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Is it feasible to create an entirely closed off ecosystem and as a result new/unique organisms? No crispr, just extreme or special environmental conditions and pressures. I got my inspiration from fridgebro and his fucked up house ecosystem.
people seal pond water in jars for years and then all sorts of creatures end up living in it. Idk if they're new or were just originaly dormant in the water but its pretty cool i forget the name for the jars though
Terrarium or something ending in rium. I know about those, but I think they are already living in it. Need to mutate the source material
people literally take a big bottle, a bit of water and some dirt and plug it and keep it in the sun. Some of these 20l bottles are 50+ years old now.
PS "Ecospheres", "Bottle Gardens" etc. These could prob be DNA tested vs the general areas they were sampled from by now.

If you wanted to see something really pop off, my suggestion is to:
>find a better seal than cork. Actually seal the thing with hot glass or something
>before that, fill it with weird atmosphere, like a high oxygen one.
Then some tiny invertebrates could maybe start catching a case island gigantism.
ye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4sLAQvEH-M
1. Find ants.
2. Get tupperware container.
3. Put soil in it, leaves and ants.
5. Answer

Do you have any recommendations for bottles? I don't mind spending money if I commit to it long term. There's probably some lab grade quartz stuff. Crystal decanters are supposedly hard as well.

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