a new song. Does this sound retarded?
Maybe listening music has nothing do with intelligence.
this seems the most likely
This N=107 trash is worse than useless. I hope you realize you look incredibly dumb when you take such a study seriously.

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the only useless N is you faggot
I’m a genius and I rarely listen to music. I only listen to it in the car, but half of the time I’m usually driving in silence. I never listen to music while I study or shower or work out etc. and I’ve always never really understood it. However there was one time in college when I was depressed because I hated my courses and I would take long showers in the dark sitting in the tub listening to grunge and sad rap and shit. That was obviously to drown out my negative emotions. And I think that’s how I perceive others when they listen to music: they are drowning out their emotions/thoughts. Maybe because they have no thoughts to begin with. This could all be related to introversion and extroversion: the introverts have a richer “inner world” so they avoid things that will overstimulate them.
I'm a high IQ person with dyslexia. 130s. I almost never listen to music unless I'm drunk. I have aphantasia, no inner monologue, and feel fine driving in silence.
This. Also, out of 107 randomly selected participants, every single one conveniently has above-average IQ >>16271963
I have high iq and this post gave me hiv
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hmm buwatii bros

High IQ people listen to classical. Everyone knows this. It's not "just a stereotype".
How do they define music? pop and hip hop or mozart?
>talking to woman
>uh, so, about me, I really really like music. Im musical!!!
>Ah, so you make music?
>no, only listen
Wtf is wrong with these people
highly intelligent people don't sit on 4chan discussing this shit
I always had an inkling about this as well. I'm a math major and basically never listen to music not even in the gym, while I see normies with headphones on all day.
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>a trend this weak
>with a sample this small
>with a sample this biased (both axes - note how high the MMRSS score skews; there's almost no data below the midpoint, which is 3 despite the x-axis including a number that's off the fucking scale they're using)
>just slapping a fucking linear regression on it

what the fuck is going on with the x-axis? why are all the MMRSS score values allergic to 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, etc.? it's clearly not divided into thirds, as it should ostensibly be, or quarters (and just avoiding midpoints between integer values for some reason).

the questionnaire they used only has a 5-point Likert scale, why are they extending the x-axis to 6 (which visually displays a greater slope than the data actually contains)? ...where are they getting the non-integer values from, and if they're an average across multiple questions, why aren't they evenly spaced?

who in the hell would take any of this shit seriously?
>who in the hell would take any of this shit seriously?
OP and his fellows.
Don't care. If you can't appreciate music you're stupid, regardless of IQ
I pity people with musical anhedonia.
Yes, 120 IQ people think listening to and citing Bach makes them cultured. Obviously these 120 are highish intelligence.
We are interested in 130+ though, and those smirk if you want to impress them by humblebragging how you listen to classical music.
Listening to classical music does make you cultured by definition. It's just that being cultured doesn't make you smart.
>those smirk if you want to impress them by humblebragging how you listen to classical music.
this is the kind of tone i expect from a particularly... euphoric subset of the online population. i'd almost given up hope, thinking them extinct - outcompeted by schizos and popsci orbiters. it's refreshing to see one in the wild again, thank you anon.
130 is just the precipice of the danger zone: people smart enough to hurl themselves into oblivion as outcasts, but too dumb to make anything from the freedom. Maybe if they were to associate with each other in a constructive way, but by all appearances, they insist on coagulating, metastasizing as two sides debating on how shit/great science is, on a child's cartoon basket weaving forum no less.
The evidence speaks for itself gentlemen.
>do things
I will not fedposter
No, I did not notice because I don't associate with low IQs and midwits.
Real geniuses listen only to the music of the universe
>Have you ever noticed how high IQ individuals almost spend zero time listening to music every day, whilst midwits and low IQs tend to always put something on?
no because that would only arise from massive insecurity about my intelligence. imagine considering yourself smart while you constantly obsess about the lack of intelligence around you. youre 90iq
Participants in studies like this aren't randomly selected, retard.
If it was n=109 you'd all agree on the high level of accuracy.
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lol OP is u seen leddit TIL?

>TIL that Einstein was an accomplished violinist and often played to relax and think. His violin was fetched upward of half a million at New York auction.
I'm a low iq person who loves music. Study makes no sense!
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I'd call myself an intellectual and I'm moderately smart, though not a genius (IQ somewhere around 150), and I fully agree with the study. I never enjoyed music. It's just annoying noise to me. Never did I experience the need to listen to music. I prefer silence so I can concentrate on my own thoughts. I actively hate loud music and the NPCs who listen to it. Those animals need constant auditory stimulation because they have nothing going on inside their heads.
I mean... there is great value in multidisciplinarity. Room for a great composer to have a narrow mastery of music composition while grasping the big useful ideas of other disciplines.( or the inverse of something like a physicist or lawyer who understands the big ideas of music).
It's a legal gray area regarding music 'listeners' given the new thought control handicap devices out.
I am a 160 IQ phd student doing topology and I listen to gay porn while solving complex problems
what is "challenging music" supposed to be?
>I’m a genius

You're just shithead with high IQ. True geniuses, like Einstein who actually made use of their IQ listened to a lot of music.
Last I measured my IQ is in the 130s and I listen to Sabaton almost every day in order to keep the golden age of science alive in my heart.

>classical like Bach
Bach isn't classical music, my dude. Bach is baroque.
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I listen to music almost all the time i'm awake. It's ogre for me, isn't it?
Why do people seemingly always have IQs way above 100? There's one guy in that entire dataset whose IQ is slightly below 100.
What if i put the radio on in the car
what does that mean
what about podcast listerners, whats their average IQ
>what about podcast listerners, whats their average IQ
Those are always <90 IQ
>Bach is baroque.
they probably test university students because they were nearby the researchers' offices, willing to lose a few hours of their time, and accept a gift card as payment
>As someone who got into Mensa

kys retard lmfaooooo

t. 160 verifiable
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What does moderately smart people think about? I don't see any of you curing cancer
Nobody actually read the study but sensation seeking is just one of several categories on the assessment
It has nothing to do with enjoying music but enjoying it for a specific reason
There are some definitive rebukes to sample size argument depending on the nature of the study. At the same time, large sample sizes may be insufficient for some cases depending on study purpose and intent. For example, mRNA studies were underpowered for at-risk demographics. Which is irrelevant for jabbies because they take experimental gene therapy when testing is done on a handful of rats.
Being way high IQ I have intuitively used this as my judge of people's intelligence since probably high school.
Needing this paper as proof is proof that the authors are midwits and low IQ themselves.

At no point did I think, "hmm, this may be true can I study it?" It was just blatant in pattern and being smart I recognized it.
Cope harder probably everyone itt.
Mensa is for low confidence, 2 SD, midwits.
2 sigma is kinda shit, makes you king of the midwits.
but it's no a happy spot, you can see and understand the true geniuses for what they are while looking at the lower tier midwits and seeing how shallow they are but being aware that your own abilities are sorely lacking.
listening to music where? in dark boring room infront of computer or in real life? fuck your research
>>who in the hell would take any of this shit seriously?
it's a "big study" published in a legitimate paper. that's all you need to write 100+ clickbait articles and convince millions of retards it's true.
Well, means naturally selects for people who are in love with the idea of being smart, but have a psychological need to feel special because of that or otherwise lack the kinds of achievements that talented high IQ havers are otherwise driven to do.
That's 2 standard deviations retard.
Needing outside confirmation is a low confidence, low success trait
but you understood what i meant anyway
That's the most retarded thing I've heard today, I'd rather believe there are vaccines for autism than this shit
That's the point I'm making.
I think maybe limit your use of "but" and "otherwise" within the same run on sentence to be understood better.
Not really.
Sounds like you are making some point based on that faggot pol book no one read.
All vaccines are FOR autism.
Would be great of they made one to combat it, but...
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>midwits rushing into the thread to defend listening to music every day
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>t. pic
What I've noticed is that people with zero intellectual accomplishments will come up with all kinds of clownish proxies of what kind of non-intelligence-related traits "high IQ" people have.
What's an intellectual accomplishment?
Following instructions until and authority figure gives you a piece of paper or a medal?
Be more precise please.
This midwit (>>16277534) for instance validates my observation by confirming that what I said indeed applies to itself.
You didn't answer.
I was full ride scholarship and my wofe is a neurologist.
I own an antiquarian bookstore and a business with 15 employees.
Just wondering what arbitrary bar you are setting.

Please be more precise instead of deflecting and admitting your exact circumstance.
>You didn't answer.
And yet for some reason you felt attacked as if you knew what was meant.
I asked a question and knew the answer.
You are scared to say that this is your answer.

I enjoy tormenting midwits with faux confidence.
I never bring up my degree because they are not real accomplishments.
You WANT them to be because it's the only way you qualify as "smart".
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you like this. I was just making an observation.
All I know is that my gramma says I'm a smart young man and that's all the validation I damn well need for my wits.
>What I've noticed is that people with zero intellectual accomplishments will come up with all kinds of clownish proxies of what kind of non-intelligence-related traits "high IQ" people have.
kek. this. last century it was "high IQ people listen to Mozart", last week it was "high IQ people listen to instrumental music", this week it's "high IQ people don't listen to music at all" and so on and so forth. trust the science
So it's all meaningless at heart.
Just admit your bar is literally whatever you happened to have done.
Why do I need to admit stuff you made up because you're intellectually insecure and butthurt?
You haven't yet named what constitutes an intellectual accomplishment.
This is not a good look.
>You haven't yet named what constitutes an intellectual accomplishment.
If you explain why I need to, without sounding like an assblasted midwit, maybe I will.
>So it's all meaningless at heart.
beyond the level of dumb people passively listening to dumb music all day to distract themselves from ever having to form a thought, it probably is
>I was full ride scholarship and my wofe is a neurologist.
>I own an antiquarian bookstore and a business with 15 employees.
Sounds like zero intellectual accomplishments to me. How much music do you listen to?
>in other news, touching grass gives you herpes
sorry lads, but I don't think this semen slurping "thread" is for me.
>I don't think this semen slurping "thread" is for me.
Too bad. As a male, not slurping semen is associated with lower IQ according to actual peer-reviewed scientific studies.
What is "challenging music?" Can you post an example?
The fedposters want you to do nothing. That's why they keep declaring your lack of action, to which you of course happily acquiesce.
Give us a sampling of your thoughts.
Well, for example, I think the left and the right wing are basically the same. I also think most people have no internal monologue.
Whatever the location of the bar is, there are "intellectual" endeavors that can generally be agreed to be below it. This study doesn't really have a use. It's presenting a curiosity that elicits some discussion.
People are free to spend their time and effort doing what they please, but as for an "accomplishment," I don't think it really makes it over the bar.

>I own an antiquarian bookstore
If history is written by the winners, do the events recorded in books change at certain times when winners of major conflicts solidify their narratives?
Your original post is meaningless without defining what that means dude .
>limit political discussion to a tightly controlled range
>encourage heated debate within that range
Yes, it's all a big clown show.
>One function of democracy is to obfuscate the oligarchy.
And if you had reading comprehension you'd see I was giving examples that weren't in any way what THAT GUY surely meant.
There is history written by all sides, it's just the winners history that is generally promoted after the fact.
For instance the "civil war" has incredible depth of history from the "losing" side. So I quibble with the trite phrasing and what it suggests.
The phrase itself is a tool of repression against alternate writings and histories.

At least you answered the first part generally and didn't avoid the question.
I exampled my store specifically because of its nature of being a likely candidate for intellectual achievement by some, while not by others.

It was the middle ground between my business (not generally considered) and my wife being a neurologist (generally considerd so).
Midwits can't even though.
So to get a proper view of history, you would have to read all sides with an awareness of each set of biases and try to distill the truth out of the fog?

Really though, anyone who's apparently concerned about whether your accomplishments rise to their standards (arbitrary or not) can probably just be ignored and dismissed outright. That kind of criticism almost never comes from an honest place anyways.
>Your original post is meaningless without defining what that means dude .
Why? Also, I said "without sounding like an assblasted midwit", not "while sounding maximally like an assblasted midwit".
I don't follow you at all.
I have no concern whatsoever and never in my life have.
I don't even hang my diploma anywhere.
I'm directly discussing a topic for interest sake and for some reason there are people that have a hard time defining terms when defining terms is generally considered QUITE important.
Have to install my frames. My security. Everything I wanna purchase and gain, then I'll message you. In fact, I'll send a message sooner.
Mhh. I don't know. Looks to me like he was right about you.
>How does defining terms matter?
Holy shit listen to yourself.
Honestly no clue what he said about me.
I was replying to his weak points and refusal to define any words he used.
Probably he insulted me? I took it as 4ch turn of phrase like adding "faggot" at the end of a post or something.
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Why does it matter in this case? You should be able to explain it rationally.
ooo so close
Checked and the peak of retardation pilled.
>Sometimes defining highly ambiguous terms doesn't matter
This is your sci poster in all his glory.
Math major with adhd here. I dont agree with the anhedonia with music here as it primarily stimulates my thoughts, which are random and spontaneous. I mostly listen to the same music ive been listening to for the past 2 years while studying though. I dont actively focus on the music, its just there to keep the background processes of my brain in check to minimize distraction.
Also, most people on this board are insecure with their intelligence lmao.
>study is shit
>retard citing a shitty study gets mad
stay mad
Exactly. The fed is under resourced to actively police dissenters. Instead they rely on psyops to control the population. Though with the rise of AI that could change significantly.
Yeah, it's a cope for a lack of real accomplishments. I used to feel some of that and a sense of ennui from a lack of meaningful work. Then I went back to school for CS, got a 4.0 in community college taking all the hard science and math classes, then transferred to a top UC and graduated magna cum laude. I now work at a research institute, and have been managing my finances quite successfully. Naturally I feel quite secure in my choices and capabilities.
Faggot, what would be an acceptably high sample size according to you? Please post a peer-reviewed study supporting your personal views that has such a sample size.
Until then (and this is important):
being in MENSA means you are an average graduate from a top 50 us university topkek
Holy shit, you're dumb.
being in MENSA means you are gullible enough to pay the annual membership fee
well would you look at that, >>16278489, he took your advice

instantly and without even a trace of self-awareness
>Have you ever noticed
He’s completely right to be suspicious
Was this meme drawn by a retard?
No, I'm intelligent, which is why I know that people who respond to an advertisement asking for participants in a study isn't a random sample of the population, and that there is no reason to expect them to be of average IQ.
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I used to love music, and even got to Grade 8 in the piano. Now I usually only listen to it when I'm jogging. Almost all intelligent people I have met also enjoy it.
Is this thread a circle jerk of self proclaimed high IQ people?

>Have you ever noticed how high IQ individuals
Just the way this question is asked is so pathetic. Implying you are OBSERVING high IQ individuals on a regular basis? In the mirror apparently.
I think this was pretty obvious but it's nice to see my assumptions validated. Basically high intelligence values self-direction and mediation, which passive entertainment is completely void of when not critically analyzed.
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the membership fee isn't costly. most mensa people probably do realize it's just an interest group that filters midwits and they can always quit if it's unsatisfying or annoying.
Classical music has always been part of Western high culture. Redneck chuds seething about wigga rap don't speak for the true Western man of taste.
everybody on the internet is super smart duh.
>moderately smart
>not a genius
>IQ somewhere around 150
You mean you haven't had your IQ actually tested? No wonder you believe yourself to be in the 150 and still feel only moderately smart. At 150 IQ there is like no room on the planet in which you aren't at least solidly above average. There are just too few 150 IQ fuckers around for that to be different.

You are probably in the 120s. Or an autist and have grinded IQ tests.

Shit, I scored 150 ish on Ravens too and my professionally administered IQ test came out 20 IQ lower.
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Mad fer it!!!

Midwits thinking they're geniuses for not listening to music, also definitley not revealing themselves in lacking in creativity and artistic taste, you're not a genius if you don't listen to albums like my beautiful dark twisted fantasy, and also not clearly recognize the complete genius of the album
This is why I have a hard time trusting studies.

My assumption is they brought a bunch of negros who listen to soundcloud rap, and skewed the results.

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