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is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture of their face?
It's almost as if sex and gender are exactly the same thing and always were, and anything else is just a fucking mental illness.
Mentally ill freaks: I will now chop my dick then pretend to be a girl. I shall only date a real girl because I'm too much of a retard to ask the same girls out before I cut my dick. Why no, I won't date other troons!!
Mostly yes, but there are outliers.

>A.I. thinks I'm really 6 years younger than my chronological age.
>is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture of their face?
No. And the app doesn't claim to. That'd only be the case if it claimed it excluded trans men.

You're an idiot.
Facial recognition always fails to live up to expectation when used outside of it's "test database" of images which is the only real way to use it properly. This can have very dangerous consequences depending on it's application. This expectation should be baked in, expected, and planned for according, but people are just too dumb I guess.
there was an ai that was able to recognize gay faces with like 98% accuracy or something
I swear these post keep getting dumber and dumber.

Your iPhone can literally identify boy and girl in your photos just open the photos app abd you have the evidence for your answer


I want science not schizo ramblings
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This says pretty much nothing without knowing how many trannies are actually in the dataset.
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The word gender was fabricated by a pedofag. There is only male, female, and mentally ill fags like this one: >>16276601
AI can tell apart women from men, and women from mentally ill abominations.
>is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture of their face?
No. Maybe in ten years.
how often do you feel suicidal?
No transsexual person is going to go on a shitty dating site to meet a lesbian. But like any good tech company, they're avid /pol/ readers and live in an imaginary bubble.
I've never felt suicidal in my entire life. How often do you feel cucked?
Except the dating app in question in OP pic has been bogged down in court cases in Australia since it launched because a trans tried to do exactly what youbsais they wouldn't
Thank you for affirming my gender identity.
If lesbos can't even tell from pictures and are actually attracted to men in wigs, why not just date them?
They developed a gaydar AI that had about 85% accuracy for telling if a guy was gay or not. But you can't use it anymore
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We will take back this planet by reason or by force, and then vermin like you will be exterminated.
The fact of the matter is as much as trannies and libshits want to make sex and gender sepperate things its always telling when they demand people make the logical implications of sex despite them being "different." You are deluded and will in fact, never be a woman.
Trans men as in men that are trans as in xy pretending to be a woman? Yeah. A transwoman is a transgender man
my eyes also have 99% accuracy
I don't see why faggots get so upset over being recognized for what they are. They have constant pride celebrations, so how come they aren't proud to be recognized as faggots?
>I want to be accepted as a normal person
but also
>I want to be a nonconformist who is unlike all normal people

having both of those beliefs concurrently is only possible with severe mental illness
Anglo moment
somebody post the webm
you know the one
With some uncertainity yes. Now with phone armed with tranny detector life would be much easier.

I am also pro machine and computational separation, as AI are beings defined by computation, not the machine, computer itself. We shouldn't call it machine but some better name for beings composed of pure math and some noise.
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so hateful
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Maybe, I know AI is know able to predict somebody’s race with just their X-ray with near 100% accuracy. With doctors having no idea how :P
There's something deeper than race... Creed. The proper interpretation of creed is the fact there are types of mentality and physique, involving kinds like Auman, Urman, Geman, and other human creeds. You can tell because they more properly are signalling aw, Ur, ge and other. So, if you think about it, the problem doesn't stop at color, and it continues in your own colour. Fags.
Creeds can very very very slightly blend with a jigsaw key formation. Races do not blend.
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Race isn't the term. It goes 'colors', 'creeds' and there are more which follow in suit of special degrade that involve closer or further blending.
Race is a general term involving all customization, whether that's indirectly caused or caused by individuals.

The most primal customization is called 'sin'.
Blending races and creeds produces birth defects and deranged minds, a person born of black and white is definitely lesser, two creeds very very very rarely produce a upper creed.

Proof: downs syndrome
There's a realisable moral here about the seriousness of hell and heaven.
It wouldn't matter it would just be numbers, but it still must be treated morally or face death tax and perhaps revenge from it.
Or you can treat it efficiently.
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its already possible today, women and men have different skeletal structures
Transmen aren't going to be using a lesbian dating app. I bet you the AI simply checks for female specific facial characteristics and would allow transmen on the app. Because gender is madeup human nonsense, while sex actually exists.
>Roxanne Tickle
>is it really possible for software to accurately identify someone's gender from just a picture of their face?
even if it's not, you're weeding out lesbians so ugly they look like trannies, which obviously they still wouldn't want on their platform.
The new EU rules on AI banned this, by the way.
go make your own app you deranged fucking lunatic You know anyone can clock you instantly right?
Based lesbos

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