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>Is there a doctor here?! This man isn't breathing!
>I'm a doct...uh, nevermind.
Ph.D.s are a joke.
I agree, I'm a PhD myself
But doctors really means teacher, medical professionals have their own titles eg physicians, nurse etc.
You sound like you're coping because you can't get a PhD.
I chose not to go the Ph.D. route and got an M.D. instead. I had to do plenty of microbial research before medical school, which is where I learned that academia is a joke.
Brainlet cope.
>I study everything except what matters
Typical PhD
How does anything you "study" (i.e. rote memorize) matter? You're a glorified search engine, but less accurate.
Yeah, I hate when people do this. I never use the title I am allowed to use. Nothing I do even has anything to do with living organisms and people clearly understand a doctor like that. Made me very peeved when the media was insisting on DOCTOR Jill Biden and all that.

If the emergency is related to the design of electronics or math, hit me up.
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Understanding that there's ischemia in this EKG can save someone from an infarction. I guess your post stands if you're a misanthropist.
>Being able to read le fancy graph makes me special and important
God I can't wait until a simple AI puts all you cunts out of jobs.
And yet you'll crawl to your physician when you're ill. We win.
Yet I don't. I haven't been to a doctor since I was 12.
Cool lie.
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He's probably lying but it does happen. I did not go to the doctor from the time I was 18 to 25 personally. I was seeing my dentist regularly though for cleanings.
People have been doing signal processing and ML for decades. There was also another study which identified cancerous cells from lung CT scans, which were impossible to visually identify. So that's a very bad example.
I don't intend to imply doctors are useless, but a lot of simpler cases will eventually go to AI and automation. Still surgery and other complex diseases need human intervention.
>Ph.D.s are a joke.
They used to be called Doctors of Medicine, but eventually, laypeople just shortened it to Doctor, and it caught on.
>muh academic atheist soientism religion where i worship phds as infallible ivory tower priests
Dr. rer. nat. > PhD
doctor in your case really means fraud, as in "doctored"
>MD = medicinae doctor = medicine teacher
Your only argument just got destroyed.
How often do you find someone dying at a restaurant? Meanwhile every time you go there's tons of retards who can't figure out the tip.
PhDs: 1, MDs: 0
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MDs are useless, the leading cause of death in America is medical error. You're more likely to die at a doctor's hand than for any other reason. The key to longevity is avoiding doctors

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