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C is a particle or singularity with a lower gravitational strength while B has a higher one D is the boundary function of the influence of those particles F are sensors that measure the particle emitted by g which is a radioactive isotope like Cesium 137 thorium bismuth etc from different perspectives E is a device which entnangles measured photons from that particles so that one particle is entangled with itself from the past where the dominant entanglement lies within the future particle so that the flow of time is now reversed
We already have functional "time travel", it's called phase conjugation. And yes, you are indeed reversing the time axis of photons in order to generate your conjugate beam.
oh well then
If you are the OP, Bose Einstein Condensates can have the optical properties to support phase conjugation. You should look up the Original Black Science ManĀ®, Ronald Mallet, and his work at UConn.
black science man had some interesting points
I have a feeling the Black Science Man both knew about and understood the implications of using a BEC as his medium for his recirculating laser, but reasons never attempted it. I believe that those reasons are classified. Interestingly enough, his Wikipedia article mentions work done by Lene Hau at Harvard. If you know anything about this particular subject (BECs/plasmonics), there is a metric fuckton of patentable applications (photonic computing, vastly better fiber optics, laser self-focusing, etc.). The truly odd thing with her research is that there are exactly zero application patents for her work. The only patent that exists for her work is for the electromagnetically induced transparency trap, and that is shared jointly by Harvard and MIT. Shortly after her work was published, she got a cushy position on some DoD research council. I think it has a lot to do with this particular sentence in one of her papers...
>In a BEC, a 1km long light pulse is compressed into a less than 5um space (paraphrasing)
The whole thing smacks of classified defense research. One of her graduate students on her team was (and still does) working for Raytheon. Pretty sure this is a precursor to polariton lasing systems, and possibly the world's most effective pulse compressor
For reference
The last guy won a Nobel Prize for this in 1994. Yet no patents. Ironically, ALL his work at MIT and the Max Planck Institute before that were funded by the Office of Naval Research
This is another "some of my shit is too classified to publish" guy at USC. He and Yakov Zel'dovich are the reasons the military wants to stick lasers on everything now.
thank you anon. pretty an interesting post you provided.
i wonder what if we rotate the emitted particle such that the photons emitted at an earlier time would be facing the lighter gravitational field while the particle emitted at an earlier time would be facing the heavier field....
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Thanks. The rabbit hole is deep. Another fun fact is the "Project Looking Glass" that /x/tards often site as the DoD's time travel program is in reality the name of a paper titled "Through The Looking Glass with Optical Phase Conjugation" by LANL.
that one is fascinating thanks anon
Are you willfully retarded?
Even if you could do time travel, how would you ensure that you end up exactly on the surface of the Earth an not some random point in space? Checkmate.
Phase conjugation is like literal magic.
well i made some real discoveries about functional time travel right now practical time travel while experimenting will post them soon probably
first you need a fixed subspace within spacetime with a coordinate system that fixes it to some coordinate.

Then you introduce a change for example you find a place in nature with. You write into the ground, you will see the storms of time remove what you have written in the ground over time. Once any visible trace of what you have written is removed you write it again and again until it becomes a constant within time.

if time is circular and additive you will soon find your writing within it without even having written it.

i'm not even sure whether i should have kept this a secret but i didnt. i took the risk.
thanks anon. i have been writing unique things on my driveway with some sidewalk chalk. i was amazed to go outside this morning and find that they disappeared! your theory is vindicated.

anyway it's too wet outside to write again (rained last night) but i'm going to repeat the writing as soon as possible and report the results again.
explanation in my other thread on /x/
ive found a way to include einsteins theory of relativity into this one using all angles between 0 and (pi/4)^4 or so to include all real numbers since (pi/4)^2 is the sum of 1 over all primes then ^3 is all natural numbers thus ^4 all real numbers if you include all real angles then and and place at each angle an object with different gravity such that there are unique (pi/4)^2 boundaries for each unique gravitational strength you can traverse this circle of time by standing in the centre.
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