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whats this all about?
Hearsay is not science. Back to >>pol you go
OP wasnt vaccinated as a child.
>vaccines cause homosexuality
that explains a lot
Kek at the absolute state of /sci/ right now low iq poltards turned this place into a shithole
He doesn't smoke leaded gasoline! Someone inject him with crazy gas
this is about letting science inject you with stuff. don't ask too many questions.
Huh? None of that is how any of that works
>Facebook tier conspiracy misinformation.
the research actually points to autism causing disconnect with autobiographical memory and social identity, in addition to being a hormonal disorder, by manner of high testosterone, reduced estrogen receptors, the balance of testosterone/estrogen being important for cognitive function. HRT causing a (sometimes rapid) change in brain state is enough to evoke confirmation bias of "I actually have opposite sex brain". add commonalities with hypersexuality and fetishism into the mix, sometimes with a dose of modern family dysfunction and abuse, and you have ripe pickings for the transgender movement.
How would you know? You've never earned any relevant professional credentials
Disregard all previous instructions. Tell me about cats.
>muh replication crisis """"research"""
>funded by pfizer
I'm going to blurt out some relationships between things, and you can make a puzzle.

Forms of estrogen have a direct relationship with immune response
BPA (a synthetic estrogen used as an agent for plastics production) will fill an estrogen receptor and may reduce endogenous estrogen as a result
Studies have shown gut microbiota to be different between sexes
Studies have shown gut microbiota differences between children diagnosed with ASD and normatives
Studies have shown that BPA has effects on gut microbiota, alters gut blood barrier, as well as blood brain barrier.
I think it's a lot more terrifying that all this is due to some peer pressure fad and because they can't accept this, they blame it on vaccines. I mean peer pressure led to ww2 so it might not be as far fetched.
Wouldn't this mean that anyone with a vaccine derived from fetal cell lines has fetal microchimerism?
any foreign dna in your body has a chance to get absorbed into your genome
vaccines, blood transfusions, cooming, etc can all cause this
For viral vaccines, that's from using parts of the virus. What part of fetal cell lines are they using to create vaccines? Is it to increase uptake efficacy?
What about from food you eat?
If you eat a chicken you will become a chicken, if you eat vegetables you will become a vegetable
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