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Good news fellow environmentalists!
Regions regions that the scientist said were going to become arid wastelands due to increased atmospheric CO2 are instead becoming healthier than they ever were before.
Sure is nice to see nature becoming so vigorous and robust. Are all my fellow environmentalists happy to see this? Of course they are, only someone who hates nature would be upset to see nature getting healthier.
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So overexpansion of corn fields and urban sprawl are good for the biosphere now? You have no idea how close you are to extinction, do you?
>made up graph based on no data
how dumb do you have to be to fall for that?
inb4 "akchually, nobody ever said they'd become arid wastelands"
ok you're a schizo with a messiah complex, thanks for demonstrating your level of stupidity for us
Eglin Air Force Base.
Also, refrain from using hebrew in my presence.
lol “greening”
> farming and suburbia expansions over desert areas with….water from drying river beds
> rampant flooding in tropical areas causing bursts of growth before catastrophic decay

Also drought doesn’t last forever. It means that the land becomes unable to support a minimum level of vegetation for majority of the year NATURALLY, which means us and animals won’t have enough food without human intervention. Just because it “greens” in the winter or rainy seasons means jack shit if it’s arid the rest of the time.
>you will have 100-degree summers and be happy because slightly more grass is growing in africa
Least deranged sci user
Don't forget draining aquifers and literally stealing water from neighboring areas.
It's a neoliberal. Their existence on this planet is cancer.
Is the greening the effect of urbanisation, higher rainfall or higher CO2?
Whoa so you degrowth cultists think you're not jewbrained? Wild
It's just more land being used for farms. That's literally it.
>Neoliberalism MUST continue!
Get in the fucking dirt already.
In China and Europe it is mostly abandoned cropland. The farmers send their children in the cities because the work in the cities is paid more.
lmao that the scientist were exactly wrong. how do those people even still have jobs in the profession? they should've been laughed out of academia.
life is a curse, the planet would be happier dead
This looks like a baboon shoved some yarn up its ass and tried pulling it out again
Buddy save the planet by killing your family. Go vegan too lmfao
>source: my ass?
200kb twitter screenshots and googled graphs aren't sources.
You're attacking the source because you can't refute the central part of the argument being made and the fact that you can't refute the central part of the argument being made means that you're as much as admitting that it is correct.
It is laughable how outraged people who call themselves environmentalists get whenever they see good news about the environment.
No dumbass, I'm attacking the source (or lack thereof) because meaningful discussion is based upon sharing and comparing multiple well-vetted sources.
Those that can't understand the importance of solid sources don't actually care about discussion, they're just looking for the tiny pathetic adrenaline rush that comes from reddit-tier virtual arguments.

I want the good news, just like you. The subject of your thread is interesting and one I would like to learn more about. I just want to make sure what I'm absorbing and engaging with is reliable and built upon a well-studied foundation. I do not want to absorb or engage with twitter slop that was generated specifically to prey on emotional adolescents.
>see good news about the environment
>become outraged and angry over it
why are the self styled "environmentalists" all like this?
how come seeing good news about the environment makes them angry instead of happy?
I think you replied to the wrong post.

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