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what's the science behind the incel/chud/loser phenotype?
brain too hot
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Ugly social rejected and radicalized with few social capacities.
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the jaw on this one indicates excess hGH levels, as in acromegaly
There are the wittens of the world and the crooks of the world. We're not the same. Psychological studies suggest there are patterns in behaviors across people with the same name. This indicates a name will influence how people treat you which ultimately affects your behavior. Likewise phenotypes impact how people treat you and chuds are eternal outcasts
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You know "chud" is antisemitic now, right?
Not enough sex
Unlucky shot misser.
What makes one shoot the person they consider god?
not even close. low iq poltard lacking visual memory
He's 4/10. Most people are fairly ugly but we forget it because of the internet broadcasting the 99th percentile constantly.
He was probably a libertarian not a real trump voting conservative.
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Individual identifies their society as an outgroup, strikes out at them. Like the Tutsis and the Hutus. Humans have evolved to have a strong negative preference (hate) for the outgroup.
Schoolshooter phenotype identifies the society they inhabit as an outgroup.
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Low testosterone. It’s that simple.
Creepy how powerful of an indicator phenotype is. A lot of young moms and dads look the same more or less. Fuckin weird
yeah, i spot psychopaths from miles away, although I must say, had I seen this guy before he got offed i'd imagine him to be a school shooter in the making

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