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Why are polar bear populations exploding?
Are we going to have a dangerous overpopulation of polar bears in the future?
What problems is a polar bear infestation likely to result in?
animal populations are always cyclical in boom and famine cycles. Too many bears eat too many seals, bears starve so seals multiply more, it repeats
When they eat all the seals and walruses there will be a boom in the arctic fish and oyster populations.
I wonder what polar bears taste like...
Does anyone know if they taste similar to other types of bear?
Privileged white bears are indeed a problem. We need more brown bears in the arctic.
Steak that's been brined in tuna juice.
>animals slaughter each other and kill billions every day
>everything is fine :) its nature!

>a few ice bears apparently die because because humans drive cars
>noooooo humans are so bad they kill poor ice bears :(( we must stop going against nature!
they didn't even die though, their population has doubled over the past 40 years
Does this boom also happen when they are going extinct?
If so, it reminds me of the history of Jews; 6 million on whom were gassed by Hitler, but -- a year later (still reeling from the holocaust, presumably), somehow managed to takeover Palestine and commit their own genocide; the Nakba, just like they are doing today. Now, that's an unprecedented bounce back. Either that or Climate Change and holohoax are both bunk.
I don't know why the environmentalist retards love polar so much. they're ugly and look cruel. they rape, cannablize their young, eat everything, including humans. for what I know the best solution to the polar bear problem is shoot them all to death.
Polar populations took a tumble as soon as assorted Artic dwelling tribes were able to acquire firearms, which made hunting them much safer. When various government started banning and/or heavily restricting that hunting (starting in 1956 when the Soviets banned it; the US banned it in 1972, Norway 1973, Canada started strict hunting quotas around that time, and so on), polar bear populations started to recover, and have been steadily growing since then.
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Increased human settlement in the arctic has also substantially enhanced the amount of forage available for polar bears. It might not look pretty, but those bears like eating trash.
I've had black bear, tasted like metal.
>muh noble wild beasts
This. You’re not going to have overpopulation of an animal that’s an apex predator, only has a couple babies a year takes 10 years to mature, and lives in a place with large areas of unfragmented habitat. It’s not some catastrophic overpopulation of bears, it’s just the bears reaching their pre-persecution populations now that they’re protected. This would be like saying there’s a plague of humpback whales because their population increased 30% in less than a decade after whaling was banned, even though their population had decreased by 95% before that
Whaling shouldn't be illegal, without whaling the whales become overpopulated and start staving to death. Whale meat is delicious stuff and killing just one is an enormous amount of meat. Gray whales are all over the place on the USA west coast, we should be eating them. If we don't some Chinks will just eventually show up and harvest them all
>i'm in ur landfill eating ur garbages
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the indomitable animal spirit
It turns out polar bears can be fertililzed by human men
>without whaling the whales become overpopulated and start staving to death
This bait smells bad
Do people still believe in HAARP? or is that conspiracy theory obsolete?
Found the nip

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