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Are people who claim they never get hangovers full of shit? I feel like I hear this from some people as a way to subtly brag and front that they’re tough or something (usually women actually). I know that genetics have a huge impact on the severity of your hangovers but I refuse to believe that anyone is completely immune to them.

My theory is that they:
A. Aren’t drinking enough
B. Confuse being buzzed with being shithoused drunk
Or C. Are just lying if you’ve never drank with them.

Had an ex who claimed she didn’t and I told her she just wasn’t drinking enough, to which she claimed that booze doesn’t affect her that much so I said okay lemme help ya. Proceeded to get her absolutely sauced and lo and behold a rough hangover was in store for her.

I struggled with alcoholism severely a few years back - horrible withdrawals, had to taper off with benzos, the usual. And I know that when you’re an alkie, you kinda just live in a state of being perpetually hungover to the point that you don’t really notice it as much because you already feel like dogshit from your liver shriveling up.

Hangovers are something that have puzzled humans ever since trogs found out drinking the yucky juice from old rotten fruits = fun.

Alcohol and Acetaldehyde are literal poisons so I don’t buy that someone could have some innate 100% immunity to these toxins. Makes me wonder, if there is some genetic predisposition to being immune to these toxins (physiologically), would that man there are other poisons that people would be immune to as well? No matter what, severe dehydration and gastritis are gonna make you feel like shit.

What’s your take?
>What’s your take?
Just drink water retard.

Alcoholic retards usually don't like to drink water.
>t never got a hangover even after drinking 2 liters of wine
The key is to not drink water all night and only booze so your buzz is way better than drink a fuck ton at the end of the night.
I never got hangovers because I never drink the liquid jooz. I do sometimes wake up groggy in the mornings tho.
I drink 7 0.58l cans of 5% beer in 1 night and never get hangovers.
A few years ago I also drank up to shitting myself and vomiting and didn't get hangovers either.
You should stop drinking alcohol, it's a poison that hurts you for nothing.
you're just a fag who can't handle his booze.
I have never had a hangover because I have only gotten truly drunk once in my life. I last had a drink in early 2023.
Excessive drinking is for weak-minded NPCs.
this but gatorade or pedialyte or brawndo because you lose a bunch of electrolytes with all the pissing you do when drunk.
water doesnt sober you up like food does contrary to belief
A single data point, if it helps: I've gotten drunk to the point of blackouts and I've never had a hangover. It's a real phenomana. I have no idea how it works, it just does.
who even fucking cares? youre drinking to the point of getting hangovers? youre not an 18 year old freshman anymore
Cool blog, how do I unsubscribe
I have literally gotten alcohol poisoning and I didn't have a headache the next day. I laugh at you and spit on your seething and coping.
I drink regularly and never get hang overs. Or Maybe I do get them. I could be making all this shit up. Who knows?
Just drink on a full stomach and drink plenty of water before going to sleep, never had a hangover either.
>I struggled with alcoholism
And I bet you were drinking on an empty stomach, while drinking water was a foreign concept for you.
It has a lot to do with ALDH enzyme activity, what polymorphism of those genes you have.

>t. part-Russian and only get hungover from pretty huge alcohol doses, but a couple grams of ALCAR gives me 0 hangovers.
I never get hangovers :)
I get massive hangovers from sex/fapping, more than drinking.
>Drinking is for weak-minded NPCs.
Not that anon but do you really recommend meth-adjacent pharma over a few simple glasses of wine?
My hangovers last days. My half brother and step dad on the other hand can get slaughtered then get up the next day and go straight to the pub, so it’s definitely genetic.
You can make the hangover be just tiredness + maybe a headache.
It's fairly simple, before going to bed:
>Take a multivitamin pill
>Eat a fatty meal (e.g: bacon + pancakes)
>Make sure you hydrate properly
>you think people shouldn't eat ricin? well at least it's better than cyanide!
Wine is Lindy, to paraphrase one of the gassiest public hypocrites of our time.

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