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"ExcelMaxx" Edition

Previous Thread: >>6266920

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of some of the previous editions of /scg/:
Previous Thread: >>16266920
>Chemists who do not use quantum computers to model chemical reactions will go bankrupt
>They’ll be replaced by chemists who do use quantum computers
>This means all medicine
I hope Michio Kaku is right when he says quantum computers will replace all chemistry.
EE vs. CS? how come CS is harder to get into in my uni, also it is seen to be more prestigious (lots of job offers meanwhile EE is one rank lower than CS). I'm in EE and debating to move into CS will this be wise?
>how come CS is harder to get into in my uni
More applicants, but the same number of slots. Everyone is seeing a CS degrees as a ticket to a decent or even high-paying job.
>it is seen to be more prestigious
That's a cope so employers can treat you like crap
>I'm in EE and debating to move into CS will this be wise?
No. The CS job market looks pretty bad and shows no signs of recovery.
missing alt+HOA
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What engineering or industrial science (for lack of a better term) has you find and then take organic raw materials (plants/crops, animals, bugs, fungi, etc.) into products?

Who creates farms and manufacturing processes for say like raising silk worms and then crafting a process to extract their silk. Collecting and raising mollusks to extract their secreations for purple dye (I know these aren't industry standard but you get my point).

Is this entirely "Chemical Engineering"?
I should have gotten an MBA

Doing what?
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Should I go for a phd in computational biophysics or classic bioinformatics/genomics?I'm currently finishing my masters in comp. biophysica and all in all I learned tremendously useful skills regarding mathematics and machine learning. But on one hand my department mainly uses MATLAB but are slowly moving towards python. The department for bioinfo/genomics meanwhile uses more conventional languages and software for this field and coding in general. They mostly work with python, R, SQL things like that.

Which skillset will be more valued in the job market? Comp. biophysics is very rare and valued but like I said they only use MATLAB which doesn't have broad application like other languages. Bioinfo/genomic offers skillsets I know are useful but the field is saturated and very competetive from what I've seen.
Shut the fuck up namefag
The genomics skillset will be more valued, but you could probably get a data scientist/ml engineer/whatever job with either if you took some time to learn pytorch/scikit-learn what have you.

You should do the PhD you'll enjoy most, because it's a long time in a man's freak bitch incel life to spend doing stuff you don't like.
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>The genomics skillset will be more valued, but you could probably get a data scientist/ml engineer/whatever job with either if you took some time to learn pytorch/scikit-learn what have you.
I actually learned python in my spare time. I only know the basics of neural networks as I just recently started learning about them. Any good sources you could recommend? There is a good series on youtube called "neural networks from scratch" which taught me the core ideas behind thembut that's pretty much all I've done.
>You should do the PhD you'll enjoy most, because it's a long time in a man's freak bitch incel life to spend doing stuff you don't like.
Ofcourse. I just hope I won't make a decision that I will regret for the rest of my STEMcel life.
Laser Physics.
Defense loves lasers.
Or fluid dynamics for high Mach rockets/planes
But Lasers mainly.
Industry relevant PhD:
OrgSynt, Pharmaco, Semicond
Industry bullshit PhD:
Pervoskytes, Lithium battery tech
t. Chem BS transfering to IT/EE while workingin CNC
You can be a truck driver anytime. Or chAirforce technician.

This is a good resource for LLMs. Kevin Murphy's probabilistic machine learning books are the ones I like best for a textbook on modern ML.
>anon delivers
Thank you!
Welcome to the game player.
Yeah I'm sure the society that's been dead set against my flourishing since I was a child is just waiting to patronise my companies services.
Not until I get an apology
What's the equivalent of this for biomedical engineering? I'm currently a neural engineering/computational neuroscience PhD, but career opportunities are looking dire. Even with Neuralink increasing investment in the field there are few industry options. Data science/ML/AI/signal processing roles seem like an employable alternative, but I'm really starting to hate this type of "research". It feels like there is no cleverness or creativity involved--you just mindlessly try 100 different approaches and when one works you have no idea why.
Feeling like I made a mistake going to a good Canadian school for my PhD, the program is great and I'm learning a lot, but I should have gone to the US for future career stuff I think, it'll be an uphill battle to get a good position in the US after.
The CS community is pretty toxic,... for your own good stay away from it.
Most of it is DARPA. Check this link and the main page. Look up the DARPA contestant companies, reseaech groups.

>Non-US biomedE
:/ there are alot of startups in EU. Good luck finding them. Goto conferences maybe?

I am guessing around. Dont know shit of your field.....
I graduated a year ago and been flipping burgers ever since. Should I include this work experience into my CV?
Got an interview with a semiconductor place that's been on the up and up. They provided a template of interview questions for the engineer role which I've been prepared for. But I feel like I always ask the dumbest questions about the company when it comes to my turn to speak. Generally, what kind of stuff should I be asking them when they turn the interview over to me?
Never ask questions about the company health or anything related to corporate you think the interviewers will not be able to answer. It's good to show interest but being too inquisitive is a major redflag.
Do you use excel in your workplace? Have you tried implementing high level programming languages to automate work instead of entering the cells manually?
just google interview questions and append "reddit"
I spent a year in IT work instead of geology which I studied.
Is there any hope to land a geology job?
I live in Norway, where are the geology jobs? Germany?
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Yes every day. I work on nuclear reactor instrumentation and control systems. I can’t give more specific info than that but essentially there are functional requirements documents describing the algorithms for these systems, software engineers make the application software from these documents, then v&v engineers create an independent/emulated version of the software (say, in LabVIEW or some such language where it’s very easy to do this) whereby test spreadsheets are written in Excel (defining the inputs to the emulator) identifying any differences between the actual software and the emulated software. Then, an “emulation” of every algorithm that makes up each system is created solely via Excel spreadsheets with the test in that same spreadsheet (i.e., the algorithms are written within a spreadsheet along with their test inputs whose outputs are consequently calculated in that sheet), and the test’s outputs are compared to the original emulator’s outputs to make sure that the discrepancy you found between the SW and the emulator is a problem with the SW and not the emulator, and so the emulator works (you’ve effectively v&v’d the emulator), and since the excel sheets emulating the emulator are on the level of individual algorithms (and not the system as a whole) you can use them to diagnose the actual discrepancy, which is difficult to do using the emulator since the defective algorithm’s inputs and outputs may be entirely internal to the emulator (not directly accessible). If requirements change then SW needs updates and thus so does the test suite etc

Now this is an old and costly way of doing things, and it’s probably not practical except for extremely complex real time safety critical systems, but it’s tried & true.

I kneel to Excel. We live on the shoulders of spreadsheets, much garbage has come and gone in decade’s past but Excel is the undisputed GOAT. I have been on my Excelmaxxing grind since I left uni. GNX8
As for your second question, see for instance, http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1468729/FULLTEXT01.pdf
yes theres a lot that could be done to automate much of this but, on the whole, not by any one person. Some of us write python scripts or use other’s tools (which themselves need to be v&v’d) to automate certain tedious aspects of the job. There are tools to expand test cases (the inputs) written in a very dense way into long spreadsheets tens of thousands of lines long, etc. But there’s not much you can do beyond that. No matter how much automation you have, without AGI, you still need someone to do the actual v&v and write the tests. Neural networks are not safe enough // too arcane to provide any real confidence
I just finished bioinformatics PhD. It’s a great skill set and now I have a staff job at Carnegie picking up from the research I did during my PhD with cool non model organisms. I find that if you like biology, it’s a great field because you don’t have to do wet lab or field work
yeah it's great if you get the job which nobody does these days except people like you
Excel survives the competency crisis because iit lets people program without ordained permission from IT. To draw a parallel, it would be like a CEO having his own SS full of qualified people while HR stalin roasties are recruiting mongoloid hordes.
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Yes I am pretty lucky to have a job at all. But Bio informatics is not that saturated I think. As long as you are not working in a field that has a million other people, like mouse or fly genomics or something. And normie bio people are very impressed with it because they think running programs with shell commands is magic. But do what you want don’t worry about jobs quite yet. you will be spending thousands of hours for a PhD so you better like it
What do Bioinformatics devs do? Do you ever work with real DNA/RNA strands or other biological material or is it all just databasing and software?

Can I sneak in with a CS B.S. and self-study or does merit upset the academics?
bioinformatics is saturated.
I can't find anything despite living in one of the bioinformatics hubs of europe
Been playing mass effect and the future industries that it points ad domineering are Pharmaceuticals(chemistry and biology), Weapons( Engineering broadly, probably with a focus on mech and electrical tho), and AI/Robotics (Comp Sci and MechE)

Of these I see employment going as Pharma > Weapons > AI.

I originally planned to go CS, and it still is lucrative but it seems only to have a future in AI and high level shit, the golden age of a CS monkey being hired from undergrad for $200k seems dying rapidly.
Chemical engineering / chemistry honestly seems the most lucrative and enjoyable to me.

How do current anons in or studying Chemistry feel about thr career and it's future?
Found your issue
>How do current anons in or studying Chemistry feel about their career and it's future?
It's over...It has been a massive mistake.
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Does your company have a ranking system?
>It's over...It has been a massive mistake
What was your degree? Is it Mcwagie bad?
Am I the only one still unemployed itt?
>day 197 of unemployment
Getting a math PhD was a huge mistake. Currently considering high school teacher or bus driver.
I just got rejected from 3 jobs in Germany today.
what was your phd in? category theory?
I don't know what you can do with a math PhD but if it's just like physics and computer science then you can apply to patent firms or hedge funds or banks for the quant position
the issue with a mistaken degree is that anything you accomplish is despite it instead of because of it.

you'll get a job sure, but it will have NOTHING to do with chemistry.
Meds. Now.

Yes and we've been specifically stopping you from finding a job
Stick with EE, you can always just excel in coding in personal projects on the side while getting the EE degree, you'll still have to do some coding in your basic ABET accredited EE program. Employers will hire you for software jobs if you have an EE as long as you can code. The thing with EE vs CS is you can always pivot to do EE shit too, you're not pigeon holed at the beginning of your career.
Yes and it's retarded. It's a rat race to the top and I don't bother trying to get higher performance rankings because I can always find a new job after a couple of years and get a raise. I focus on the projects I work on, staying within budget, and executing on them.
Did you ever find out what x is?
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TW: Blogpost by elitist retard

Someone tell me I'm not insane for dropping out of CS. Twice.
I figured I'd go to uni to study fundamental theory but it's all felt like an industry pipeline with most being aimed at training people for jobs. I see the use in that generally speaking but I don't think it's for me. Hardly any self study and far too rigid a structure overall.
I also don't care to work in engineering - all I care about are my interests and having my frontal lobe tickled by funny problems. Would say that I fancy myself a kind of Einstein or Da Vinci that was dropped on his head as a child.
The number of teachers I've had that've come forth about being confunded as to why I should be neglectful in my studies I couldn't count on both hands in binary. I never knew how to communicate what my motivation was tied to.
Now that I'm out of the rat race for better or worse - Do I say fuck it and go down the path of the autodidact? Bit late since I'm turning 24 this year but fuck, man. I don't know what else to do without compromising on what I want my life to look like down the road. At least I can say I gave the conventional route an honest shot, right?
you have an ego problem go see a therapist
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Yep. Mostly aligning RNA sequences and comparing them across species and samples and how different and how expressed they are

It’s a niche that I find satisfying to fill. I use python, Bash, and R.
My degree is in chemistry. It's one of those degrees that you have to go to graduate school if you want to have a decent in the field. Success on going to a graduate school depends if you have done research as an undergraduate. So at your first day as a chemistry, you're already participating in a massive rat race. And even if you do get into a graduate school, you have to be very careful on what your research topic is. It has to be related to either medical/pharmacology or something to do with semiconductors. Also, you are competing with the entire third-world. More than half of the people in my PhD program are not from America so there's that too.
What should be some Excel skills every STEMcel should know?
I am thinking of getting an Excel certificate so I can finally get good at the thing.
regular biologists really think you're cool when they see you do some bioinformatics?
I can't imagine it
This is what happens when you let shitspanics anywhere near anything nice.
Daily reminder that 99.4% of people don't have PhDs
Pursuing a career in STEM has been a recipe for rahtid Babylon sufferation. But it gwan be eerie mi breddah, one love and peace you know.
what classes should I take in master's program to become very hireable?
2 years seems pretty short
2 years is very long you doofus. The best master is the one year geared for employment with good placements.
And out of that 0.6% only about 0.1% deserve it.
I dunno it's only about 10 classes
how much hireable skills can I really fit into there?
CS actually pays well while with EE you'll be making less than McDonald's managers and no benefits on contract employment.
Is IU International University of Applied Sciences a scam? I am considering doing a M.Sc. in CS.
That sounds like the most Indian thing of all time
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>Would say that I fancy myself a kind of Einstein or Da Vinci that was dropped on his head as a child.
>too retarded to get accepted into institutions that cater to his interests
There are a lot of guys like him that are convinced they are super geniuses and the only reason they dropped out is because the education was below their standards or integrity or something. He's trying to compensate for some kind of emotional problems he has in his life.
Is industrial and manufacturing engineering a good major?
>There are a lot of guys like him that are convinced they are super geniuses and the only reason they dropped out is because the education was below their standards or integrity or something. He's trying to compensate for some kind of emotional problems he has in his life.
No one here can honestly argue the education system that exists today let's people up to their full potential or even avoids stifling large enough minority of the population.

When you're a kid, you're full of curiosity and potential.
When you're out of school you're older, you're brain is slower, if you didn't actualize that potential, you're less likely to now.

You can mock anyone who compares themself to einstein. They probably noticed how easy it is to see easily impressed normal cattle congregating and how not being a normal cattle and not relating to normal cattle means entire categories of thought and conversation are a waste of time because they can be shared with anyone.

And yes, isolating experiences like this will cause emotional problems.

>but i made it. I didn't slip through the cracks of this shithole system because i was resilient enough to withstand this decaying piece of shit and/or rich/privelleged enough to avoid getting entangled in it.
Cool. Some people aren't pretending these problems don't exist is disingenuous.
Get your shit together retard
I was like you in highchool, I almost dropped out due to inattendence. Then I realized noone would give a damn about my oh so great intelligence and creativity if I couldnt make something out of it. The best and comfiest way to do that is in the institutions.
Have any of you ever done the Data Science course through the Erdos Institute? My department is offering to sponsor people.
How do I become a patent attorney?
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>Finish Phd
>get job in new city working in similar area as my research
>3x money
>get to live on my own for the first time
>still terrified of moving and paralyzed of doing anything to prepare from anxiety

Why can’t I just be happy and excited about something for once in my life? No wonder I still have no gf despite being a “success” who wants to be around a worried anxious faggot all the time
This is a very lame post. You didn't even say anything really. No concrete problems were identified. You said nothing of substance. You sound like a bitter failure who needs to blame it on "the system" to protect your ego. The fact that you're unironically referring to regular people as "cattle" really tells me everything I need to know about you. You're probably a waste of life burnout who blames his own failures on others because they didn't want to be around your retarded sperging.
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The headhunters these firms use are all Stacy’s. I know that shits on purpose.
Why are you an engineer?
Hard mode: you can't say money.
My father was an engineer and my grandfather was an engineer
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When I was in the military all of our officers were engineers and we did engineery/construction type things. When I got out i thought about how some of our engineering officers were kinda dumb and said to myself “if THAT guy can do it, I can do it” and went to engineering school. Turns out I’m not half bad at this stuff.

Moneys nice too
i fucking hate ee so much bros
just failed again im not cut out for this autismo math shit. why are all my classmates robotic pajeets i can barely communicate with too. seriously fuck college i’m going to /biz/
How many credits are you taking?
Summer class?
Problem solving is fun and my ego isn't big enough for other fields.
yeah. i’m an oldfag too (24) so i’m trying to expedite this degree.

First of all, as an engineer, you will never fucking retire. You be doing this till you die or get dementia. Which means even if you graduate at 30 you still have another 35 fucking years of doing the job. Oh no you fucked around a bit in your 20’s instead of working for Mr. Toilstein.

Second, the number one thing that craters GPAs and makes people drop out is trying to rush through it. By either taking accelerated weed out courses over the summer or slam jamming 18 credits during the regular semester. Slow the fuck down if what it takes is you taking one (1) class for a semester because you know you’re gonna struggle with it, then that’s what you do. Engineering school is not hard, at all. It’s an exercise in time management.
I've always excelled in math and science so I figured I'd get a job where I would do good at. If I wanted money I would've just gone into finance.
24 is not old to get an engineering degree. You might be behind some people 401k wise. I got my EE degree at 26 and I'm still one of the youngest engineers where I'm working at.
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>>16284250 #
I wish I had that. I will have to be sure to help nepo my own children assuming they want to be engineers and I don't die alone.
>>16284251 #
I am kinda dumb too so this is reassuring.
>>16284259 #
>my ego isn't big enough for other fields.
I almost went the applied physics route but I got scared of starving to death and ultimately just want to make things with science and math.
>>16284276 #
If you are the best pianist in the world you may as well try to make money playing piano.
thanks bros this actually made me feel a little better.
Much easier, but more competition and poor market means you'll be expected to excel compared to other choices.
Much less competitive but largely because the effort/reward ratio is awful. You will be paid peanuts for something that is EXCEPTIONALLY more difficult than CS.
>First of all, as an engineer, you will never fucking retire. You be doing this till you die or get dementia.
how do engineering chuds cope?
Look, here’s the deal. You’re gonna hit 55 or so and want to “retire”. But here’s the thing, peers and work buddies are gonna come out of the woodwork and offer you some part time gig at maybe 20 hours a week as a consultant for you to sit on ass in meetings and chime in or do a couple mark ups because you have so much experience and tribal knowledge. And they’re gonna offer you enough money that the ROI is simply impossible to refuse and you can only play so much golf. You have to take a massive dose of Fuckitall in order to give up basically free money.

Unless you really, really don’t want to do any work at all and go live inna woods or something, you won’t feasibly retire.
Is Computational Finance worth it? How are the career prospects? I have a math bachelors so I think I can do it
I'm "smart" (I did better at public school than my 85 IQ classmates)
But money was the real reason. Which actually proves I'm dumb because the engineering money turned out to be dogshit. No real wage increases in decades.
Who the fuck retires at 55, especially from a cushy office job like engineering?
After 16+ months I've finally landed a new job and it's almost the perfect role I was looking for.
From what I've read it all seems legit and credible in Germany. Seems a bit like a degree mill, but everywhere has those. I imagine its what you make of it while you do your studies, but I'd be interested to hear from other anons experience or just opinions
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Someone who doesn't live to work like a natural slave?
You'll make it, I'll just die here at the side of the road like society clearly wants me to...
That was my point
>making 6 figures doing arc flash calcs and dicking around in excel is harder than CS
>he doesnt get 6figs for dicking around in Altium and harassing part suppliers
>he doesnt get recruiter groveling and tripping over themselves trying to get him a new better-paying job every 2-5 years
it might just be a you problem buddy
You are hardly "working like a slave" as an engineer.
You're getting paid to slurp coffee and sit in front of a computer, which is what you'd be doing anyways let's be honest.
No I'd be spending time with my loved ones, what the heck is wrong with you?
When I was younger I always thought it would be cool to be one of those sociopath climbing business types.

I should transition to management.
So, can I escape you? And if I had the power, could I take you? Stop getting gobby then.
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Studied Chem at a T50 school. Job market looked crap so I returned to get an MSc. Just graduated in may and I can't find shit.
>Thesis in polymers/batteries
>1.5 yrs of internships in analytical chemistry and materials science
>1 interview out of ~80 applications over 4 months
Literally what do I do. I've run out of jobs to apply for in my city. Trying to contend with the state of the market and the possibility that I suck or lack specialization. Should've gone into computational from the start baka LOL

gives me hope gj
>tech lead is a women with 20+ MOOC certificates on her Linkedin
What is up with this fucking personality type?
Does anybody have recommendations a 100% remote M.Sc in CS or Data Science?
Strivers man, they are less than human.
I was talking about from an undergrad curriculum's perspective. A disabled person could get a CS degree if they tried hard, you cannot say the same about EE.

All engineers hardly fucking do anything half the time in the real world, same as every other wagie.
I am mentally retarded and got a degree in EE.
Not without some form of academic dishonesty, you didn't.
They have secretly made it illegal for a white man to get an internship in the UK, there is no other rational explanation for the persecution I am being subjected to.
what degree?
I am doing a PhD in machine learning and pure pain.
IT's not exactly secret mate.
it's promoted in the media continuously.

Since when was /sci/ a 2 hour board?
i do be like that sometimes
I spent my adolescence avoiding British cultural outputs and only watching American films from the 90s and previous so I had no idea of what I was getting myself into.
>don't have a father
>don't have friends
hmmmm you know what my time in college makes a lot more sense now
It's sad that things like this used to be said for hyperbole and comedic effect but now they're 100% believable.
so you only studied?
Not him but I stayed in my room and pretended to be asleep while my roommates knocked on my door and texted me to come downstairs and eat/party or go to the pool with them.
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>first internship
>cubicle is placed in an empty aisle with nobody else around for at least 20 feet
>talk to somebody in my department maybe once or twice a week
>been given a total of like 2 assignments in the past 2 months and nobody cares if i've made any progress
>come in late to work every single day for the past month and nobody has mentioned it
>could probably do nothing but stare at my computer monitor for the entire day and nobody would even notice
i dont know how to feel about this
Is there any kind of "back door" into theoretical physics for someone with a math degree?

I have a math BA and never took any physics courses. However, I've developed an interest in theoretical physics and have been self studying Taylor Mechanics and Griffiths Electrodynamics.

This shit is basically just math, in fact I find it easier than Analysis because it's mostly just hammering integrals.

With that said, since I have no physics courses undergrad I figure no physics MS would let me in.

Is there a way to study theoretical physics in the context of a math degree? Would I be looking at a Pure math masters or an applied math masters?

Or am I better off taking physics undergrad classes as a non degree student piecemeal over the next couple years until I have enough to apply for a masters?

I am in the states.
>With that said, since I have no physics courses undergrad I figure no physics MS would let me in.

Have you read through any requirements of any physics master's at this point?
GeorgiaTech OMSC, 8k USD.
You are about to pay 10-20k for an online degree where brick-and-mortar universities are completely free. Why do you need to do that in Germany?
Computational jobs suck and are just as rare. Have you seen the C&EN chemist salaries for 2023? It was one of the lowest paying fields.
I have a Bachelor's in Chemistry with Management, should I switch to a Master's in Industrial Engineering with a focus on materials science or continue with a Master's in Chemistry with Management specializing in Business Analytics and Chemical Energy Storage and Conversion Technology?
What have done your research into future industry trends? Have you done any internships, research, or fellowships?
Are summer camps actually worth it? I just applied for a one week summer camp at some extremely reputable lab in my country, though it's not NASa, for fun and they accepted me. You have to do some workshops , they gave you a certificate at the end and so on but they are paying the hotel+food for a week in my country's capital. Is this shit worth putting on your CV.
I had a part-time/student job for a year at a national science institute for hydrogene and solar technology that is adjacent to my university. Undergraduate research is extremely rare in my country.
Yeah, most of them require at least Physics I-II, Classical Mechanics (Taylor), Electromagnetism (Griffiths), and Quantum. It would take me like 3 years doing it part time while working so that's why I'm in search of the backdoor.
what does an entry level patent attorney make in Munich?
>chemists will have to use computers
Devastating, how will we recover from this
Why is it like this? What's more strange is that even at Real Jobs where surely everyone hired has done all the calculus they assume you're capable of maybe middle school level at most.
>can't work in analytical
That's like most of the jobs I see posted and not anything I'm worth a shit for, ygmi
Are teaching professors at R1 schools expected to do research on the side
I am confused by all those German Big Science institutes. Is there a ranking or something or does it depend on the specific domain?


DLR>Max Planck>Helmholtz>Fraunhofer>Leibniz or something like this.

In France all that shit is concentrated into CNRS
Is it Possible for bsc (Information technology ) to apply for MS in computer engineering (hardware and GPU) ? My shitty college doesn't offer few courses related to core embedded stuff. Fortunately I was able to clear those through diploma in a state University, will that be accepted ?
I had a job like that and then one day out of no where they got like irate with me and started scheduling all these "performance meetings" with upper management trying to humiliate me and push me out the door.
I'm not saying you are doing anything wrong, they barely gave me anything to do and then got mad about it, it was stupid, I only say this to illustrate how quickly stupid boomers can turn. It's like they have a bad day at home and a light switch gets flipped in their head and next thing you know they're trying to fire you.
>With that said, since I have no physics courses undergrad I figure no physics MS would let me in.
You are correct.
Details are scarce but some is here:
I think it's a matter of job security and how much you really worry/care about having that.
Nor that computer science can't be relatively secure but there's definitely more ups and downs in that industry and if you're graduating while its down you may be fucked so just take note of that.
>geology jobs
Mining and shit I guess?
I don't live in Germany
if you can't get out of IT by this winter you're ABSOLUTELY FCKED mate.
Many would argue you're already too late. Your degree is now a piece of toilet paper like your highschool certificate, and you're an IT guy now except other IT companies don't hire you either because you don't have the right degree. Absolutely FCKed mate
>day 201 of unemployment
Getting a math PhD was a huge mistake
You got scammed. I learned that shit in elementary school.
i'm not worried about getting fired since i have one foot out the door already, it's just hard to shake the feeling that i'm doing something wrong and nobody wants to tell me what it is
Oh I just realized you said you're an intern.
Yeah no one really cares what you are doing.
Guys, the most important part about the internship is not the task you are given, and as you found out there were not many. No, the most importanbt thing is to meet people, network, learn about the various aspects of the job as opposed to a tiny corner of te tasks at a company.
Anyone here has ever worked at Zeiss?
CS an industry pipeline? Here in Germany it's all theoretical, reading and solving esoteric problems/doing proofs with hints of engineering and other fields mixed in.

Also, on that note, you wish for it to be an industry pipeline. Many of us get fucked and find out industry is unforgiving, hence find no job for a while. Especially you US folk.

As for my advice, it depends on what you want in life. Here's the thing though, being a true autodidact won't pay the bills unless you're that one unicorn. Seems like a painful path. In your shoes, I would pick a discipline you can somewhat make use of, and at least get some papers, because that's the minimum hoop the world set nowadays. Find a high ceiling industry so your growing skills develop into higher returns.

I'm nearing 30 and the things I want are changing rapidly. At 24, I still had the thought of "I'm still young", but now I realize the effects of aging. I get tired at the end of the day unlike in my early/mid 20s. I want a family. I wouldn't see myself doing all this shit in my 30s, though I could, it'd be a real pain.

tl:dr Go get some credentials and do the autodidact thing on the side, because if it falls short, you have a fallback and don't end up asking the same question at 30 + wanting a family and other things. Maybe get a trade at least. Afaik, Einstein and DaVinci had normal careers in which they adjacently developed their "scientific ideas", just like Tesla and lord Kelvin.
My thesis advisor keeps asking for more and more revisions to my masters thesis, so now I'm delayed beyond the date to graduate this semester, and will have to defer my PhD start. Mildly annoyed but I guess I'm just not good enough at writing.
was going to do an internship there, got denied after interview
went to ASML instead, they liked me, and now I'm doing a phd in a project they fund
this may be sour grapes but I'm glad I didn't end up in bumfucknowhere g*rmany instead
I have a question. I'm going thru the process of updating my old college and personal scientific modelling scripts. Previously I used Matlab code but I am debating if I should move everything to other language. Does anybody has any particular recommendations? Python, Julia, R, even? Most of my codes would either dump the results on a text file or console based report and generate graphics as well.
I've been to both academia and corpo, it's either matlab or python (or both), only learn others if there is a very specific and very good reason to, otherwise it's a pure waste of time.
Not him, but how did you get into the Power Systems field? I have a degree on that specific field, and I'm planning to go there in 3 years tops.
If I graduated with an engineering degree like 10 years ago, is it easy to get accepted at a new public school to earn another degree? How does that work? Do I need to take the ACT again lol
How do other students manage to find thesis and working student positions at companies? For instance, if I want to do a bachelor's thesis at Company X, I go to their website and search under careers but find nothing. How is another student able to find an interesting thesis topic so easily? Do you really need connections to get even a basic working student job or a thesis? I got good grades but I assume without connections it goes into the trash.
I'm not sure this answers your question but I'm guessing they got pretty straightforward or relatively easy thesis topics and just went with that.
What's your degree/background and how did the internship go exactly? I actually happen to live really close to the HQ due to working at another job close-by.
Bump anons, any help?

Follow up question- people who work in the field of computational simulations.....do you use stuff Lagrange, differential equations and other undergrad mathematics in your day to day job ?
I thing the most reputed one is TUmunich, my friends who did an Msc in Computer Engineering from munich are placed at high paying jobs in MAANG companies doing hardware and software stuff
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How difficult is it to get a non tenure track position as a STEM teaching professor, with a small amount of research expectations? Seems like a kino pathway to go but if it still involves 10+ years of free labor and a nation wide search for a job I'll just be a codemonkey
>T. EE undergrad
>asks about research institutes
>gets an answer about unis
It was a graduating internship for my master's in optical sciences (major in optical design), from France. Can't say too much more since it narrows it down easily. I didn't know anyone there so no nepotism.
It was in the metrology research department. I liked the subject and the supervisors, and I was autonomous enough that other than the weekly meeting, I could work on my own (part of why they referred me to multiple unis/research centers to do a phd)
Idk if that's what you wanted to know
>How difficult is it to get a non tenure track position as a STEM teaching professor,
Considered this is barely paid slavery, your chences to join the slave ships is pretty good.
>with a small amount of research expectations?
Sure, as long as it is VERY small.
>Seems like a kino pathway to go
... insane?
> but if it still involves 10+ years of free labor and a nation wide search for a job I'll just be a codemonkey
Why not found your own startup instead?
I want to do an online degree. I have a math PhD with some CS courses. What are my options?

OMSC GeorgiaTech
Thanks for the advice, brother. Time to practice Python and polish up Matlab.
Yes, I had no roommates
Status striving is a reproductive strategy for some people.
>I want to do a PhD for pussy
Ohnonono who'se gonna tell him?
I had plenty of sex with Chinese girls in hotel rooms whenever I went to conferences
Thats only 5 classes and you should already have mastered the math side of those classes just take all 5 classes in one go ez-pz
Any Americans and Europeans ITT? How can we best fight back against the constant outsourcing and preference of hiring foreigners in STEM?
Hey anons, maybe this isn't strictly STEM, but what can you guys tell me about entry level actuary jobs? I've gotten through half of the exams and I'm waiting to hear back from two interviews.
You can't. You live in a democracy which means you have no influence on policy and you have no way to petition grievances to the government.
>Hey anons, maybe this isn't strictly STEM, but what can you guys tell me about entry level actuary jobs?
The topic has been discussed in the past but there were far more questions than answers.
>I've gotten through half of the exams and I'm waiting to hear back from two interviews.
Well done. And please report back on work in this profession.

t.FAQ editor
How many social credit points does it cost to petition the government chang?
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What is the most lucrative career I can get into with a masters in math? If all I want to do is make money (besides starting a business) what's the best way to leverage my background as a mathfag? Don't just say "do X" explain how I get there and at least 5 relevant skills I need to master to get there (I'm in the U.S if it matters).
Porn. You don't need a degree for that, or any additional training for that matter.
If you work in marketing department, not only you make big bucks, but you also have access to top tier pussy
He's a mathfag. I don't think he cares for pussy.
He'll definitely need some training for his premature ejaculation.
There have been numerous studies conclusively demonstrating that the US functions as an oligarchy. I thought you guys were into science?
math quant for a hedgefund.
Are mechE and EE oversaturated?
From what I've seen in EE, no not really.
But were you able to get a job from one of these conferences?
My impression is that CS is saturated but no other fields. Management consulting is not recruiting but that is temporary and they recruit graduates from many fields.
Why in God's name did I get a fucking math phd?
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you fell for a meme
Male pornstars get paid like $200/scene and make shit. I would do it for the sex though

Already tried that.

So mathematical marketing?

I usually have the opposite problem during sex.
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I'm thinking of doing a math finance Ph.D. It's basically just non-linear stochastic pdes and shit. I think I could sell that to a bank if I pick up some skills.
I've resigned the fact I will not be able to get into a software dev role as a EE trying to go back and learn the skills. Even if I did I'm too entrenched and switching to a jr dev role i will make drastically less money

I just got a bunch of rejections today and it gives me a little despair.
I have a job already but it's not what I want. If I can't find anything while having a job, it would be insane how much desperation would put off the HR faggots if I actually needed a job and I'm laid off.
yeah my dad knew someone at blackrock
Financially speaking, is it advisable to spend 350k on a prestigious university overseas or take a full ride scholarship to a lower tier local university?
is math actually a meme
i'll be studying math at some somewhat average uni and i'm wondering if i should prepare to switch over to compsci or to try to get into a good uni
finance/compsci is what interests me mostly
anyone here in risk management? I have an offer to become a risk analyst for a major European bank.

how boring is the job? how does a typical career trajectory look like?

t. math PhD (not the Scandinavian one)
If it's harvard maybe
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If you gon't get a job or internship easily, it is probably not your fault:
>US graduates face cut-throat job market as companies scrap internships
>As US employers attempt to cut costs and increase efficiency, in anticipation of an economic slowdown, internships have been axed. Many companies have reduced hiring for white-collar jobs after recruiting too many new graduates in recent years, meaning there would not be enough jobs for more interns to move into.
Hang on in there, we are still going to make it.
>Hang on in there, we are still going to make it.
Not really, grads who graduate into recessions/bad markets statistically rarely succeed in their careers, look at the stats from 2008. It something like halves lifetime earning potential gains from college.
that will not stop me
I graduated in an earlier recession, the job market was brutal for a while but I and others I know from my class did well afterwards. Many of us did a PhD to keep busy until things improved.

>Research shows that college graduates who start their working lives during a recession earn less for at least 10 to 15 years than those who graduate during periods of prosperity (Oyer 2006, Kahn 2010, Wozniak 2010, Oreopoulos et al. 2012). But it has been unclear whether these effects linger beyond that, whether they matter for those with less education, and to what extent they impact a broader set of outcomes, including health and mortality.
So a lot remains unclear.
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Any tips for this type of interview. Thankfully I'm enough of an autist to be able to breeze past the technical stuff, but I really have no idea what to make of the final round interview being something like this

>"This interview will be focusing on sharing with you XXX working culture and the group you will be working with in the future. Also, it allows the panel interviewers to learn more about you, your personal attributes and motivation to join XXX"
You sound like a normie. "Wanting a family" is nowhere near my priorities.
I'm a wageslave going for a CS degree at age 38 because I think tech is being used as an existential propaganda threat and I feel a survival-based instinct to learn as much as I can so I can get a handle on it.
I'm inspired by people like Marc Andreesen and George Hotz. I just want to live freely in the open source AI waifu paradise of the future.
Profit isn't the main motivator, I live frugally and study CS more as a hobby than a job.
But I feel there's mass delusion in academia where people think their degree/school the went to do is all that matters and they're gonna have a triple digit income. Stop taking the bait. Maybe abolishing the Department of Education can fix this
>penetrating industry from academia
LMAO you nerds can't even penetrate a gurl
>be retarded engineeringcuck (aka barely even in midwit range, likely not even better than average)
>speak about research like your opinion has any value whatsoever on intellectual subjects
why do they always do this?
>say hello at a conference
>shake a hand
>get a job
Or failing that
>apply for an industry job
>get the job
This is an insurmountable challenge for cuckademics.
Just smile, laugh when appropriate, have a normie-acceptable hobby to talk about which isn't your autistic hyperfixation. Don't lie about the hobby, you'll eventually get called out on it
If it's the final round then it's just an autism check, they want to see if you can put up with their work culture and not cause any friction. Being polite and inoffensive is enough. Mask-on and your best daywalker impression.
>>apply for an industry job
>>get the job
you can get it in the wrong field like IT.
How do I get into Data Science? Should I just put Coursera courses on my resume?
Should I put my teacher training program on my resume? I have been unemployed for over 6 months now. I would guess it looks better if I have been pursuing a teaching certificate instead of being unemployed.
what should I do as a civil engineer?
Build giant structures
Build bridge
slow down every project you are involved in because apparently its too hard for any civil engineer to do anything in a timely fashion , while maybe not as bad as mechanical, but still obscene.

Meanwhile electrical has to deal with all the other disciplines changing shit and nobody ever telling us when shit has to move or a piece of equipment was swapped out. Yes I mad. Electrical is the only reason multidiscipline projects get done
get into environmental engineering, it's more fun than building bridges (who even does that anymore lol)
there aren't enough civil engineers in the country
which country
How many ECTS do you have? For me it's 609.
it's another day at work where i realize i don't fit in and everyone knows i'm retarded
relatable, except I am unemployed
i probably will be soon
no one shows me how to do anything then they act angry that i don't know how to do it
Ask for a mentor. That is fashionable too.
Biochem major at a public university, I want to go PhD and teach/research. How naïve and bad is my life outcome?
why do people do PhDs instead of getting an actual job doing actual thing in their field?
they become used to the way they've been living for the past 10 or so years
This. I just started working on my 3rd M. Sc I wish I was joking.
but you're also working an actual job in the meantime, right?
Yes but I got fired.
I can't even do a single Masters. I got accepted into University of Arizona but it was $16,000 per semester.
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lmao why?
Ignore those guy(s?) anon, don't let them get to you. I don't have much advice other than do whatever you can to not end up like these people. You'll meet guys like these in real life too and its far easier to categorise the usefulness of their advice. Dead voices, dreamless eyes and an exceptional ability at finding flaws in others whilst being paralysed and avoidant in fear of aiming toward themselves.
I’m not even an electrical engineer, I just did a stint as a tradie for a few years before going to school. Flow in a pipe is the same as flow in a wire. Same shit. Literally just apply, nobody wants to do power cuz it’s boring and lame. Pays good tho.
I want to have Dr. on my credit card
are you still here anon? I'm in the power systems field technically
At this point the field is over saturated, you will need a master’s in stats or CS (or data science but other two are better) to even have a chance to get your foot in the door. Even then without previous experience in the field you’ll be lucky to land a job after 300 applications. Maybe in a few years the job market will get better but due to the general shit condition tech jobs are in atm combined with data science specifically being memed as “le sexiest job of the 21st century” for years, it’s not a good time.
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What should I do with this degree? Did I fugg up?
hope you like working at twinkie factories

i assume you do scada bullshit? controls?
I really hate how every job that has been memed over the past 10 years is basically the saving grace for those in pure math or physics but then you have all these fucking normies getting watered down "data science" degrees or bootcamps polluting the application space. I've heard companies still value mathematicians and physicists but it seems imo to even further devalue their degrees. Like I admit some of the academics I've met couldn't tear their way out of a wet paper bag, but I don't see how companies/hr niggers can't comprehend that a mathematician (or physicist) couldn't be trained to do the job and probably better than these other Micky mouse bootcamps and degrees.
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>quit my chem eng job of 8 years
>kind of want to make a move but idk what
>maybe CS?
>probably would need to get a masters' though shit
I'm 32. Is it OVER? Just give up? My specialization in chem eng is very niche and pretty in demand for people who know what they're doing (most people are retards) but fuck me I don't want to move to the other side of town.
Being unemployed for 1.5 months has been nice, though.
I'm in same boat anon, except EE

I'm studying right now on my own to obtain the skills to make some side projects for fun and see where it goes
By your logic, dual swords are better than a single sword.
If this is correct, I will display my card and favourite sketch as a first move.
Nice man. I should at least do that in my spare time whether I get a MS in it or not. I'm decent at coding.
How do I get a fully remote 6-figure job designing chips?
>designing chips
>fully remote

My dude, you are going to be in the fab everyday looking at metrology tool reports.
>hiring manager has a phd
I might make it after all
Are you retarded? Why would I need to go to the factory to look at a report? Ever heard of this thing called the internet?
>day 207 of unemployment
Getting a math PhD was a huge mistake
>Are you retarded?

Probably, because I was a blue badge for Intel for quite a few years and didn’t have the good sense to leave after 2. I know what the guys in TD do and they at best have a hybrid schedule. Sorry man, but running new wafers is a hands on deal for most. Unless you’re Jim Keller I wouldn’t bet on a fully remote position. Enjoy Hillsboro, they got an okay food scene. Try Samsung or Texas Instruments but they aren’t any better by my estimation, also lol at living in Austin.
I have been admitted to a Master's Program in Data Science at the University of Skövde. What do you think of it? I would have expected some courses in reinforced learning or other meme topics. Should I go to Skövde or just keep applying (tm) for jobs?
>tries to flex on me
>has no idea I work for ASML
Chip designers aren't in the fab fucking around with the tools like a monkey. Even guys who's entire job it is to do maintenance on tools can view reports from their house. Do you think there's like a giant crowd of people standing in line at the tool to get a report?
No, but your herding cats with the tool owners. I don’t know how ASML does business but big blue likes its babysitters on site a couple days out of the week at a minimum.
>starts throwing around slang to try and pull rank
Listen man, I am getting out of this god damned fab. I've never seen a chip designer in the fab in my life and I can't think of a single reason why they'd ever step foot in there. No sane person would.
I’m just relating my experience dude. There’s a reason why the average lifespan of a blue badge is 18 months, meaning before they quit or get fired. Ask me how many pieces of flare I had on my badge chain. It sounds retarded because that’s the blue kool aid kicking in. If it’s different where you’re at, good on you.
Fabs are where B-/C+ students go to die. There's no way in hell these chip designers with M.S. and Ph.Ds are putting on clean suits. Ever. I refuse to believe it.
If I had a PhD in electrical engineering and some faggot told me to put on a clean suit and go to the fab for ANYTHING I would do a 360 and walk out the fucking door that second.
When Jim Keller himself comes to your fab and goes on a rant about how your transistors look like shit, you’d be surprised at the kind of bullshit that happens afterwards. Don’t underestimate corporate clownery.

And no, they aren’t gowning up. You’re right about that. But they’re still sitting through 6 hour page turns with 30 other people in a conference room.
How's it my fault if the transistors look like shit? I would be designing chips. I'm not in charge of making the lithography work.
You are saying, verbatim, what the chip designers I knew said.
It's fate then, this is my calling.
>something something it’s not manufacturable *screeches in tool owner*
>anon we need more (((alignment))) with the process team, our organization is currently too (((silo’d)))
>really need you to get in front of this with the team and give better design direction

I could keep going but I know this is all familiar to you.
>No one here can honestly argue the education system that exists today let's people up to their full potential or even avoids stifling large enough minority of the population.
Can confirm; a lot of people I know should have progressed a lot further than they did, and that is the kind of regret that really gets to you once you get old and start thinking about what could have been.
I also know some extremely bright people who landed a professorship and is recognized in their fields. The journey there was full of people causing a lot of grief including prestigious positions given to people with connection with no regard to merits.
Doesn't coding all day get fucking boring?

Is data science as boring? How about traditional engineering (mechanical etc)?
I absolutely feel you, only a bachelors though lel. I'm proximal to Boston and the market is still slow. I was let go last May and still can't find shit. While I'm not necessarily in danger of fiscal collapse, I have two positions at less than one year and a PIP as a parting gift from my last job. Empathy to other people and utter lack of direction are what's killing me, and I'm not sure what to do. Looking really hard at going back to school for something under the buildsubmarines program.
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My dad was a quantitative analyst in like 2004. He's not really connected to the industry anymore but I want to be a quant too, i just graduated highschool and im going to university for mathematics statistics and computer science soon what do I do to work to being a quant? I can't really leverage my dad's old position either because he's not involved or friends with anyone in that field anymore.
I'm a bachelors mechanical-ish engineer working in the metalmaking industry and it sucks ass! I hate being the man that says "Produce thousands of tons of steel to create this energivore crazy machine". What is some MSc degree I could get that doesn't make me do something horrible but still in engineering or some stem field?
Thinking of going back to school for ME. Are most mechE jobs design engineering jobs? Or are most the kind where you do spreadsheets and write reports all day? In other words, how much like Mythbusters is this career going to be?
>Not a single course in statistics or probability
Meme degree. All the other skills can be self-taught (coding) or learned on the job (data visualization, business skills, etc.). Just get a degree in stats or CS, preferably stats if you’re serious about working in the field.
I hate bootcampers as much as the next guy but if you were autistic enough to go pure math/physics then I would hire the bootcamp normie over you as I would expect too many issues with teamwork and communication with you.
>t. Applied math/stats chad who had to deal with insufferable pure math autists
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Chat, how do I fix this? Any suggestions?
>insufferable pure math autists
literally me
I understand your position, but not all of us are that autistic. I have a pure math background but am actually quite sociable and outgoing and don't at all come off like a sperg.
>Electrical is the only reason nultidiscipline projects get done
>tfw in 4 weeks schedule for a project
>tfw the electrical team (I'm there) is about 3 ahead now on the first week
>tfw mechanical team is dragging their feet
>tfw the director of our department just can't fathom why are we so far ahead
>tfw I had to jump in and help the mechanicals
>tfw they haven't read the specs of the project
What in the world...
Be a Chad and work with EEs to design substations.

Why do they do this?
I'm that autistic aero grad who comes by periodically to complain about not having a job
You guys figure I should try getting an assembler or technician kinda job at a big aero company then try to worm my way into an engineering one from inside?
My life sucks!
>No one here can honestly argue the education system that exists today let's people up to their full potential
Woah... what an insight.

>You can mock anyone who compares themself to einstein.
You're right, and I will. You don't need an be an Einstein or Da Vinci to be able to impress 'normiecattle' or to find oneself annoyed by the collective behaviours of 'normiecattle'. Crazy ego from the retard who not only signed up for a CS program that's more practical than theoretical in it's approach, but signed up fucking TWICE for it.
Yeah, dropped on the head as a child certainly describes it.

>And yes, isolating experiences like this will cause emotional problems.
Funny thing about this is that even within the inner-city public high school I attended, academic success and intellect otherwise was what made you popular. Sure people still care about sports and whatnot, but even then, it wasn't uncommon for a couple of the olympiad club members to be starters on the (decently successful) basketball team.
And yes, even the 'normiecattle' peers who were more concerned with upholding their B average and partying would still heap praise upon their classroom peers who won robotics, math, physics etc competitions.

Even beyond that, I know plenty of people who were actually physically and emotionally abused/manipulated by all of their social superiors from parents to teachers to peers, victims of nepotism, etc, who ended up succeeding in spite of everything.
Don't give me this bullshit about "isolating experiences", no, you're not the only self-aggrandizing fag at your shitty public school. Join the relevant academic clubs/honours/AP/IB courses and connect with other like-minded individuals.
Everything to your liking is available for you to pick and choose between. If you don't want to/are too fucking stupid to bend over and pick it up despite fancying oneself as a kind of underprivileged Einstein, I got no sympathy for you.
You problem if "working" 20 hours/week as a rubber-stamping consultant precludes you from spending time with loved ones.
They openly discriminated against English pilot-candidates in favour of "BIPOC" candidates. For some reason, they're surprised that veterans are happy to consult the Chinese to the tune of ~$300k USD/year.

You need to play the social game aggressively. Besides maintaining your grades, this is really the only way for you, unless you're completely okay with working bitch-jobs (if you even get the interview to begin with, and pass it).
Seeing as you already have the maths nailed down, I don't see how you think this is a three-year timeline. Two, at most. I encourage you to sign up.
Cute little goy thinks his voting rights translate into
meaningful political power.
Bro, I want out of manufacturing electrical equipment. I want to get back into Power Systems. I was happier there.

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