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File: 1710269125923630.png (12 KB, 462x347)
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Which is better?
File: bellcurv.gif (12 KB, 320x162)
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Outliers show which people are gonna be the geniuses of society. Same reason there are more male geniuses.
This graph is fake btw, and I'm not aware of strong evidence that Asians have lower variance in IQ.
So why are Europeans far more accomplished? There is more to a person, and hence population, than average IQ.
>So why are Europeans far more accomplished?

I think there was either an argument which was similar to OP's picture, or a difference in creativity, that explained it.
thats fake, women are all low iq
>geniuses of society
most important and influential people on earth are about 105 IQ, true genius is snuffed out in this gay jew world
Source? Google images redirect me to dvach
where is this graph from? am I supposed to trust some random apocryphal image because it comfortably confirms my beliefs?
It's not a real graph based on real data. In wherever it was from, it was just used to visualize the idea of lower average and higher variance.

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