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Some statistician account on x posted this. How do I scientifically prove that black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ?
Control for iq. Seems simple enough.
If your outcomes among racial groups are different due to anything other than systemic bias, that by definition is bigotry
based soience man with the win
>how do I scientifically prove something which isn't true
You're shit out of luck, OP.
try being as racist as you possibly can and see how many negroes you can drive into abject poverty by doing so. if you can't do it to at least one negro then your hypothesis is falsified.
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EZ AF: kill all nigs with IQ below 120 in all the world. That will fix several problems at the same time.
if it was because of racism they'd be able to figure out how to overcome the obstacle, but if they have low iq then they'd be too dumb to figure out how to overcome the obstacle
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>How do I scientifically prove that black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ?

If we're talking about US Blacks as highlighted in the picture than that's pretty easy. The denial of WW2 GI Bill benefits + Redlining pretty much stonewalled African American soldiers economic development. Said situation is a pretty well known historical evidence of racism effecting economic outcome.

But if you want something a little more actively analytical then let's do this.

Problem, US Blacks have a high single parent rate (especially on the mother side). Said high rate is a factor in terms of affecting future education, behavior and job prospects of children.

Solution, US Blacks should collectively shift their primary religion over from Christianity (which 70% currently practice it) to Islam (which 3% currently practice it) as a way to potentially resolve said issue. Since Islam is more stricter on sexual partnership/parental behavior particularly on the females. It is also less inviting to feminists tendencies and thought processes. It could either reduce or slow the rate of occurrence.

Question, would White Americans and the Government allow them to collectively shift their religion if it meant utilizing it as a solution to reduce single parent rates and help with their economics? And if not, would that mean their agency is restricted and racism is involved in preventing that collective decision?
but then my iq will only be like 130 and i refuse to be a midwit
funny how many IFLS shitters don't know what that means
>a few millimeters of bone
>How do I scientifically prove that black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ?

The statement we need to prove:
"black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ"
"black people" can refer to any group of black people containing at least 2 of them. For example, "dogs are friendly" can mean dogs are generally friendly, all friendly, or sometimes friendly, but we can take it to mean at least 2 dogs are friendly because of the ambiguity of the given statement.
The number of black people currently alive is about 1 billion. For the statement to be correct, we need there to be at least 2 in a billion black people to have worse outcomes due to racism and not low iq.
I bet we can easily find black people that have worse outcomes (relative to what? themselves without racism or other races?) with racism being a primary cause, but for our 2 black people it must also not be a consequence of low IQ (low IQ of who? themselves? anyone?). You could always argue that low IQ is always a primary reason of worse outcomes since if you are smarter you can more easily achieve goals.
In summary, I find the statement you are trying to prove too confusing to understand what exactly it is you want to show. I do not think you can prove such a confusing statement.
how many rounds of culling do you advocate? When below-100 is eliminated, that deflates the iq score for those above 100
you don't prove it, and instead devote a lot of faith towards something like "systemic racism," "dialectical materialism" or "late stage capitalism" to explain it

Agreed, we need to first agree on the following points:

> black people refers to everybody from Obama to a Kalahari bushman
> black people come from an area that spans an entire fucking continent, larger than Europe and America (USA)
> it should be possible to redo the study while also taking into account the background of the black persons tested
> if the low IQ black persons correspond with 1st gen immigrants from Africa with little to no education, there’s your answer

You could also further argue that it’s racism, but that’s an analysis of society and politics. This is the simplest answer, that they merely took every black person they got and argued that they’re forming a cohesive group. In reality, this is too simplistic and African people are both culturally and genetically diverse; in fact I think a study showed that different African groups are more different genetically from each other than different European groups or something
> black people refers to everybody from Obama to a Kalahari bushman
This is too hard to characterize. A better definition of black people is: people with over 50% of some genetic quantity that corresponds to sub-Saharan African ethnic origins. Or perhaps we should characterize them on a spectrum for amount of blackness, which would be more accurate. But then the initial statement made by the OP is even more uninterpretable because being black would no longer be a binary variable but a percentage.
1) DNA test subjects to determine their genetic background to confirm they are black or determine degree of blackness.
2) Give random sample of Blacks in US an IQ test.
3) Find their immigration and education status.
4) Hypothesis: Blacks with lower IQ than typical blacks correspond to first generation immigrants to the US from Africa with little to no education.
If hypothesis is true, then IQ is correlated with country of birth when measured in the US. This still would not tell us if black people have worse economic outcomes due to racism or low IQ. It would tell us that the collective black IQ increased after immigrating to the US. Am I missing something?
What statement are you trying to demonstrate evidence for?
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Can't prove something that isn't true
funny how the burden of proof never falls on them
its because of low IQ
has the DSM-V undone this?

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