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He's not a scientists. Engineer and innovator is the right word.
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Elon musk is the antichrist. When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.
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your mom is the flithiest whore of all time

>engineer and innovator
Tell me, what things he has engineered or innovated?
He fucked your mom's pussy
>ugly EV and a half-ass cable/5G substitute (Starlink)
>"great innovations"
I'll stick with "scientist" Steve Jobs who "innovated" the smartphone.
It says more about our time than him. Imagine how many like him died as a baby, died when conscripted at 15, died an old man who's only accomplishment was farming cabbages and having kids because that's all that was open to him. With the abundance of resources and information we're going to see more crazy people like him. I love it
That's always been the case. Yet we still give respect to great men of history for their remarkable accomplishments. It's a truism that under ideal conditions more could rise to such a level. It's also true that many born into insane wealth either squander it, contribute nothing, or actually harm society.
Oh yeah no doubt, he's remarkable. His way of thinking about solving problems (though ultimately autism båsed) will be studied and taught. Already there are promising startups implementing his principles
he is a great innovator, as far as I'm aware, the title greatest works until someone else beats him to a mars colony.
as opposed to what other scientist? elon has the methodology of a scientist
No, as in scientists doing scientific research directly in labs. But I suppose in a classical sense, he's a scientists as well since he and his companies are pushing the boundaries of engineering science
I still think that only a government can put someone on the moon.
Time to go back 50 years.
Where the hell have you been? Also, what part specifically is only possible for governments?
Hey bro wake up it's 2024, the government can't do anything anymore and bids shit out to private contractors who have done more for spaceflight in the last 10 years than the government has in, *checks calender*, half a century.
Online payments
Reusable rockets
Satellite internet
High efficiency electric vehicles
Modular factories
he hired people to do those things. he's still important but not some super genius like op wants him to be, just a good businesses man
PayPal was pretty much entirely him and he put in a very significant amount of work from Falcon 1 to 9 including engine development which is notoriously difficult. Tom Mueller, ex head raptor dev talks about this as well as some NASA guy I forget the name of. The rest I will concede is mostly just management, piecing together existing breakthrough technologies as well as integrating and improving on them. Still its pretty obvious he has excellent management skills when you looks at the competitors. Bezos been in the rocket industry several years longer than SpaceX and haven't launched anything to orbit yet, national scale space programs of other countries havent landed a single booster which SpaceX did what, like 10 years ago? EV competition was pretty much a bad joke until China upped their game. Satellite internet market thoroughly killed by starlink.
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I've never seen a motherfucker more celebrated for the amazing shit he might do and not what he actually did. Martin Eberhard innovated the original Tesla and Tom Mueller innovated the Falcon rockets, btw... look them both up before you suck this guy's dick any harder.
Tom Mueller literally talks about how much design work Elon put into the Falcon class rockets but you don't want to have an actual conversation because your next reply is just going to be

>Elon dickrider hur hur

Because his existence makes you mald
>being impressed some guy said nice things about his boss
Welcome to adulthood, zoom zoom.
He doesn't even work there anymore, he isn't obliged to say anything nice retard
>zoom zoom just learning about business etiqutte
You are mentally ill >>16282075
He’s the most pro-Israel and globohomo inventor of all time but I don’t know about the greatest
>Elon Musk is the Greatest Scientist
Not a scientist.
>and Innovator of All Time
More accurate. He'd definitely be a contender.
Martin Eberhard ran the company to the ground and nearly bankrupted the company. Everything you know about Tesla is with Musk at the helm. The roadster being in production, the Model S, the model X, the Model 3, the Model Y, the Tesla Semi, the Cybertruck, all the factories, all the logistics, all the battery productions, all the software productions, etc.

Eberhard and Musk along with few others originally created the company from scratch. Prior to Musk creating the company, funding the company himself, there was just paper napkin concepts.

Tom Meullar designed and created the Merlin engines. The rocket body however was a team effort led by Musk himself due to the fact that he couldnt find others to be the chief engineer. He was the one procuring the materials, securing the testing facilities, securing the factory, securing the funding, hiring the first 1000 or so employees directly and so on.
checked. and also richest of all time.
Duck no
>Innovator, entrepreneur
Def yes
Grifter as well
Stupid meme. He's been wrong but he definitely believes it at the time. I'm not aware of any instances where he genuinely fooled people for money
He is a computer scientist and a physical engineer.
Yet you consider yourself a scientist, because you aim at some phd and he isn't (yet even a diploma is not what makes a man a true scientist)
Hes not a computer scientist. He was a self taught programmer. Computer scientists is just research of computer topology mainly.
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> there's only one field of computer science
you should reconsider
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>the Tesla Semi, the Cybertruck,

>the moment you realize you're talking to a shill
Castrating yourself isn't a good outlook
If he's that smart, why did he make the cybertruck body out of '80s meme material instead of a titanium-fiber composite?

>t. make my own armor using said that actually does eat .44 mag
Fags. Fags...
you should see the boards they used to get us there
20 STARLINK SATELLITES WERE LOST: Jonathan McDowell of Harvard University reports that all 20 Starlink satellites launched on July 11th have re-entered Earth's atmosphere. A failure in SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket caused the satellites to be deployed lower than usual, too low to escape the drag of the atmosphere below. Right now, our atmosphere is extra-puffed up by high solar activity, so the satellites were doomed despite "warp 9" thuster firings.
>of All Time

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