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Did you know that boys get worse grades because female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys and girls get higher grades because they are girls? That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
We are truly in dark ages for science. And it will get worse over time
these things do not intrinsically lead to the other there are mulitfaceted factors involved.
the largest likely being boys entering puberty much later than girls
>Teachers give better grades to girls
>Teachers literally lower grades of boys for the same performance
What should puberty do about it? These factors should not be related
don't send your kids to a co-ed school
Nothing to do with puberty. The feminist teachers start giving girls higher marks at ages 5 and up, shaping the perception early that girls are more intelligent, which is patently false.
School grades are often complete bullshit for things that don't have clear answers. There is always bias and often the teachers / profs don't even realize it. I'm sure many lives have been sidetracked b/c a teacher just didn't like a kid one year and fucked them over killing their confidence in their ability to succeed.
In AP Euro history in HS, the teacher (the football coach) let students grade each others quizzes and exams.
In freshman uni Phys 2 I was partnered with this really cute chick (rare to have women in the engineering building). I got a 7x on my write up and the prof even itemized what I was missing. I casually asked to see my partner's write-up, she got a 9x and was missing literally every single thing I got points off for.
I've never been mad about it, I just see it as part of life, but there is a lot of chaotic bias making "grading systems" kinda bullshit.
No faggots I mean that boys entering puberty later and the associated neural maturation affects their ability to succeed as well as the girls do leading to much of the outcompeting for university places.
Is what it is man. Teaching below the university level is a female dominated job (people naturally give better assessments to those closer to them, in group biases and all that) and most subjects at that level are essentially a brownnosing contest, which is something which women tend to naturally succeed at relative to men. If possible, push your boys towards the most quantitative things possible as those subjects tend to be more grounded in there being a "right" answer/ I would also recommend that you pick male teachers for your boys if possible.
Schools were created to make good obedient factory workers in the Industrial Revolution.
>female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys
shit, I'm male and if I taught that's what I'd probably end up doing because I remember well when I was in school: the worse students were the boys, because we were all punks and didn't give a shit about grades. But the girls did.
It's not rocket science.
Remember that teachers are one of the first people who interact with children. If teachers don't give a shit, so will the boys. There was a study that showed that boys and girls who was home schooled have no differences in performance. And in some cases boys slightly outperformed girsly
Pretty sure this isn't exclusive to female teachers.
Yes I do know that, in grade 3 a female teacher gave me & the rest of the boys the lowest possible grade.
why should the one who teaches be the same who grades their students? its not just the sex which influence the grade but also how good you are looking, your social behavior and many other things that shouldnt affect the grading. why not have a system where you upload the exams of the students and let a random teacher grade it who have no idea who those students are? dosent seems to be hard in the 21 century.
That could be problem in general. But even boys mature later, they still as smart as girl who hit puberty, but have problems that education system is against them. How I know it? Because homeschooled girls and girls perform the same until boys surprass them in their 20s
nigger, blind studies show that when a schoolhog doesn't know you got a dick, she grades you 10% higher, on average. MUH MULTAYFASSEDDED, shut up
If only you could read.
What a tragedy.
>girls and girls
*girls and boys
this is a well known open secret. no need for a study
You are retarded.
It's no wonder your grades were so low.
I actually was the best in the class. But I acknowledge that female teachers mistreat boys. Fundamentally
>boys entering puberty much later than girls
Are you fucking stupid? The grade performance difference exists BEFORE PUBERTY you stupid cunt. Because all the grade school teachers are females punishing boys.
In my high school biology class, I received a 99. At parent teacher conference she told my parents I actually earned a 100 but she wanted to give me something to work toward. A girl in my class received a 100. It's always been amusing to me how they punish boys but reward girls because they (subconsciously) think the girls are inferior. She thought I had potential to do better. Apparently such belief didn't exist for the girl
no, that's even dumber
Obviously I meant in the context of the grade punishing. The few male teachers aren't enough to counterbalance this
You already scored 100(maximum), what improvement that roastie talked about?
women also hire women over men, whereas men hire pretty fairly
For behaviour?
No, she just hated boys (and I assume men too).
Disgusting roastie
>In freshman uni Phys 2 I was partnered with this really cute chick (rare to have women in the engineering building). I got a 7x on my write up and the prof even itemized what I was missing. I casually asked to see my partner's write-up, she got a 9x and was missing literally every single thing I got points off for.
When I was in university there was this chick that used to "work" with me and a friend of mine (my friend brought her along basically) while we did our homework together. She basically just copied our answers, and I later found out from my friend that she was having sex with him; my friend told me she was dumb as a brick and couldn't work out anything more than basic problems without help. She ended up graduating, went to grad school for astronomy, and became a professional astronomer.
my university optics professor was an unloved, fat hag and she openly hated men.
she would bring up some complaint about men at least once a lecture.
but universities won't fire women for being shit
But would arrest and fire men for compliments
it's not well known tho
No, it was to make sure that the state instead of the corporations bear the burden of producing good obedient factory workers for the post industrial revolution world.
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Letting w*men into academics was a mistake
Are those stats real
In general, women have a stronger ingroup bias than ANY other social indicator. Race, sexual orientation, nationality, it doesn't matter. The strongest in group bias in existence is woman :: woman. This has been studied before. Women will always help each other out on some level over men, its probably hardwired into them on an evolutionary level. Often they will still support a woman over their own flesh and blood. By contrast men have little in group bias. As a result women will thrive more in cosmopolitan global society.
I had the opposite experience. My freshman yr sociology professor was a legit old school feminist with bald hair and everything. She absolutely despised women because she saw how they expected special treatment instead of rising to the task. She was really intelligent and seemed pretty disappointed. I had group project where I did all the work with 2 girl partners. I never said anything, but she realized anyways. Passed me with i think perfect score and failed both my partners, i only found out because they texted me asking if i was going to join them in complaining to the school about how "we" failed the class.

Here you go. Men prefer women. Women prefer women. That simple fact clarifies a lot of apparent paradoxes in every day interactions. Or double standards that go unchecked for example. Or maybe why you didnt get that promotion
Letting go-t into academia was a mistake.
(making taxpayers pay to those professors whether they use their services or not was a mistake (considering how much those cunts are paid for such simple job, it is obvious that they're all sell-outs))
Academia (an institution founded by the catholic church) was a mistake.
And you wonder why doesn't market sort that mess out? Because go-t is the socialism.
dafaq! wrong link, here's the one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebqAH5mLZNk (especially the second half of it)
>The feminist teachers
Please go outside for a minute or two each day. You know, take a walk, buy some groceries, idk
Majority of teachers are female and the majority of females are feminist. Especially university educated females which afaik entails all school teachers as a requirement. Its a fair statement for that anon to make. Maybe you'd feel more at home on /pol/ or /r9k/ since you react based on feelings instead of any meaningful logical argument
So promiscuous an leftist men are anti men. Imagine my shock
in my experience 80% of all students are retarded and brilliant ones end as druggies or wageslaving.
It's hard not to break being a brilliant forced into the company of dumbos. I wish we could teach children differently based on their iq and sets of interests, but then it would be inequality, and it would be offensive to retarded kids, so now we should make them pleased with suffering everybody.
Disgusting creatures
Girls also can communicate better with each other probably
Also good looks are correlated with better outcomes
I'm gonna laugh as women's grades start bottoming out as more and more classes go remote / online.

I know for sure just by watching who they are and how they behave that most of the nurses in my area slept their way into passing at the local Uni. They're primarily airhead bimbos, half are bleach blond, visibly promiscuous mannerisms or even single mothers, and you can tell their actual medical knowledge is scant. We're in the top 15 cities in the United States for rehospitalization, mortality, and outpatient preventable hospitalizations.

Honestly, I kind of fear for my life if anything goes wrong. I went in nearly numb from the waist down due to a workers comp back injury and got told I just had a pulled muscle and was prescribed some steroids. Like, no bitch, I have partial cauda equina. I'm very lucky I was able to get the swelling down, and very lucky to still be young enough I've mostly healed, but if it has got any worse I might very well be paraplegic.

Fuck you Mark Flener. I hope all the coed poon you've gotten over the years is enough consolation for all the years you'll burn in hell for the lives your sexkitten students have costed and ruined.

But hey, I only NEARLY lost use of my dick, so I can at least fap to their onlyfans leaks. Always a silver lining, right?
>Honestly, I kind of fear for my life if anything goes wrong
Yeah no kidding anon. I am not joking at all when I tell people to be extremely attentive to their health going forward. Dont get into any accidents, be very cautious
Competency crisis is already in full swing and its going to get much, much worse. Malpractice deaths are gonna skyrocket in the next few decades, but don't worry, the sysyem to track and record such occurences will simultaneously fail due to a combination of incompetent leadership and lack of competent staff. And lack of proper media coverage due to incompetence. And so on. The system isn't going to collapse into mad max, but standard of living is gonna sharply decline and systems our parents took for granted are not going to function properly anymore.

Having to rely on medical staff will be a huge gamble indeed. Potentially fatal. Dont get sick
Dont get injured
>Dont get injured
Kind of hard to avoid some dumbass ramming you with his car because he's lacking in competency too.
>It's hard not to break being a brilliant forced into the company of dumbos
its not even that
education system is designed to break and level everyone into same mediocrity level
to suceed you need to either be good at manipulating and using social connections or be extremly persistent and stubborn (while still being smart)
But girls are more retarded though
The whole education/academia system is very feminine oriented anyway. There is very little room for male behavior, it's all about obedience and submission. Repetition and respecting the hierarchy and the rules even when it doesn't make any sense.
One of the ways you get people to listen to you is to make them believe you understand what you say. Women will repeat exactly what you just said and this tricks a lot of people into believing they truly understand the ramifications of what they said, but they don’t. It’s an act.
If you actually want proof of this look at the difference in test scores between women and men on oral and written exams as compared to multiple choice exams.
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>60% of all college students are now women
>IQ of undergrads drops an entire standard deviation
More women=good
Uncle Ted was a legend.
And to house the children during the day so that both parents can labour to produce profits for the capitalist class

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