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scientifically speaking, what are the odds of, 3 months before a rare event such as Trump's assassination attempt, someone perfectly predicting this event?

oh, don't mind the 666 second timestamp btw, just another coincidence.

start watching at 11:06
Let me steelman you here more than anyone will ever do again

Let's concede that remote viewing / psychic powers are real

Now what? It's still useless because most predictions this man has made have been wrong, and the same for everyone else claiming to remote view. You have no way of knowing which predictions will come true. It's no more useful than normal chance.
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lol, lmao, never change you normalfags
What are all of his claims?
>most predictions this man has made have been wrong
wrong, dude has never been wrong
Nigger I just had to watch him before 11:06 and he was saying schizo shit lmao
>he was saying schizo shit lmao
bullshit, he only talked upcoming economy crashes and climate change getting worse (which is pretty reasonable to expect)
Imagine believing a guy can predict the future and rather than rush to see what else he has said, you will sit and wait for an anon to tell you
the best one is
> Russia will nuke Poland soon, which will trigger WWIII
Yes RV and ESP used to be taken seriously by mainstream science. It was never debunked, just not proved.
I mean that is believable the way the 2020s are going.
We don't have the mathematical tools to monetize those skills. The first one who solves that will make tons of money and get lots of power, the rest can fuck themselves.
>don't mind the 666 timestamp
>dude has never been wrong

anon i'm scared
Even if you get presented with information about the future without context you will be unable to take advantage of such information. I.E.: If you live in the middle ages and see how processors are manufactured that is not going to be very useful.
QM forbids to get 100% reliable information about the future via the no cloning theorem, but while perfect cloning is banned, a highly accurate but minimally imperfect copy maybe exploitable for profit.
I can provide one single anecdote that happened to me: When I was 13, I needed some money for my PS2 memory card. At that time I was walking by an electrical utility box. Suddenly, I feel the urge to check behind the box. It felt very compulsive and I never did this thing before. There was a hole on the very narrow concrete ground behind the box and inside the hole was the equivalent to a $10 bill in our money. I didn't even know there was a hole there. I ran away with the money of course.
Is it remote viewing, I don't know. Never ever in my life I get that feeling again. It still feel very weird to me how that ever happened. But it make me think twice before I diss everything supernatural as bullshit.
Imagine making an argument without evaluating the facts.
the first time I posted a remote viewing target on 4chan, it was the Richat Structure. The first reply to it was "I see an spiral"

spooked the fuck out of me
I had a dream about a car accident happening on the intersection that I usually walk across, so avoided traveling through that intersection. A few days later, a car accident happened on that intersection that killed a pedestrian at around the same time I usually cross on. It could've been a complete coincidence, but it made me wonder if reality is more than meets the eye.
I had a dream of my wife getting railed while I was out for work. I sent a message asking if everything was ok to my wife's boyfriend, and he said yeah.

when I got home my wife was exhausted. I wonder if reality is more than meets the eye.
It's quite important anon, a lot of questions arise.
>can we sense what is to come?
>is it fixed? or is it a spread of certain things?
>can we use it to our advantage? like avoid shit?
>how does it happen, scientifically speaking?
>is it a self-fulfilling prophecy thing?
>can it be weaponized in any way so we can figure a way to defend against it?
I am pretty anti new-age/religious bullshit like any other /sci/ chud but I can't ignore certain things. It does seem a bit weird, considering the details. there's also that crazy shot of him down with light falling on his face and matches the pastor's words, more in the sense that if the pastor would have seen two-three photos of the event he might describe them like he did. it's not about what he says happens, it's about what he thinks happens, if he saw those photos in his "revelations".
what I'm trying to say is that from a more technical perspective what the pastor says matches with him somehow seeing a few photographs taken of the event, but 4 months before happening. all spiritual bullshit aside
dude is probably an excellent remote viewer and thinks it's miracles and visions
It will be Israel that will nuke Poland. For some reason they hate them a lot.
wtf, how did he predict to that level of accuracy?
remove viewing can get almost perfect accuracy sometimes
People have been trying forever to use and quantify psychic powers and are still trying. At its height, serious scientists were trying with state sponsorship. We always have more people trying than ever, and you have better access to their attempts than ever, because the population keeps growing and information travels instantly now. And so far nothing compelling has emerged that we can say is beyond coincidence. It's like waiting for bigfoot to be caught on film after smartphones. It should've happened by now.
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The Jannies over on /x/ keeps taking those threads down.
well one is up now
yeah I was posting on one thread there and it was deleted wtf
>it's actual /x/ posters yet again
yeah but bigfoot is something else. not sure he's possible in this reality. having access to some possible future, or your brain figuring out a few ways it can work out and presenting one of the possibilities is more in the realm of "maybe", rather than fucking bigfoot or aliens riding in their UFOs here.
you can also call anything a mere coincidence, especially if there's a suite of possibilities and you get access to some, you'e bound to miss and not have a 100% accurate record. highly depends on what exactly the phenomenon is.
one event doesn't imply a whole range of other events, forever. I think every event opens the door to some possibilities. the pastor looked at a version of events over a period of time, any one of which can happen or not. getting a full timeline of possible events, right, in the order they can happen is really hard, if reality is statistical. he might have landed a few guesses but some of the others might not pan out. so even if not really useful, there is still quite a lot of interesting stuff in accurately guessing SOME events. I'm not even sure this reality permits having certainty over everything.
this is a glow site and certain things could be discouraged, even if they seem not important on surface level. deleting threads about this subject might mean they want to avoid making him a spiritual figure, because that's really bad I think. politically speaking. you want a reasonable rational leader not a cult leader. if so then I'm with jannies on this one. we could be dealing with some misunderstood natural phenomenon that could wrongly get a religious twist, which brings nothing good in my opinion.
I'm from Europe and even so, the thought of him becoming a spiritual/religious leader scares the shit out of me.
>this is a glow site
the jannies on this board deleted a bunch of comments in this thread for no reason. those are just normal comments https://warosu.org/sci/thread/16281546
must be very sensitive topic and they're ordered to control the narrative.
They even deleted my post calling the preacher in the video a schizo and explaining the reason why the prediction is not actually impressive. Are /sci/ jannies actual schizos?
my schizo claim is still up
Okay, they've deleted the other /x/ thread. This is officially fucking suspect. I think I might honestly pray tonight. This makes no sense.
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In my experience jannies on /x/ allows any and all farfetch schizo threads but the moment it involves falsifiable future predictions they nuke it.
This is one example. Another example were predictions regarding 2026/2027 alien landings.
I predict that either Trump or Biden will probably be elected in November.

>t. f'n Nostradamus
I hate politics but from a technical point of view that too is falsifiable. they aren't the only ones running, for starters.
>yeah but bigfoot is something else. not sure he's possible in this reality. having access to some possible future, or your brain figuring out a few ways it can work out and presenting one of the possibilities is more in the realm of "maybe"

Various large primates have existed or continue to exist. A gorilla is basically a short big foot. Meanwhile we have no scientific theory on how any psychic powers are supposed to work.
but not to distract from the point, I used the big foot analogy because it's something you would expect strong evidence to become available if it was real.
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*dances, spins - out of frustration of being bored in this hell*
>Another example were predictions regarding 2026/2027 alien landings.
link on plebs?
>A gorilla is basically a short big foot.
but does it make sense for a gorilla to develop human like cognitive abilities without having the extra supporting shit? like better finger dexterity for tools, implies a history of artefacts left behind by previous bigfoots, art, tools, skeletal remains of a pair of them holding each other in their arms before dying together? these things should be implied with the required cognitive abilities that are usually attributed to them
>Meanwhile we have no scientific theory on how any psychic powers are supposed to work.
sure, we might be looking at the equivalent of having actual evidence of it and not knowing the how, yet. who knows, it's not like it's something that was completely unfathomable. if you'd sample even foreigners and ask them how likely they think that would have been possible a lot of them would be like "well yeah, it's not really surprising". considering everything. as opposed of this happening to some chill dude or something like that, and someone predicting it few months before.
dunno if possible with aliens but a market crash "prediction" can work as a self-fulfilling prophecy, which kind of sucks ass. stability is good
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They took down this
thank you
>Meanwhile we have no scientific theory on how any psychic powers are supposed to work.

We don't even have a scientific theory of how consciousness works. If consciousness isn't falsifiable, then non-physical psychic powers can't be falsifiable either.
>reality is more than meets the eye.
Of course, it meets the ear, it meets the mouth, it meets the nose, it meets the skin, and it meets everything else too.
>If consciousness isn't falsifiable, then non-physical psychic powers can't be falsifiable either.
Consciousness might not be falsifiable but psychic powers differently can.
You can't prove people are not p-zombies but you can definitely prove if somebody can't bend a spoon with their mind.
I mentioned non-physical psychic powers. You can't prove a person's thoughts don't have influence on another person's thoughts.
If you can define and measure what exact influence you are talking about then it came be scientifically proven/falsified.
lmao, my comment got deleted:
>Probably the same odds of someone winning the lotto. Yet it happens because enough faggots are playing the lotto, just like enough faggots are prophet larping.
Some jannie must have faced a dilemma between my soiencejak-ish post that they liked (I'm actually a Christian, btw) and my use of the VERY BAD f-word.
>You can't prove a person's thoughts don't have influence on another person's thoughts.
depends how much they leak. there's a lot of paths for info to travel through. even you not doing something can leak info. to the other person. there's a lot of material subtleties before going into woowoo land.
am I in /sci/ or /x/?
Who's pagan Min, me or you?
You gonna bark at me are you? you mug

Your big boys sound good
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Unfortunately /x/ and /sci/ are filled with glowies who got API access to nuke and ban anyone posting anything that can be a potential threat against the power of their parasite masters.
> we have no scientific theory on how any psychic powers are supposed to work
Why would anyone share know how that provides advantages over everyone else who lacks understanding and diligence?
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>ackshuallying out of nowhere
jannies work in mysterious ways (for free)
wait... they do it FOR FREE???

Actually, ackshuallying is a form of disagreement, not agreement.
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Take this shit to /x/, but I hope the last part of this schizo ramble about an economic collapse gets me hard.
>Now what? It's still useless because most predictions this man has made have been wrong, and the same for everyone else claiming to remote view. You have no way of knowing which predictions will come true. It's no more useful than normal chance.
Why is that your conclusion?
If there is an odd phenomena of the mind, shouldn't we as humans try to uncover the the limits of what is perceivable to a mind that is uninhibited by conventional understanding?
Why should science only concern itself with stuff that is of material or economic benefit?
Isn't the phenomena itself of more importance than whether or not someone can figure out a way to get rich using it?
Why is every pursuit of the mind and consciousness, uninhibited by conventional dogma, heavily discouraged?
So what if science can't explain it, or the fact that we don't know the exact way a mental phenomena corresponds with or departs from physical reality. Why is it expected that only something that can correspond exactly with the physical universe as it appears to our eyes considered to be useful?
Isn't it actually more interesting if the mind can generate visions with full clarity of things that are not physically present in this universe? That seem absolutely astounding, yet its regarded as useless, if it doesn't predict the lottery.
What an odd reason to remain ignorant of something capable of occurring within 8 billion humans.
>If there is an odd phenomena of the mind, shouldn't we as humans try to uncover the the limits of what is perceivable to a mind that is uninhibited by conventional understanding?
No, because the foremost ones to exploit it will be crooks and the military (but I repeat myself)
And you are ok with that remaining as the status quo for the next several decades? Are you not intrigued by the possibilities of new scientific discovery?
Sometimes meaning exactly as often as you'd expect by chance
Ask me how I judge you and if it's right and what I think of you and have a imaginary battle where you truthfully lose if you lose and you will produce the image of an intellectual man getting aggressive with a piece of dog poo.

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