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Why is IQ considered mostly genetic except in the context of race where all of the differences are due to things like nutrition and institutionalized racism? Seems a little bizarre to me that the n word has such a strongly negative effect on cognitive ability
because your scientific field is funded by blackrock
>BlackRock says gunman from Trump rally briefly appeared in an ad for them
Because if we speak up about the flawed DEI policies we risk getting fired, forgotten, and shit out onto the street as a failure.
If you have shit nutrition then that will lower your IQ, but that doesn't mean that it isn't also genetic. Which factors will dominate depends on the environment.
China, world intelligence leader country, just because they don't have niggers.
Institutionalized racism is more than just "the n word." Institutionalized racism encompasses may things such as job discrimination, discrimination in the justice system, stop and frisk policies, etc.
It's not racism, it only seems so because niggers are judged according to their ability and they lack it.
>It's not racism, it only seems so because niggers are judged according to their ability and they lack it.

The science says you are wrong. So many studies have found that even with identical resumes, black sounding names on job applications are significantly more likely to be rejected relative to white sounding names.


It's science only if they applied by the same name...
Because it is

Niggers will cope
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Because people would rather not hurt the feelings of others, to disastrous effect.

“Suicidal empathy”.
Suppose it is definitively proven that x race of people are stupid. What are you realistically going to do about it from the perspective of society as a whole when those people already exist within your society? Is officially proclaiming their stupidity from the rooftops going to be productive in any meaningful way?
If they knew about the legions I set up when my task was to get just one shot right, they'd laugh at me.
Iq sure, but not intelligence imo. I think if you teach them since they were toddlers the correct things in a good way they can be intelligent despite their genes, sure the iq will affect on how fast they can learn, but don't think it limits them on how much they can really learn. The biggest factor though surely will be the parents or grandparents if they did anything scientific.
Truthfully we know fuckall about how these complex polygenic systems work beyond some very basics you can establish via observational studies like twin-studies (which are the best we have ATM but are pretty post-hoc if we're being honest).

There's a ton of stuff that is up in the air at the moment that is very likely to be strongly genetic if we were to magically find the "genetic codebook" for those traits (assuming one properly exists).

In terms of race and IQ, the problem really comes down to genetic IQ being a ceiling not a floor. We know for a fact that there's a ton of social factors which lower the average IQ of African Americans beyond what it "could be" if these social factors were not present. If I were a betting man, I'd still put money on the average IQ of blacks being lower than whites by some reasonable margin even when these social/cultural factors are corrected for. But I'd also bet it's less than the full standard deviation that current research (which doesn't do much to control for social/cultural confounding factors) shows.
>a ton of social factors which lower the average IQ of African Americans beyond what it "could be" if these social factors were not present.
every study i've seen that controls for those (it's a very base level critique of race/iq studies so it's been addressed many, many times) still shows them being far behind whites and asians
If the resumes submitted all had the same name, they wouldn't be able to test for racial bias.

If you mean that the black sounding names should all have the same name, otherwise this wouldn't be science, then that of course would be wrong. The studies are scientific because they are testing a falsifiable hypothesis. Perhaps the scientific studies are not foolproof because they do not take into account that maybe specific "black" names are discriminated against not because they are "black" per se, but because they appear unsightly or ridiculous, but that does not mean these studies are not science.

Regardless, it is far more likely that we are seeing racial bias, rather than just bias towards specific names. This alternate hypothesis you're alluding to would not explain the majority of the difference we see between responses to white-sounding names and black-sounding names, it would appear to only explain the difference between the response rates of two specific names, which is not the noted difference.
>Is officially proclaiming their stupidity from the rooftops going to be productive in any meaningful way?
Yes. Americans need to be told just how stupid they are.

Pretending we’re all equivalently capable is also a recipe for disaster.

Equality of outcome is stupid. Equity of outcome is just right.
Because the only real solution for all the problems in the world is to cut the balls of any male with IQ below 110. Simple as.
but that doesn't solve the problem of men with IQs over 110 not finding real life partners.
Because mid century Germans, 150 years of communist subversion, and dysgenic collapse of civilisation.
I certainly think the gap is dropping between the races. We’re all getting dumber due to dysgenic selection pressures caused by complex civilisation (welfare, hospitals, low child mortality).
We need eugenics asap if we want to avoid collapse.

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