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File: STIs-Stages-of-syphilis.png (950 KB, 1668x1188)
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Other than cosmetic features that could be covered with makeup, what are the diagnostic differences between the later stages of syphilis and Parkinson's disease?
Both disease seem to cause very similar loss of motor coordination and other mental difficulties
Biden is too old for syphilis, try something else and go back to >>>/pol/
You can't post anything here without triggering some massively oversensitive political activist wannabe.
And they're so stupid too
>sees thread about syphilis
>immediately leaps to the conclusion its about the president and starts getting angry and defensive
Why would they even leap to that conclusion?
It is unlikely that Biden has long covid because he isn't an anti-science chud. He has received all 10 shots of the mRNA jab. Each one protects against long covid. Besides, his track record of gaffs extend well before his Presidency and experimental gene therapy roll-out.
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The only people who got "long covid" were the ones who got vaccinated, getting all 10 shots pretty much guarantees that he has it
>Why would they even leap to that conclusion?
could it be because he is a degenerate who has all sorts of sleazy habits and owns a private island not too far from epstein's?
Syphilis can be treated and has had effective treatments for decades while Parkinson's can't reliably be treated yet and medicine is still largely experimental.
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