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I'm a simple man. I don't do; I teach. Sometimes I look up things on wikipedia and if it's spelled wrong, I correct it.

There is a cancer in wikipedia. Please submit names and examples of administrators using automation to revert *non political* revisions. If you were banned after correcting the automated reversions, please include that, too.

Known fascists include

Only saving means for wiki is to burn down the server farms entirely. That place is a total heap of trash and there is nothing of value to be found. Its all political propaganda

The rot is Peter Principle. A few early adopters of a website found themselves cornered by bullshit and became the bullshit they were cornered by, That's it.
lmao just go outside
I am. Are you?
To be clear.
If the people on my list were once good people trying to help the dispersion of human knowledge, they should resign immediately.

If not, I will be alive long after their deaths and I will personally ensure that the fascism of their old lives will irrevocably tarnish any nonfascist tendancies they might have had as children.
i like pies
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OP here renewing my vow to both outlive and eviscerate the legacy of anyone who abuses an undeserved authority.
Is this slut hot?
If she's contemporary to the fashipedia outgrowth, maybe gilf hot?
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Imagine being this guy lol
>non political
choose one
Politics wil be politics. The spelling of a fictional character's name is a matter of reference, not politics. The fact that an insular group of decaying old men want to destroy the collaborative beauty of wikipedia is also, now, a matter of reference.
>nonpolitical thread
>here's a list of "known fascists."
In contemporary English, a fascist is anyone who abuses a position authority they didn't deserve, divorced from its erstwhile relation to corporatism.
I only edit obscure topics and create pages on things no one has heard about so this never happens. I have made the majority of edits on most pages I have created or worked on. Even when I jump into contentious things this does not happen if it is obscure enough.
>nonpolitical thread
>White saviour complex
OP is a racist.
OP here. Our communication is limited to the language we share. "White savior complex" describes, exactly, the complex on which these old white men have immolated themselves. Is there a "black savior complex" in the vernacular?
What's more obscure than whether the name of fictional TV character is spelled "Kornish" or "Cornish"?
"Disruptive editing" lol. Making you and your old white circle of death look bad by being perfectly correct.
Is it a popular show? I am more talking about minutia from my own field or some obscure historical even 5 people have heard about.
Such as?

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