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How to avoid women from cheating in science and academia? What changes should be applied?
Obviously if it was cited over 2000 times it had real value to people. Just because its retracted doesn't mean its worthless.
>I t showed that it's false and misleading
>Fuuuuck, muh citation rate is high, basedentist cannot make mistakes
Its not a woman doing it. Its a french man. The woman was just one of the editor or something while the guy that falsified the record is still employed
I don't think "cheating" is the right word to describe fraud desu
The woman is actually the lead researcher
If something has a gene it doesn't mean admixture it could mean descending directly from
No one was talking about dentistry, schizo.
Women are known for being unable to resist temptation. Have a dominant man's honor in the game and he would make her fear him to much to pull a trick like that again.
This is a topic for the humanities btw.
>inb4 "why though?"
Evolution and culture, 50-50.
you're retarded. lead researchers responsibility just write grant, sponsor the research money and give high level research direction advise. the frenchcuck is the one who committed all the fraud most likely. also for her it's just this specific paper. this woman doesn't have a track record of committing fraud unlike some other Nobel Prize in Medicine winners. unless she has multiple and consistent pattern of committing fraud, I am 90% sure the frenchtard is the only perpetrator here.
>lead researchers responsibility just write grant
>Commited fraud for frenchie faggot
>Muuuuuh, she is not responsible for her actions and fraud it's all the Frenchie. She had good reputation
I don't see the need for you to mention the Nobel prize in this context as it is only awarded discoveries having benefitted humanity in some way. Hence why Einstein got it for the photoelectric effect rather than the theory of relativity.
This has got to be a chink shill.
Adults who know that their adult truths are fictional teach children to worry about whether their child truths might be fictional. The power dynamic makes the children feel like the fictional adult truths are somehow less fictional than the fictional child truth.
U understood what I wanted to type. Faggot
Do people here really think that a study being retracted is the same as the study being fake and not merely flawed.
Lets not throw the baby out with the bath water.
Every study is flawed. Retraction is essentially seppuku.
Retraction is evidence that study is legitimate garbage and gives more harm than benefits
you fucking /pol/tards monkeys don't have enough intelligence to read above the first image or headline. dumbfucks please kill yourself.
You counteraddict yourself in ur own post roastie
how the fuck did nobody notice the data was fake until now? i read neuro papers all the time and have to take a huge grain of salt with all the shit that i see. if you're in the field and not a skeptic then you're doing it wrong.

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