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Given that the userbase of 4chan is overwhelming American and your median USAican is yoked by the US Customary system, I propose /mg/ for discussing ways to use and spread the Metric System.

1. Converting your (digital) devices to metric
2. Trading tools made in US customary for metric
3. Using metric in day-to-day conversation
4. Using metric in a professional environment
5. Encouraging others to use the metric system whenever and wherever possible

>Metric-only or Metric-capable tools/devices/appliances
>Metrication promotion (whether informal or formal)
>Modding USC things to Metric
>Anecdotes relating to the benefits of the Metric System or anecdotes of the failures of USC
The units have no basis in human reality and there is no real life situation where powers of ten are a useful scale.
>Given that the userbase of 4chan is overwhelming American
I don't think it is.
The meter was arbitrarily chosen, but everything else was based off measurements from the meter. One gram was defined as 1 cm^3 of water. One kg was defined as 1 liter of water. A joule is the amount of energy expended to move a 1 kg weight by 1 meter. All unit convertions factors are in base 10 since our numerical scale is in base 10.

It's much harder to give reasonable interpretations for the conversions of the non-metric system. If I need 11 oz of water, but you only have water in a gallon container, how much is that? It's hard to remember 5280 ft = 1 mile off the top of your head, and it makes calculations a huge pain in the ass.
The units have no basis in human reality and there is no real life situation where powers of ten are a useful scale.
Why would you need 11 oz of water?
Metric botulism lol
If you put a point at the north pole and draw an arc down the meridian to the equator, assuming a mathematically perfect sphere, that would be exactly 10,000 km. Powers of 10 makes calculation quick and easy since our numerical digit system is in base 10. Computers count in base 2, the babylonians had a base 60 digit system, we just use 10 since we have 10 different digits. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. If I wanted to convert 52 km to meters, it's gonna be 52,000 meters. Just slap on the amount of zeros you need. If i wanted to convert 52 miles into feet on the other hand, i need to compute 52 • 5280 which is far more laborious.
It's meant to be a simple example you dysgenic mutt. Are you incapable of imagining hypothetical scenarios?
The german scientists used metric in WW1 and WW2. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for all of us. It's a perfectly valid system that's used by the global scientific community.
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is it autism? they can't even get it settled
German scientists of that era were raised with even more unusual customary units in an initially non existent public school system where they had to rack their brains around obscure units converting to obscure units. This forced them to think hard about abstract concept early in development and primed their mind for later learning. They probably wouldn't have amounted to much if they only had to move a decimal point for unit conversion. No thinking required. Metric should be for scientists only in work and academia. Make all children to learn stupid arbitrary things so they are forced to use their brain to work around it. Advocating for metric society benefits only stupid people.
>German scientists
Now convert the pressure of an 4x4x.1 inch metal plate on an 3x3 feet table with a density of 12 lbs/sqr ft to an usable psi. value without brain fuckup. Protip, much more easy with cm3 cm2 and m2. The exotic units are imperial, which is a dumbfuck wording in itself.
For what, Ampere is a derivation but way more useful than coulomb except in rare cases were the energy is needed such as an electrical chair.
Actually Coulomb is more fundamental than Ampere following the 2019 redefinition of SI units. An electron charge is defined to be exactly 1.602176634x10^{-19} coulombs and everything follows from that.

Note that the redefinition makes it abundantly clear how flawed the metric system is compared to a system of natural units where all physical constants are set to 1 or at least some power of 10. This is why Europeans with some kind of metric superiority complex are so cringe
>Create Metric Calendar
>base unit second
>10 seconds = minute
>10 minutes = hour
>10 hours = day
>10 days = week
>10 weeks = month
>10 months = year
Easy to understand. Never have to ask: how many days does this month have? Adding 1240 hours to the year gives everyone more free time. Making each year less than 1/3 as long means people can live to be much older. Why hasn't your country adopted the sensible Metric Calendar yet?
Ok but how long is a second, then
Calories are not joules.
Are you retarded?
My super-smart reformed imperial system:

The "scientific" foot standard. Defined as 1 light-nanosecond, which is 0.9836 conventional feet.
The BTU. Redefined as the energy of 10^37 photons with angular frequency of 1 Hz. This is 1054.57 J which is consistent with the various currently existing BTU standards.

>Physical constants in these units
speed of light: c= 10^9 feet/s
(reduced) Planck's constant: hbar = 10^-37 BTU*s
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>A joule is the amount of energy expended to move a 1 kg weight by 1 meter.
It's the amount to accelerate 1 kg at 1 m/s^2 over a distance of 1 meter
An arc to the equator has no basis in human reality.
This is scientifically the gayest general anyone has ever made
estimate the mass of a mole of moles. estimate the amount of olympic sized pools needed to fill a years worth of Indian poo. estimate the number of forskins required to build a bridge across the Mississippi river capable of holding a cybertruck. you need powers of 10 to do any of these reasonably quickly without calculators
None of that has a basis in human reality. Neither do bels, or decibels as they are applied. Logarithmic scales don't need to described logarthmically if the human scale is clear by context: if something is annoyingly loud, call it a cry; if a really loud cry is painful, call it a crynt. Easy peasy.
Anyone on here that is actually a scientist or engineer will already use SI (and other subfield-specific systems like cgs, Gaussian units, etc). For all of the middle schoolers, it is irrelevant.

Also, if you think order of magnitude prefixes is a meaningful selling point of metric, you don't understand units.
Rational doesn't mean "the best way of doing something," it means "a way that can be explained logically." The current system already has a rational explanation. Not every reason needs to fit in your specific ADHD/OCD/autismal way of looking at things.

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