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How does forcing everyone to be vegan prevent global warming? Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does.
It means they can increase the number of people buying vegan fake foods like fake meat instead of actual food.
For the companies that make that toxic processed crap it means they can make more sales.
LMAO, the fact the population living there didn't dismember and burn alive all their politicians and billionaires is enough evidence they were born to be slaves.
>Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does
Same hell. And don't forget that livestck have to eat and drink too.

And we can't live without crop. We can live without livestock.
>Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does.
>Raising crops
80% of current crops is used up by livestock
that's a misleading statistic
>How does forcing everyone to be vegan prevent global warming? Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does.

What do the livestock eat? Most agriculture feeds animals.

If I start a garden and eat the crops directly, I get more energy than if I fed the crops to rabbits then eat the rabbits. Animals require more farmland and energy waste. We use them because they taste good and they make nutrition easier.
Livestock is the world’s largest user of land resources, with pasture and arable land dedicated to the production of feed representing almost 80% of the total agricultural land. One-third of global arable land is used to grow feed, while 26% of the Earth’s ice-free terrestrial surface is used for grazing.
You're right. Since livestock (other than chickens which are almost 1:1, albeit with an associated water cost) convert crops to calories at a much shittier rate than crops directly eaten by humans do, that land usage is actually much worse than it sounds, since a much smaller area would be used if we didn't consume animals.

Or are you one of those "actually it's all pastures for grazing and none of that land is actually crops grown for animals to eat" motherfuckers who acts like nobody knows what corn-fed beef is?
plant-based diets aren't vegan diets, dummy
you own image says "RECOMMENDS"
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is that in australia? i think cattle is generally grain finished during the last 100 or so days.
would it be better if the land wasn't utilized for cattle? there is probably not much other use for it. you can't grow crops there. this way cows are eating mostly "grass" and then finished with grain that people probably don't want to eat anyway
>And don't forget that livestck have to eat and drink too.
dumb piece of shit. They have pastures for days in Australia.
>nooo, animals drinking/pissing is hecking killing the planet
>And we can't live without crop. We can live without livestock.
go raise rice on that dried up grassland then, fuckwit
>And we can't live without crop
why not?
>grain that people probably don't want to eat anyway
i'm guessing it is the shittier grain
With no mass extinction events, humans would not have evolved. Climate change isn't necessarily a bad thing. It'll create opportunities.
They want to rule over a brown, retarded and weak subhumanity unable to revolt, forever.
For argument's sake it is the shittier grain, why would the shittier grain have to be grown if we weren't feeding animals? Why not grow less shitty grain in its place?
Source for this figure please
feed wheats and culinary wheats have different properties, farmers tend to prefer high yield over specific constituemts essential for bread or pastry making
but the reason this wheat or other cereal is fed to cattle is that it allows a higher energy supply to bring the animal to a fattened state for finishing, the proportion of this grain ration is a small fraction of their total lifetime forage consumption because it's cheaper
i'm guessing they don't deliberately grow shitty feed grade grain. but the shitty grain that does grow will be feed, and that includes the byproducts and waste from food grade grain such as the chaff
>the proportion of this grain ration is a small fraction of their total lifetime forage consumption because it's cheaper
Lol no. They're fed tons of fodder. The stocking densities are always too high for grazing alone to be able to support the animal. The closest thing any American gets is "free ranging" in the states where it's other people's responsibility to keep your cows from jumping their fence and eating all their silage, but that's trespassing and theft, not grazing.
>and that includes the byproducts and waste from food grade grain such as the chaff
OP is a disingenuous piece of shit idiot.
Fuck off OP
nope what?
this is in australia
How illiterate are you?
it doesn't, veganism is about being nice to animals for emotional, political, philosophical, or even religious reasons, they only latched onto the climate angle because that's popular as well
yarra city council is a joke amongst australians. don't tar us all with the same brush bros
You know, that'd be a good point if any of this was based in reality to start with. The big money pushes the narrative. There is hardly causation between global temperature and CO2. And if you scream in fear with the wild graphs of recent temperature records, frosty they are intentionally heightened by measuring near asphalt instead of areas that reasonably represent actual temperature. And also, old historical data is digitally filtered by a low-pass averaging because as soon as you need to take carbon dated samples, you have a plus or minus some massive timeframe to deal with so the idiots in the research papers always add a bunch together and average them to get a more confident result. Unfortunately this has the massive downside of averaging over a window of time which removes all high frequency noise from the historical data. Whereas today we can go wildly up and down in comparison because we have the "realtime" data, even as manipulated as it is.
It does in a vacuum, but we do not primarily raise livestock via freeranging. The same agricultural system producing crops for human consumption is also producing feed for animal consumption. Think of livestock as a higher trophic level to relate it to the basic middle school science classes we all go.
>the plan recommends residents switch to a plant-based diet
/pol/ teir thread
Ah, yes. Lush and fertile Australia, known for its rich pastures. Are you all retarded? Why don't you learn about how cattle are actually raised instead of falling for the dumbest shit imaginable.
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they are "grass" fed and grain finished. australia has big cattle stations with not a lot of cows in them. it doesn't have to be very fertile as cows move around. it makes the land suitable to raising cattle and not crowing crops
>Put cows in a dry ass pasture
>Install water trough
>Import hay from halfway around the world
>"Look! They're pasture raised! I'm doing regenerative agriculture!"
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>Lush and fertile Australia, known for its rich pastures
Sure, Australia has out of control herds of camels, emu, wild pigs, rabbits and all sorts of other creatures overrunning it's wilderness because there is just nothing at all for animals to eat in the outback.
invasives vs natives
You'll understand eventually.


Interestingly no cattle on that list. You'd think that if cattle could be supported by the Australian outback there'd be some population of wild cattle like the Nazi cows in the US. They're strangely absent.
>Interestingly no cattle on that list.
there is lots of wild cattle
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You're joking, right? All of the wild cattle in Australia are on a tiny northern peninsula in a wildly different climate from the average Australian climate or the climate in this image >>16279749
see >>16278499
cows are farmed on the bits that support cows. they are largely grass fed, and then finished with wheat from australia that is not suitable for people. not sure why this bothers you so much. you should be happy that raising cattle is more efficient than just crops
>Ah, yes. Lush and fertile Australia, known for its rich pastures.
are you kidding mate? Australia has some great dairy ground
Wow, you can identify invasive vs native plants from one low-resolution picture? Are you a botanist specialising in Sub-Saharan africa grasses? Have you spent a lot of time in South Africa?
Livestock eat what we would consider waste product. It's not like we're feeding cows fresh apples and green beans.
No, but it will help ensure that you and your progeny remain small, so that they can control and rape you easier and pretend you are children. Hard to learn, I know, but it is the truth.
ferral cattle are one of the major invasive species in australia, they're highly prevalent, just not as famous as the emus, pigs, camels and rabbits
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Getting rid of cows would cause all sorts of unintended consequences, it would be just like when Mao caused a massive famine by trying to get rid of birds
my headcannon from my vegan brain thats in a state of decay due to the nutritional deficiencies I force on myself
>If I start a garden and eat the crops directly, I get more energy than if I fed the crops to rabbits then eat the rabbits.
Wrong. Herbivores make a lot better use of plants than us. Not only are their bodies more efficient at breaking down plant matter, a lot more of the plant is edible to herbivores.
What difference does it make when the developing world is increasing faster than we can decrease?
It's all virtue signaling. Most of these so-called "environmentalists" and "vegans" don't think beyond their immediate feelings.
Literally this.
Australia literally has some of the largest cattle ranches and shit on the planet.
Yeah, I am watching a few animal rights activist channels and they are all the same type of emotions driven person. They also don't give a shit about laws or other people. They believe they are morally right and can therefore do anything they want.All critiques are immediately swarmed by emotional sandbags.
It doesn't
CO2 is good and we should release as much as we possibly can as fast as we can.
This thinking is why everyone is fat and stupid. Calories is the worst measure of food quality, usefulness, or necessity possible.
Almost any other gauge, even color of the food, is a more valuable measure than "calories."
Pleb on.
The faster the grass grows the more steaks we can eat and moar co2 will make the grass grow faster and healthier.
this one point destroyed their entire document.
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>forcing everyone to be vegan
>grass fed
By hay imported from around the world. The cows do not feed themselves by grazing. They aren't ever on enough pasture for that. "Regenerative agriculture" is just creative accounting.
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Beef cattle in Australia start off grass-fed, grazing on pasture that farmers may supplement with grains or hay in times of shortage. About 50 per cent stay grass-fed their whole lives. The other 50 per cent spend most of their lives on grass. Then they move to a period in feedlots to bring them to market weight faster. This is also known as finishing. There they’ll typically receive some grain that humans could also eat.

Our research shows typical Australian grain-fed, or grain-finished, beef has a net protein contribution of 1.96. In other words, they create almost twice the human-edible protein they consume.
The feedlot sector increasingly uses by-products that humans can’t eat, while still meeting the nutritional requirements of cattle. Examples include spent grain from bio-alcohol, feed-grade grain and cottonseed.

Grass-fed cattle (that may eat very small amounts of grain) produce almost 1600 times the human-edible protein they consume. Cattle that graze only on grass or hay their whole lives don’t eat any human-edible protein at all. Their net protein contribution to the human nutritional supply is so high it's literally off the scale.
Part of the efficiency equation for Australian beef is that cattle mainly graze on land we can’t grow crops on. This is because of its terrain or soil type. In fact, Australian Bureau of Statistics' land use data show that since 2010 less than four per cent of Australia's agricultural land is used for growing crops.

A cow needs to eat around 25 kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of beef. But us humans can eat none or only some of that 25 kilograms. So in terms of human-edible protein – one kilogram in and 1.96 kilograms out – the perspective looks quite different.

All up our work suggests that cows can be a good use of agricultural land for contributing valuable protein to our food supply.
Global warming is a spook to get people to consent to less freedom. TPTB do not care about the environment; they simply want to take away your food, aka meat. And they want you sick and confused, hence the push for veganism. They're quite literally shutting down farms in Europe as we speak. There's no logical reason for this other than to forcefully reduce meat consumption.
But you need more square meters of land, to raise lifestock, and also more CO2 because you need to feed it, also cow farts are greenhouse gasses.

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