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The amount of money and exceptional minds we’ve blew on a Unified field theory is fucking absurd.

I said it once and I’ll say it again, we’d be better off walking away and coming back to this issue sometime in the distant future and directing our energy on MSE.

No other field of science can even compete with the most bang for your buck regarding MSE. And we’d live in a world mirroring Tomorrowland by the middle of this century if both private and public funding for R&D was redirected.
MS people can call it whatever they like, I will still treat their "metamaterials" as a fancy mirror drawn as a line. I appreciate what they do, but that line is the amount of consideration any upstream from them gives their shit.
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What was this reply even saying?
In my field, materials science means overpriced meta-materials that freshers are tasked with integrating into everything and others to create some bullshit about. We never even end up taking much advantage of them in the end because MBA #25 is overruled by beancounterMBA #26.
ok graphene salesman
> agreed, but you guys shill graphene and other wacky hard materials so hard
> where my soft matter at? Gels can do so much shit easily
I study EE, how can i contribute to the field of material science?
Hello saar
Does that assist in 'Herrington’s study concluded that society has about another decade to change courses and avoid collapse by investing in sustainable technologies and equitable human development.'?
PEACE.... peace...
Would no illegal oil and mining etc subsidies for a a year andor several fund that upheaval momentous shift?
or Manufacturing engineering
Good morning. Jai hind and all that. I think it's a reflect of just how Indian EE is even in America that I've never heard of new grad hires referred to as anything else in this space. Only softer people call the juniors.
And only fags post on this board.
Are these the people that create fancy alloys and strong magnets?
Whats the strongest theoretical magnet? Say some substance where all the electron spins where aligned in the same direction. Maximum magnetization ever. How many Teslas?
And supra gain effect from multiple levels of electron spins
you're right.
graphene is the future
1200 tesla

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