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Tattooed women are more likely to be LGBT, promiscuous, egalitarian, drug users, exhibit psychopathology, get divorced. Stereotypes 100% correct once again.




Ban women from getting tattoos
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>lack of empathy
>lack of remorse or guilt
>lack of realistic longterm goals
>prone to boredom
>parasitic lifestyle
You are now aware that any "psychopathy checklist" is in fact a femininity checklist.
>Tattooed women are cool
We already knew that.
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>you just know
I agree that tattoos are invariably hideous, but the problem is that nobody cares what we ugly chuds think, so nothing will change. Ugly chuds have zero value to women.
There's nothing hotter than a woman with tattoos, nose ring and green or blue dyed hair.
He said
You absolute smoothbrain.

Those with legitimate pschyopathologies (this means mental illnesses retard, psycho is just a prefix) like bipolar, OCD, anxiety whatever are actually 100x more common and arguably worse and are in fact what OP and the authors were referring to.
I don't give a shit, redditor. I'll keep dropping the blackpills.

>legitimate psychopathologies
>like bipolar, OCD, anxiety
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>tfw accidentally got into a relationship with one of these creatures after years of disavowing them for these exact reasons
You dropped a Reddit pill, not a black pill. And yes. Those are mental illnesses. Psychopathy and narcisism are pop psychology terms. Reddit buzzwords. People like labeling anything about someone they like as one or the other.
All psycho diagnoses are pop psychology. Reading the DSM doesn't make you more scientific, redditor.
Retards such as yourself should be sterilized.
Any women with more than a couple tattoos, I'm assuming sucked dick in exchange for the tattoos.
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>tattoos are le bad even though they cause cancer
You've got it another way around, those are not caused by tatoos but tatoos was caused by them.

If you ban tatoos one couldn't distinguish marriage material from the rest.
Also sounds like a NEET
>Oy vey our propaganda against the easily fooled materialistic female sex has finally worked! No white unification on my watch if we're pumping their pliable brains full of signals to race mix!
back U go
Go back
>Ban women from getting tattoos
The women you're afraid of will still exist with or without tattoos. It's like trying to defend the English crown by banning kilts.
I'd like to see her tits tho
So stupid ngl, tattoos don't make women this way, it's just that women with these traits are more likely to have tattoos! The causality is the other way around, dumbnut!
>Ugly chuds have zero value to women.
This. Until Chads start rejecting women who have tatts, nothing will change. And there'll always be enough Chads who don't give a damn about all that Internet trad-values shit and just go around slaying pussy.
>wolpertinger tattoo
I'd marry if she was a virgin
The female version is called housewife.
Tell that to the stinky fujos spending their lives on fanfiction sites
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Ban dangerous women from advertising that they are dangerous.
they have vaginas so they are still more valuable than you
>Ban women from getting tattoos
You've got the causation backwards. The tattoos don't MAKE them that way, they get the tattoos BECAUSE they're that way

Let them keep getting tattoos, because that visibly marks women to avoid.
I wish tattoos caused cancer because then they type of people who get tattoos would die

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