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Since it was this board where i first learned about how to unfuck your eye sight, i decided to share my scientific findings. Pic related very related and in next post i will post my preliminary findings paper. I do not doubt many anons here have higher education tiers (or stare into monitors 24/7), so probably majority of you have myopia as well. So just you know, it is reversible.

here is the original video, in case you dont like reading

Here are raw unedited notes

i am wearing the blue -0.75 for the time being, using them for all computer work, i have a very big tendency to close my head to monitor to counter the blurry text, it takes some restraint to keep normally in chair. the very first test showed i need a better eye patch.
so i have been doing the meme eye improvement thing for a month and i can already show some data showing a very minor improvement. obviously measuring eyes is EXTREMLY subjective, the brain has build in 999 ways how to counter shitty eye sight, so it is hard to properly measure it in home conditions, but the way how i do it with zero to minus 1.75 eliminates possible measure errors by simply having a lot of tests. if i was very optimistic (and assumed linear progression) and said that by 1 month i reduced my eye shittiness by ~0.2 dioptrie, i can extrapolate the data and claim i will be glasses free in 10 months.
This is the first time i have been able to read from line 7! Sure i mistook the first letter F for P, but nontheless it is undeniable improvement. Before the line was unredable blur of symbols, now i got 6 out of 7 letters right from my left eye. And it really looks like the improvement in vision are lienar, suggesting by the end of this year i will have 20/20 vision. Eye maxxing to the moon!
I feel like the blue (-0.75) no longer provide enough eye strain for my daily computer life. I am switching to light purple ones (-0.50)
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And here is the full paper.

Thanks for your time, if you have any questions, feel free to drop them. Also if any of you happen to actually know a dude in higher academia in a relevant field, feel free to poke them with my paper.

About half of population has myopia, with trends showing we are going for 100% eventually. The sooner broader public learns about this, the better.
Make it simple. What exercise should I do to reverse it?
>words words words
>almost no data
nice little "science" project you've got there kek
use weaker glasses than the ones you currently have. My example: -2.00 normally, so i used -0.75 ones. You want some optimum between the two extremes
>seeing everything perfectly sharp
From today i am using -0.50.

Apparently the eyes have some mechanism where it can grow the back wall part if the eye "detect"s the focus point is not where it is supposed to be. Think of it like lifting weights in the gym: too little and you dont get stronger, too much and you snap your spine.

The part where our current medical practice fucks our eye sight is the glasses prescription. As your eye gets worse from all the reading / lack of UV light, you go to get glasses, but this allows the eye to get even weaker over time, hence once people get glasses their vision worsens over the time.

It is really annoying to live with slightly blurry vision, but my data shows as soon as 1 month in you should see some measurable improvements.
>use weaker glasses than the ones you currently have.
That's a solid advice. I was diagnosed with some laser to my eyes, then prescribed +2, and sold some overpriced glasses (costing hundreds of dollars) which (not only the diagnostics mechanism, but the using of those glasses itself) made my eyes were hurt of such that I went to a local shop where they sold glasses for 5 bucks per pair, and tried the glasses, diagnosing thus myself by checking which dioptrics works. Thus I figured out that +1 (or was it -1, I don't know even that) was enough, so I bought +(or-)0.5 too, but those are too weak. And the glasses were even of better quality, that I could bend them to the size of my head!
And dentists also break our teeth when they scratch the enamel with their metal instruments for no good reason.
Allowing kikes into everything was a mistake.
I diligently tried Bates Method for a little over a year and this "reduced lens" thing you're pushing for a little under two years. Didn't do shit.
>but you probably weren't doing it properly
This is when I know to start ignoring faggots. It's when I know they're no better than those "Law of Attraction" dimwits or the occult neckbeards who tend to congregate in /x/ and /lit/. It's when I know I'm dealing with a bunch of mental nogs and their hoodoo.
The White man's science just Fucking Works (tm) without excuses. I take acetaminophen/paracetamol -- it just Fucking Works (tm). I /fit/maxx, my numbers go up, I put on some muscle -- it just Fucking Works (tm). I press keys on my keyboard or put the pedal to the metal -- it just Fucking Works (tm).
follow jake steiner's method his is more detailed
Literally that video took me 30 mins to watch, just for 10 powerpoint slices, and I learned nothing new, once again I must admit, that you robbed me my time and I won't ever watch video again.
you should've done what I did: >>16282396
if not at once, then after five minutes of the video sucking. Now that is what you were to learn itt.
I feel sad for this retarded word, I realise this specialised protocol how to do it without any advice from others, meanwhile 30% of population can't see.
Is your condition just myopia.

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