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Interesting thing is the white-chinese group mixed is in between white and chinese. China has high average IQ but the advantage of the west is meritocracy. If the the west doesnt wake up from the DEI, affirmative action, fake and fradulent bullshit in its science and technology institutions, it wont be much longer till China take over. It's quite close already and the trajectory indicates it might have already been too late.
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they reduce the white score by including turks, jews, greeks, spaniard, albanians etc. into the white score and those groups all score about the same as gypsies and arabs because they all have african blood in them. if whites were broken down by nationality the way asians are you'd see that the highest scores were from northern and western europe
IQ is useless metric and the samples are too little.


This is the real metric.
>if whites were broken down by nationality the way asians are
this is bullshit tho because chinese isn't a 100% homogenuous group. "chinese" includes a crap ton of ethnicities. the whole china should be treated as a continent like Europe. if you break it down there're fuck ton of chinese that are actually low IQ retards who originated from rural china or war losers who get displaced from their own home.
immigration process naturally filters out the retards from East Asian countries who generally have the intelligence and wealth to move abroad, while Arabs and the other groups move in by illegal immigration, this is pretty much survivor bias.
Where are abos? Off the charts? kek
Spain is western Europe, but everywhere else you just brought up isn't.

It's okay to be racist, but at least be accurate.
Isn't Spain famously Moorish like Native Americans are famously Euroish?
I've never heard of north american indians referred to as "Euroish", and the moors didn't ever conquer the entire Iberian peninsula for the entirety of the Reconquista period if I'm not mistaken.

Do you consider southern france 'moorish' as well?
Yes, southern France is quite moorish.
I missed your first implied question: I don't use words that you've heard of. There are no Native Americans left who aren't Euroish.
Never been to France, so I'll have to take your word for it, especially given the capital's demographics now.
Then why did you ask the question?
Spaniards, albanians, and Greeks are all of European origin. Stop being a divide and conquer faggot shill.
PISA and IQs have like 0.8 correlation
Monkeys eating feces and PISAs have 0.8 correlation. It means nothing. Both IQ and monkey eating feces are irrelevant junk data
uh... latinos?
the huge difference between Indian and Paki should tell you that this results were affected heavily by cultural/social factors
Even whites in australia are retarded pieces of shit, of course they are off the chart.
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or immigration selection.
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im brown
>the moors didn't ever conquer the entire Iberian peninsula
sicilians make spaniards look nordic.
and if you need any more evidence that iberians have strong genetic ties to the arabs don't forget that morocco has the best football team in the entire history of african football. europeans keep on importing african players, but if africans are so good then how come cameroon, ghana, and all the rest of black africa have never made it to the world cup semifinals?
Please stop noticing
no not really. even in the so called moorish parts it is like 8% northern african
Why isn't the Chinese IQ higher? They are an immigrant group after all.
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Rome fell, then moors raped women in coastal towns and forced them to have kids. italy is probably browner than even spain since at least spain kicked mudslimes out. in italy's case they just invited syrians and other browns to rome to manage their estates and their relatives became italians
dna testing has been done, anon. like 8% northern african max.
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>Other Mixed
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in iberia yeah. it's not uncommon to see sicilian dna tests that are up to a third nonwhite. they're not romans just related to slaves that overwhelmed the peninsula
The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%.
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they were alway mostly greek but tests only show recent contemporary populations and not ancient ones so you get ones saying they're up to a third nafri or middle eastern but that is from thousands of years before. (phoenicians)

theres even travel books from the 1800s saying how people on the island don't look like any italian population but they don't look nafri either. they're greek
so they're not moorish?
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my test said no but someone said theres a site called gedmatch which further breaks down dna results to show admixture so maybe. There's definitely parts of sicily descended from them since some nafris just adopted italian culture and customs but never left. Even buildings there look moorish
the argument that chinese immigrants are smarter than the general chinese is a just copeout. chinese immigrant group includes all the dumbfucks that get married for greencard and kids of chinese communist. in current years not many of the best chinese don't immigrate to the west anymore, especially to a shithole country like the UK. to the US, maybe.
immigrants from any country outperform. china is no different
ah yes the aboriginal brits
Sure, it might include those, but it's DISPROPORTIONATELY college educated. That's the keyword. And even the uneducated immigrants are ones who are motivated and ambitious enough to do it, so aren't necessarily representative of the average person. You always have to be skeptical when data comes from self-selecting groups are used, regardless if you think it's not relevant.
What does this mean?
China only has two ethnicities: Uyghurs & nyghurs
Or there wasn't much interbreeding going on between muslims and hindus on the Indian subcontinent.
Northern Italians are closely related to Romans. As are Southern French and Spainards
Chinese are now only 2.5 points higher than whites? The previous stats I've seen have said that Chinese are vastly superior to whites, being about a full standard deviation ahead of them. What gives?
It means they separated some halfies as distinct ethnicities but bundled MENA groups with Whites.
>the advantage of the west is meritocracy
top kek
They're all mixed with Bedouin blood too due to all the Muslim crusades and pillagings which happened in those places over the last millennia or so.
Wait until you find out what the real IQ of Israel is
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sicilians aren't even europeans
and to this day south italy is shit. mudslimes ruin everything
>The previous stats I've seen have said that Chinese are vastly superior to whites
those stats are fake, chinks are low iq. history would have played out much differently if chink iqs were real as high as the chinks claim they are
I expected the Chinese in China to cheat. But Chinese in the UK as well? Even the Chinese-White cheated too? Nobody is higher IQ than whites.
It was never about IQ. It was about never cutting corners and lying, which Chinese tend to do.
What is interesting about this is that Iranian peoples are generally pretty intelligent - an IQ test quizzes for pattern recognition perhaps its biased towards normal educational avenues ?
There are only a small subset of Iranians that are intelligent. The other mix that are mainly Islamic are not very.
"Iranians" arent a homogeneous race.
>but bundled MENA groups with Whites.
oh, so that's how the fuckers did it
Forgot to mention that there are some ethnicity in Iran such as the Kurds that are borderline retarded. that's why they are still unable to form their own country even though they have been trying to break from Iran for a very long time.
MENA are in there as a separate category. Look at Arabs.
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i hate moors
83% white..
Something tells me their 100 IQ average is fake. Simple math would indicate that the Chinkoid mixings would have to counterbalance the normalization for whites to be dead center. Obviously this isn't the case.
North Africa then, unless they fall under Africa-White which could mean anything from a mix of a Moroccan and a Scot to an Irishman and a sub-Saharan tribesman with the clicky languages. Or maybe its a South African White?
The labels here are so broad and vaguely defined its almost pointless, ranging from ethnicities to a whole continent
saarrrrr…please stop noticing
good morning saar
the thing is:
China isnt smarter or dummer then others.
The numbers are faked and only city dwellers alowed to participate.
Meanwhile all smart chinese are already fled the country.
That why we assume/perceive them as smart.
Likewise for israel... Selling deplomas helps inflating the image of an educated nation.
Where are Jews? Jews (Ashkenazi) have the highest IQs on the planet.
jews are low IQ, see FPBP for reference
How the heck is Gypsy not 47 like other tests from Continental Europe
cheating your way to the top with nepotism and lying doesn't make you the master race, it makes you a scumbag.
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>Another IQ thread
goyim is plural you larping faggot.
jews are low iq, sorry if that upsets you so badly, but the data says jews are low iq
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>noooo you can't just say that!!
>dats antisemitic!!!
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>100 IQ
>95 IQ
>90 IQ

amazing isnt it
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IQ means nothing when 99%+ of all people wore masks and got the vaccine for a virus that didn't even exist. 99% of modern westerners are clinically retarded, chemically castrated, and lobotomised
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Yet more whites took the jew cum vaccine and wore masks like gimps for a virus that didn't even exist for 2+ years than Africans did
So you are demonstrably infinitely more retarded
Caribbean white and other mixed I guess
The data has spoken. Is beyond clear what elements need to be eradicated to save civilization.
thats a very antisemitic thing to say
That explains why the White IQ is so close to the Chinese IQ.
Yeah, no. We don't reduce people into problems here, go back to /pol/ and stay there.
Which one of those groups is responsible for "muh insider" LARP threads on 4chins getting 300+ posts without fail? As an East Asian, I doubt it's my group.
Chinese who immigrate to Britain are going to be on average dumber than Chinese who don't, so that's really something that they're still ahead.
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>Sample sizes not listed.
I'm sure these data a perfectly valid though. Tons of Chinese people in Britain.

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