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How the fuck did he manage to remain so calm during such agony?
Probably took painkillers before immolating himself and grit his teeth in stoicism.
He was self emultating
Just be yourself anon
Remember Aaron Bushnell was able to stay calm after immolating himself by shidding and farding all over an Israeli embassy. It is hard to tell what motivates someone like a monk, but Bushnell paints a clearer picture.
Aaron Bushnell lasted about two seconds before he started screaming like a little bitch. He had immediate regrets once he started feeling the heat.
An extremely advanced practitioner of certain forms of meditation (inward-looking type rather than ultra-aware mindfulness type)* could perhaps achieve this, albeit aided by some substances.
*Brain scans of two different types of meditator revealed that one was very aware of events in his surroundings (e.g. random noises), but the other was largely oblivious.
A lot of heroin?
Fuck you
You will suffer immensely for that comment, if not in your life then in your next, which might as well be an instant from now in a cosmic scale
This is the future you chose. Was it worth it?
I read burning isn't that painful after a while because your pain receptors are burnt out.
In the sutras, jhāna is entered when one 'sits down cross-legged and establishes mindfulness'. According to Buddhist tradition, it may be supported by ānāpānasati, mindfulness of breathing, a core meditative practice which can be found in almost all schools of Buddhism. The Suttapiṭaka and the Agamas describe four stages of rūpa jhāna. Rūpa refers to the material realm, in a neutral stance, as different from the kāma-realm (lust, desire) and the arūpa-realm (non-material realm).[23] While interpreted in the Theravada-tradition as describing a deepening concentration and one-pointedness, originally the jhānas seem to describe a development from investigating body and mind and abandoning unwholesome states, to perfected equanimity and watchfulness,[24] an understanding which is retained in Zen and Dzogchen.[7][24] The stock description of the jhānas, with traditional and alternative interpretations, is as follows:[24][note 5]

First jhāna:

Separated (vivicceva) from desire for sensual pleasures, separated (vivicca) from [other] unwholesome states (akusalehi dhammehi, unwholesome dhammas[25]), a bhikkhu enters upon and abides in the first jhana, which is [mental] pīti ("rapture," "joy") and [bodily] sukha ("pleasure") "born of viveka" (traditionally, "seclusion"; alternatively, "discrimination" (of dhamma's)[26][note 6]), accompanied by vitarka-vicara (traditionallly, initial and sustained attention to a meditative object; alternatively, initial inquiry and subsequent investigation[29][30][31] of dhammas (defilements[32] and wholesome thoughts[33][note 7]); also: "discursive thought"[note 8]).
Second jhāna:

Again, with the stilling of vitarka-vicara, a bhikkhu enters upon and abides in the second jhana, which is [mental] pīti and [bodily] sukha "born of samadhi" (samadhi-ji; trad. born of "concentration"; altern. "knowing but non-discursive [...] awareness,"[41] "bringing the buried latencies or samskaras into full view"[42][note 9]), and has sampasadana ("stillness,"[44] "inner tranquility"[39][note 10]) and ekaggata (unification of mind,[44] awareness) without vitarka-vicara;

Third jhāna:

With the fading away of pīti, a bhikkhu abides in upekkhā (equanimity," "affective detachment"[39][note 11]), sato (mindful) and [with] sampajañña ("fully knowing,"[45] "discerning awareness"[46]). [Still] experiencing sukha with the body, he enters upon and abides in the third jhana, on account of which the noble ones announce, "abiding in [bodily] pleasure, one is equanimous and mindful".

Fourth jhāna:

With the abandoning of [the desire for] sukha ("pleasure") and [aversion to] dukkha ("pain"[47][46]) and with the previous disappearance of [the inner movement between] somanassa ("gladness,"[48]) and domanassa ("discontent"[48]), a bhikkhu enters upon and abides in the fourth jhana, which is adukkham asukham ("neither-painful-nor-pleasurable,"[47] "freedom from pleasure and pain"[49]) and has upekkhā-sati-parisuddhi (complete purity of equanimity and mindfulness).[note 12]
Grouped into the jhāna-scheme are four meditative states referred to in the early texts as arūpa-āyatanas.[51] These are also referred to in commentarial literature as arūpa-jhānas ("formless" or "immaterial" jhānas), corresponding to the arūpa-loka (translated as the "formless realm" or the "formless dimensions"), to be distinguished from the first four jhānas (rūpa jhānas). In the Buddhist canonical texts, the word "jhāna" is never explicitly used to denote them; they are instead referred to as āyatana. However, they are sometimes mentioned in sequence after the first four jhānas (other texts, e.g. MN 121, treat them as a distinct set of attainments) and thus came to be treated by later exegetes as jhānas.[24]

The four arūpa-āyatanas/arūpa-jhānas are:

Fifth jhāna: infinite space (Pāḷi ākāsānañcāyatana, Skt. ākāśānantyāyatana)
Sixth jhāna: infinite consciousness (Pāḷi viññāṇañcāyatana, Skt. vijñānānantyāyatana)
Seventh jhāna: infinite nothingness (Pāḷi ākiñcaññāyatana, Skt. ākiṃcanyāyatana)
Eighth jhāna: neither perception nor non-perception (Pāḷi nevasaññānāsaññāyatana, Skt. naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñāyatana

This goes into how he might have done it a bit
What kind of fag sets themself on fire
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idk, looks kinda fun if u wear one of these
Those screams were from being in tantric embrace with the flames, while shidding, farding, pissing, and coming all on the israeli embassy at the same time. He was howling in passion and orgasmic bliss. Two seconds? Longer than I would have lasted lol
Have you watched the video? He took it like a champ. Stayed standing. Did yell out once but to be fair he was already yelling; "Free Palestine!", over and over, even has his mouth burned.

He was a reddit sœboy but he for sure took it like a pro if you actually watch the video. He didn't even sit down like that monk did.
>Have you watched the video?
I did. He manages two half-hearted "free Palestines" before he starts screaming. Very weak showing.
>He didn't even sit down like that monk did.
No kidding, he was running around screaming and pissing himself. Also he didn't use nearly enough lighter fluid. I'm not impressed.
>He was howling in passion and orgasmic bliss
Must have felt pretty good sticking it to Israel as the flames engulfed his testicles. I felt good, anyway.
This. No way I want to die like that but there are far worse ways to go, like boiling to death.
>I did. He manages two half-hearted "free Palestines"
He says it six times

>before he starts screaming
He kinda yelled out once but even that was nothing you wouldn't hear from anyone making great exertion, it sounded like what you hear athe gym

>he was running around screaming
You definitely did not watch the video and are lying
Its time for jhana pill. If you ain't a streamenterer, you're missing out, chuds.
He was heavily drugged by his helper monks.
He was drugs, not a schizo quantum woowoo Roger Penrose
Found the leftoid troon with 100X vaxx
once you're burning to death, it's very hard to make rational decisions.

the guy had some emotional climax, did something he could not recover from, and died as a result of the inability to recover. nothing more to it than that.
>He didn't even sit down
sitting down and staying still while your body is aflame is more difficult than standing and moving around.
He stood still, minus when his balance seemed to go. Just watch the video anon
he practiced by listening to a woman for five seconds.
Wow, you're all stupid.
When you're playing a game, do you feel pain if your health bar goes down? No.
Meditation allows you to control your body like that of a video game character.
He "felt" the pain in the sense that he knew his body was sending him those signals, but he just chose not to act on them. He didn't care.
This isn't hard to grasp, unless you're an impulsive animal living by instinct.
Meditation is fake and gay.

This video presents data from scientific studies on meditation on the negative effects of meditation which are under-reported, so this is more scientific than your baseless assertions of meditation or nonsense about video game health bars.
The worst part of being burned starts a few minutes afterward. Being burned alive is probably much more psychologically terrifying than physically painful. And once the nerve receptors are destroyed (few seconds of intense flame) they no longer signal any pain. All in all, I figure its about 10-15 seconds of agony, unless someone rushes in to "rescue" him, in which case the remainder of his life (hours, weeks, months... who knows) will be unending agony.
lmao no painkiller out there will help if you're set on fire. nothing short of unconsciousness will bypass that pain.
The rational mind cannot cope with the fact that someone can learn to accept pain to such a degree that they can self immolate
>overwhelming evidence of downsides
>no links to articles
hmm not going to do your research, get a better argument than youtube video.
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He was enlightened.
>lmao no painkiller out there will help if you're set on fire
I can't say for sure, but opiates might.
fentanyl will, its what EMTs use to save fucked up people in accidents or shootings. They will drill and saw to do quick fixes, and fentanyl makes it possible.
opiates are not magic, anon, and they won't make the process of incurring traumatic injury painless. there's a reason anesthesiologists don't simply administer an opiate by itself for surgery.
leftoid troons love their meditation mumbo jumbo streetshiter mysticism. slit your throat after you dilate buddhacuck
heh, good one carlos

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