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Why do sunspots make the temperature go up? Seems like having a bunch of black blotches all over the sun should make the temperature go down
At least show us data from a real scientific article
you're only upset because you're too ill informed on this topic to answer the question
sunspot maximums come along with a small output increase from the sun.
IIRC it's because more sunspots means more solar faculae, which is where the brightness increase comes from (i.e. the increase in faculae brighten the sun more than the increase in sunspots dims it)

why, though, i have no idea. i've never been able to find a good explanation for what causes solar faculae, so maybe it's unknown.
>why, though, i have no idea.
learn the ins and outs of the planck blackbody equation and you'll understand.
kelvin is the standard temperature unit used in astronomy
>Why do sunspots make the temperature go up?
during periods of sunspots the sun is more active and the magnetic field interferes with the the cosmic ray flux through the Earth's atmosphere. More cosmic rays increase clouds, less cosmic rays fewer clouds. Not saying the cosmic rays themselves are responsible for cloud nucleation, it could be the cosmic rays and the particale spray from colisions impacting dust, other chemicals create more clouds. The relationship between cosmic ray flux and clouds was established decades ago.
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this is the correct explanation
it's also very interesting because we have a long historical record (~400 years I think) of sunspots since they are easily observable, and you can see the strong correlation with sunspots and global temperatures

I believe this general mechanism was proposed by a physicists named Svensmark and that the core physics were confirmed valid in tests at CERN. not super certain that's where testing was done but pretty Sure that was his name

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