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Weinstein is referring to critics from /sci/ and discord, one of which frequents /sci/. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LRjAWstrPc&t=3916s
At 01:09:00 Eric calls out /sci/: "4chan has no future in science" is he right? Apparently, people from Discord and /sci/ are harrassing him and Sabine Hossenfelder. This is part of the reason why he visits /sci/ and discord less now.
>gets called out on his quackery
>goes on a schizo rant about le ebil mysoginistic 4chan trolls
>"i-i need to walk my dog"
4chan is the future of science
Why do people even give this crank any attention?
I don't see him mentioning /sci/ at all
That guy mentions Theo and Eric immediately starts nervously stuttering
The guy who implied NYU Stoneybrook is a secret anti-gravity research center is calling out 4chan for spreading misinformation.
>terrified of ed witten
>terrified of 4chan
cant make this up
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I thought whiny boy stein had a wife and kids? Sound like y’all are virgins.
By the way, this video you hear Weinstein handle that version piece of shit. Would’ve been better if he strangled him.
>Makes a living appearing on podcasts viciously attacking scientists
>Cries once 4chan makes sexists jokes about his wife
learn to speak, schizo retard
I hope he brings down this shit board desu
Fuck off I’m on the plasma donation table hard to type with a needle in my arm.
Interesting how Weinstein complains about doxxers yet deflects Theo Polya's debunking of GU by claiming no serious physicist prefers to stay anonymous (or pseudonymous for that matter). I wonder why he so desperately wants his information
sabine hossenfelder is a hack to be desu
but I really fucking doubt anyone from here is taking out the time of day to send her death threats or w/e
imagine expecting to be taken seriously when you publish your "groundbreaking" paper on april 1st lmao
back to your containment thread, muskrat
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I could've sworn this was the right tab, sorry nigga
This is just clear deflection on weinstein's part. The fact that it's been 2 years and he still refuses to have a discussion with that nguyen guy speaks volumes. Claiming he's a 4chan troll when he's got a job at Google AI is even more hilarious
this seems to give some context behind the drama http://medium.com/@carefulest/i-was-a-fan-of-eric-weinstein-now-hes-threatening-me-on-twitter-9e94d2203375
>TL;DR: Weinstein makes a discord server. One day his followers grow disillusioned of him and call him out on his bullshit. He starts banning en masse and they start an unofficial server. He claims this is a server made by 4chan trolls to stalk him and Hossenfelder
This happened 3 years ago. Did you just wake up from a coma?
desu i wouldnt be surprised if some of the resident schizos here lile bodhi or Cult of Passion would do that
dont care
I dont want to say I don't care, or that I have something better to do because I am just going to browse more threads. But these meandering narratives are not good story-telling. I feel like shitposts are objectively better content then someone pwning weinstein or whatever.
>"4chan has no future in science"
This is honestly the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It implies that some reasonable personal might conclude this anime forum has the potential to advance science in a meaningful way.
Fart over my face and woft it all around inside my mouf.
>See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LRjAWstrPc&t=3916s [Open]
Jfc what the fuck is this shit
they don't really count desubeit
you're not an anon if you aren't, well, anon
he's talking about timothy nguyens paper and trying to connect it to 4chan... timothy nguyen has nothing to do with this burning heap of trash...
>This is part of the reason why he visits /sci/ and discord less now.
Of course that faggot would come here...
This guy is a cringe machine. I'm sure his family is ashamed of him.
He thinks being seen to "call out misinformation" will make his own misinformation seem more credible. It's kind of like the way "male feminists" are always the biggest pieces of shit trying to get women to fuck them. Overcompensating.
the fact that people still blame everything on le evil 4chins is so fucking funny
>4chan has no future in science
bros... not like this. What is our response?
>4chan has no future in science"
But his circlejerk dicksword server does? Lmao
this place actually loves Sabine
yes, i know half of every thread about her is shitting on her, however...

...it's absolutely staggering that it's only half. if that's not being loved by 4chan (or at least /sci/), literally nothing is.
>1 =/= 1
>never switch doors
>small man, big women best
>snort iron chelating agents
>get all jabs
>there are non-trivial zeroes at the neighborhood of infinity, with all of cantors uncountable numbers
>the universe is equivalent to the photoshop blur function
I don't even know what he is talking about, /sci/ leads science, which is always right. There is anon even taking charge on formalizing Terryism. Aso 130 IQ and six figures starting averages.
Weinstein is likely having a midlife crisis and feels he has to punch up to make something of himself.
same level of lunacy as mandlbaur at this point
weinstein unironically has more to do with 4chan than this random google employee
Did he lose his mind lmao, someone at his ISP is stalking him?? Lol
Weinstein has no future in science (it's called projecting, Eric).
Sabine doesn't pretend to be someone she's not, so that's something going for her.
It produced a solution to a long-standing mathematical problem. In fact, it was posted on this very board.
then wait until later to reply you fucking dunce
>In an attempt to gain a better understanding of Geometric Unity, Polya commented that he’d have to see the Lagrangian in order to evaluate Weinstein’s theory. This appeared to anger Weinstein, as he went on a rant saying that this was something physicists say when they want to dismiss great ideas without any valid criticism.
Has this guy ever done anything of note?
Like, what is his work?
Can I read it?
he copyrighted his paper. you have to email him and ask for permission to read it. To make sure you aren't some 4chan troll you'll have to dox yourself and contribute to the portal project first.
fraud getting called out live on air
He made money for Peter Thiel then went into the online grifter business. He sells the idea of a dystopian establishment keeping original geniuses like him down which always sells like hot cakes.
have fun
has already been debunked
>you're getting muted bud
What a crybaby, my god
It's so painful to see his shit

He tries to call out Witten as a fraud, but quickly folds and tries to backpeddle after follow up questions from even a midwit like Rogan.
i don't believe his theory is correct but i've yet to see any real engagement on it, and unless he starts pushing it again i don't think i ever will.
OP's clip is Weinstein getting confronted on why he hasn't responded to a rebuttal of his paper and he ends up desperately trying to connect the authors to 4chan and mutes the person asking
yeah but the 'rebuttal' is actual retardation so the point stands
>This is part of the reason why he visits /sci/ and discord less now.

The fact that he visited /sci/ at all makes me think even less of him
pure schizophrenia
Didn't he first make a site like pullthatupjamie.com and came out with it on Joe Rogan? I remember it was a brutal cringenuke
No it's more like how the Jews cry about the holohoax, while being the only group in the modern civilised world who are actually committing genocide. If you are going to make a political analogy, at least choose the right one retard.
>internet culture is not an excused absence from being a human being
It is tho, go outside if you want to be human.
This. Wanna be an online grifter? Then don't expect any respect
It's still up kek
>links to Geometric Unity vids
>link to the Weinstein discord
the sudden Witten hate is so cringe and artificial. What even is it to them? So what if String Theory has had minor effect on experiment so far? It helped advance math and all other approaches, weinstein's abortion included, have done neither.
eric used his slave labor on the discord to set up the links he used on the terrence howard show
forgot the best one
It's literally the same thing.
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she knows how to entertain the masses here
tbf if you threw a shitton of resources and the smartest minds the country has at it for 50 years even general jewnity would have borne some fruits
Eric Weinstein is a money manager for Peter Thiel's investment fund

His job is a fake job given to him by a rich friend
So much this. Show the children. Especially the children of color.
It wouldn't be a muskrat containment thread if literally any other fucking superpower on the face of the planet could do cool things with rockets. We only have SpaceX to talk about because everyone else is still stuck in the stone age except for a few prototypes which are about 20 years too late.
This is some Gary excel cellular automata optimum institute shit
And he got the vaxx because he's so smart.
>Muh info available at the time
He's a typical well trained midiwt regurgitating whatever he's ingested.
bot post
>He took the vaxx
Some guy that took the vaccine and then copes by saying
>Muh information available at the time though
Basically an idiot.
>schizo makes up some schizo bullshit
>gets disagreed with
>has a schizo fit over it
>this is somehow 4chans fault
It's not people, the same way nobody gives attention to things like Amazon's Lord of the rings, but Blackrock and Vanguard do. The nose tribe supports the nose tribe.
And Rogan is not even midwit tier, more like "low-wit".
can you keep your vaxxtardation to one of the twelve containment threads? this is a wholesome physics schizo thread
And another one...
They can't stabd it because all pseud retards with degrees fall back on MUH INFO AT DA TIME when it was all there and easy to see by even actual retards in their basement.
So they really have a hard time justifying their lives after it happened.

Just repent and pray and move forward never listening to anyone that took the vaccine.
Holy shit take your fucking meds already
You - need meds.
bot post
Why are Jews like this?
>actually trying to formalize terryology
That was 10 years ago
This is pretty fucking funny. Weinstein is a narcissist to the core. He writes about himself in the third and has made himself a new holiday we should all observe.

"Eric has set April 1 as a new tradition, a day on which we are encouraged to say heretical things that we truly believe, in good faith, without fear of retribution from our employers, institutions, or communities."
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These days I can't even get a single comment on an issue with some basic group theory. Why the ever living hell are only J3 and Ru left outside of relation to M through subquotients?
Wouldn't be surprised if he shills himself on /sci/
>It produced a solution to a long-standing mathematical problem. In fact, it was posted on this very board.
He's senile
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Just because you took the meds they gave you doesn't mean everyone else needs them or should also take their meds.
Again, re evaluate your entire life if you took the vaxx.
RESTART. REPENT. But you can't just go on like it's no big deal or it's over for you intellectually.
ye she liked here GGG mature porn
>NPD: the post

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