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Tried doing this a few months ago, now I see more interest.

What is atomic energy general?
Discuss anything related to nuclear technology here, from particle accelerators and fusion rockets to nuclear bombs and power plants. It is supposed to be similar to /sfg/ but for people interested in (or skeptical of!) nuclear or general energy industry things.

happenings in the power industry

You can learn about fusors here, a good intro to DIY nuclear physics experiments.
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nuclear power good
solar power good also
>be humans
>able to get enough power out of a few grams of rock to power a house for a year
>decide to burn coal instead
reminder that the linear no threshold model is the correct one
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>he doesnt put reactors in bore holes
I've had this idea before but I think cooling would be an issue. We would have to pump water in a loop from down below to the surface heat exchanger then back down.
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>You see Mr. President, here at /aeg/ we...

>Why are there no posts?
Like the nuclear industry, progress is slow
it's cheaper to mine and burn coal than to mine and process magic radiation rocks. As a result, coal is more economically viable.
I don't care how efficient it is, it looks fucking stupid to have some big gay plunger stroking back and forth to produce thrust.
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you've forgotten the first rule of any long running general, you need an anime girl as a mascot.
Anime is for pedos

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