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What sort of damage would the top pic have done? Would it be an instant death?
really depend on whether the bullet get out of the skull or not. if yes, there're a higher chance of surviving. there are many cases where people lose small part of their brain and still fine. as long as the brainstem doesn't get damaged, it's optimistic.
if the bullet doesn't get out, well fuck. it then depends on how the bullet ricochet inside the skull and what area it hits. but I won't count on it.
Instant death might have been possible. Being punched behind the ear hard enough can kill you. At the same time people have been shot square in the face and lived.

Ultimately it is not a scientific question because GOD himself guided that bullet away from certain harm.
trump wouldnt have suffered any damage due to having a pea sized brain
>if yes, there're a higher chance of surviving
with a high powered rifle round? Not a fucking chance.
Shooter missed because of the scope or underestimating the wind, no question. If he aimed a bit more to the right with the scope he had it would've been game over.

That's IF the trajectory in the image is even real. Apparently it was fragments that hit trump. So an even bigger miss.
We're living in a simulation aren't we? The probability of the bullet missing like that is probably lower than the chance of correctly guessing a Bitcoin private key.
>Right wing hemisphere crippled.
>Left wing hemisphere takes over.
He would have survived.
But at what cost.
It would be like Phineas Gage but in reverse
If top pic had occurred, my prediction is Trump would have survived after a long coma, ending up with left-sided paralysis along with memory, speech and vision problems akin to Sleepy Joe.
He didn't even use a scope
If he survived and had brain damage, my guess is he would've become the perfect Democrat candidate
>It bounced!
>It seems we missed!
>You've got a hole in your right ear!
> Would it be an instant death?
probably. all the important parts of your brain are in the back. thats why lobotomies are relatively safe procedures, and why the most effective place to shoot yourself isnt the temple, but behind your ear.
He got hit with shrapnel you fucking idiots
A bullet would rip his ear off
only if it actually took out like the whole hindbrain. if he took a glancing headshot as opposed to a graze, survival still would have been fairly likely.

>barring derpy doctors who can't into treat infection
>with a high powered rifle round? Not a fucking chance.
5.56 is an intermediate cartridge.
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Shrapnel from what? There wasn't any shrapnel. There's a shitload of video and pictures, and not one of them shows a broken teleprompter screen. Getting hit with a bullet is more gangsta than broken glass, and you know that, and that's why you posted this: you hate Trump more than you hate lies.
No scope actually. Secret Service has sight detectors, and homie was a NRA gun nut do actually did his research, so knew not to use them.

Probably why the secret service ignored civilian warnings, no scope detected so obviously there must not be a shooter.
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that isn't what happened, the snipers were already targeting the shooter before he started shooting, but they couldn't get authorization to stop him before he shot. one of the snipers returned fire only after the shooter started shooting and he lost his job for doing so because his didn't get authorization to return fire.
If his hair was Kevlar, it may deflect the bullet. I think we witnessed a miracle.
Death would be very likely. Vegetable at least.
>>Shooter missed because of the scope or underestimating the wind
Shooter missed because Shinzo Abe told Donald to turn his head.
Baseless claims. the reality is the SS snipers didn't open fire first because they wanted Trump dead. After a few shots were made they figured their window of plausible deniability was closed so only then did they shoot back. Furthermore they weren't fired for this, and won't be punished for it unless Trump wins the election and decides to press the issue.
You are a liar.
If it was at ear level it would have gone right through his cerebellum, so bye bye loss of voluntary movement and and coordination
Yeah don't forget a possible severance of C1/C2/C3 so quadriplegic.
To be fair, if I was stuck dealing with Trump day after day, I'd probably be tempted to let a bullet or two slip past me too. "Oopsie, mia culpa. Totally missed that one."
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What's the significance of this photo.
T. Out of the loop man.
Schizoposting, there's someone in there who is supposed to be the shooter if you ignore him having a completely different jaw and nose
Tell me more
The supposed chud is on the right in a synagogue. Their heads don’t really align
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Too many variables. There's no way to know for certain exactly what would happen or how.
Supposedly held a card showing a graph of border crossings.
>scope detection
What sort of Orwellian BBC TV detecting van type shit is this? We’re just living in Dune.
Sight detectors are the anti-lock brakes of shooting prevention.
it is hard to say without also introducing verticality. people have lost SIGNIFICANT portions of their brain and survived, some even function quite normally after having surgically removed sizeable portions (people with epilepsy for instance). the brain is a weird lump
Nah, hunters that insist on headshots experience this all the time. Unexpected movement in the animal is very likely to result in a graze, or the nose, etc. Trump was lucky and the shooter was unlucky, however had the shooter been serious he would've gone for 338 and aimed for the torso
oh i thought we were on /sci/, did you leak in from /pol/? i can forgive your ignorance then but here's a fact: it would take an ear sized projectile to rip(or more like shear) off the ear at that velocity.
The bullet came from Trump's right hand side.

He apparently just grabbed his dad's rifle.

It's a thing but it's questionable how useful it is in reality, especially with false hits from cameras.
>dads rifle
So I've heard. As it turns out, you don't learn much from cowadutty.
>I don't know how teleprompters work, but that corner I'm pointing at couldn't be a reflection of something, because teleprompters don't reflect, I think.
If a bullet had struck that teleprompter, it would have shattered completely.
Trump's ear was hit by a BULLET. That was the conclusion of the physician. Stop pretending to be a doctor. It's against the law.
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The shooter was jewish and antifa is a jewish organization
>animation shows entire cartridge
also, animating the subsequent shots are useless because they most definitely wouldn't follow exactly the same trajectory.
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You do realize there would be a massive pressure spike in the entire brain cavity right? It would have popped his skull, fracture lines likely running along far from the actual impact, entire brain destroyed.
An ar15 round to the ear would've blown his ear clean off, if not more at the angle shown in the OP. It was shrapnel if you look at the injury photos. No way is a bullet the size of a BB gun passing through his ear coming from an AR
did you ever see the film where kennedy gets shot in the head? would be the same. 223/556 is a high velocity round and 130 yards is close range. The top version is not correct, Trump leaned forward and turned his head. If he did not it would have been a more direct hit.
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>No way is a bullet the size of a BB gun passing through his ear coming from an AR

>put BB in wax or resin
>coat with lead/copper/steel/whatever powder if u wanna fool shooter
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you are a mongo retard and you should go back to /pol/, you have no business being here. airsoft bb's are 6.3mm, the most common calibers for AR15 are .223 rem and 5.56x45 nato, both have the ~same diameter as a .22, roughly 5.5mm.
If the round hit the ear dead center, yes. If the edge of the round brushed against the ear, far less destructive energy would be transferred to the ear. The range of collision is every value between 0% and 100%, not just 0% and 100%.
you're also a mongo retard. it doesn't matter where the bullet hit, it would never, in any universe, rip his ear off. not with .223, not wirh 30-06, not with 338 lapua and not with 12.7mm BMG, never ever. the ear simply does not offer enough resistance for that kind of energy to be transferred at those velocities. for this kind of damage to occur, velocity needs to drop waaaaaay down and the bullet diameter need to at least triple
>Photographical evidence showing bullet coming from rear
>Schizo still thinks it's shrapnel
>Stop pretending
projection, the post
Months ago a guy on YouTube literally predicted the assassination attempt including that the bullet would miss but Trump's ear would be injured and how Trump would then drop to his knees. There's something going on here that just doesn't make sense. Too much impossible shit is occurring.

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