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If you remove the Sun.

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it's like a good game, a very well made game here. empty void full of orbiting stars collapsed into galaxies and more galaxies of stars. If these stars die then everything else along with it dies, and if that doesn't kill us a black hole will. Such a interesting game, giving you many opportunities but all of them will lead to failure and death no matter what.
wrong anon.
Just accept that you were created for a purpose and are likely squandering it with your insistence to be reactionarily edgy about everything you encounter day to day.
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This is cope for being lazy and pathetic.
You have robot gifs ready at hand to deflect from any semblance of the suggestion that you should be doing something.
Please buck up anon. We need you.
What do you want me to do faggot? Be a heckin scientists and try to save the world? Unless I see a big explosion in science that can help us reach new stars, we're literally fucking doomed no matter what you say or do.
>we're literally fucking doomed no matter what you say or do.
no we aren't.
can you give me hopefuel then? what makes u say so?
nothing is guaranteed in this universe. anything can happen. a slight turn of the head can change an entire timeline.
Just be pro life and pro human and demons all around you will start to dissipate.
The most trite and true thing any faggot hippie ever said was "be the change you want to see in the world".
You create reality brother. Don't like pollution and pesticides? Buy land and save it from being sprayed.
Don't like factory farming? Spend all your money on the alternative to factory farming.
Every action you do competes in this battle and you either benefit the shit or you fight against the shit.
>the world sucks and we are doomed
Yes, if you buy stuff at walmart, work for globocorp, eat fake food then that is the world that you have created.

At the drop of a hat you can start creating a better world.
I updated the Sun

RFP: parts have the effect of being removed now.
Non-schizo whitepill: Total energy in the universe is constantly increasing, maybe it could be harvested?

With unlimited energy you can do anything.
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Thanks guys, you folk gave me motivation to do something, young people really need to stand up and change the world for the better. It's either that or corp slavery until death, having nothing to look forwards too.
Remember to use and THINK about your money strategically.
No matter what choice you are making, it can be slightly better.
If you are feeling like a pigout and want pizza, get it from a privately owned establishment instead of Domino's. Sounds like nothing, but it's not, it's SOMETHING.

If you are poor its hard, but if you by free range eggs instead of factory eggs you have literally saved an animal from suffering.
Your money is your biggest weapon, wield it with pride and KNOW you are making a difference with every dime.

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