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SOAP edition

Previous: >>16263540

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
getting step 2 back tomorrow, rip
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Norwooding 25 y.o. med student here.
I'm playing with the idea of extracting one or two follicular units myself using a two mirror setup.
Is he being a big babby or does he have a point?
He's a faggot for misleading people by mentioning MIT. MIT doesn't have a medical school.
Just watched the whole thing.
What a fag, fishing for likes by playing the muh big pharma muh hospitals profit from sick patients shtick.
Also: Don't go into a field of medicine where there are no results if that's important to you.
He would have been happier as an orthopod fixing hips day in day out because it actually does something. Neurosurgery is just not a field where you can actually help people - either it's placebo surgery or cutting out part of the brain to increase survival by 2 months.
>test in less than 4weeks
>all i've been doing for the past 4 days is sleeping
this is going to suck.
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once again, proving orthochads are the best surgical specialty
Well I think they shojld use fluoride to sculpt bone instead of stewpid metal scaffolding which doesn't even work and causes hip pain
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I got accepted and I have the option between studying in my home country or abroad. On one hand I think going to a foreign country and living on my own would be an exciting experience and teach me independence. On the other hand, I will only be getting two, 2 week breaks for the entire year which doesn't really leave me much time to go back home and visit my family. From everyone I've talked to the programme in the foreign uni is apparently much better. Also I have no idea how to cook

Folate (B9) amd (cobalmin) B12...
>best surgical specialty
Too bad the best is still shit... sorry surgeon chuds.
>playing the muh big pharma muh hospitals profit from sick patients shtick.
He's not wrong, kike.
thatd be ophthalmology
Godspeed, anon
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>bilateral knee replacements
>bilateral hip replacements
>mid 40s female
A Munchausen Matriarch has descended upon the unit.
pretty much a cyborg at that point
This is a thread for medical professionals
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>market niche exists
>someone fills niche to make cash
simple as
kook sphere is a market niche
why wouldn't you exploit them?
you're in denial
What's better Derm or Ortho?
in terms of what? Derm is harder to get into but it obviously has better lifestyle and pay, downside being that it's fucking boring.
In terms of overall and everything.
If you had both options, which would you choose?
not sure which is better
derm wins
>not having to work with women
ortho wins
>intervention based meaning patients fuck off after treating them
not sure
probably ortho

What other factors should I even consider?
>not having to work with women
ortho has to work with techs and scrub nurses still. honestly derm probably still wins since you can have your own private practice clinic and just only hire dudes or something
>intervention based medicine where patients fuck off
ortho I guess but this is the worst reason to choose a specialty

>what other factors

what you actually are interested in for one. if you're stuck between Derm and Ortho just pick Derm because it has a way better lifestyle. Only go into surgery if you have to be a surgeon.
Didn't know derm money was better than ortho money.
Also since when can't you do ortho in a private practice?
>Didn't know derm money was better than ortho money.

its not technically but on average derm works a lot less
you can do ortho private practice but you still need to work in an OR. you can't just have your own personal ortho clinic and never work with anyone else
And I am one.
Why are grown ass adults worrying about this when choosing a specialty? Just do your job, make money, and enjoy life.
Fag, fag, fag.
>not refusing your doctor title once becoming a surgeon
As a child, I developed severe dementia and began complaining about brain damage; I was very quickly accused of being a "schizophrenic hypochondriac" and forced into enormous quantities of antipsychotics and antidepressants, which gave me erectile dysfunction and made me become extremely fat.

Eventually, my complaints about having brain damage developed into physical phenomena like POTS, a heart disease caused by brain damage.

More recently, my dysautonomia led to gastrointestinal dysfunction, and I have lost the ability to eat most foods, and it Is nearly impossible for me to gain any weight.

I was sent to a psychiatric hospital for 7 months after some dumb doctors had me framed as having a mental illness explaining my inability to gain weight or eat.

i cant believe i have had dementia for 10 years and doctors still continue to accuse me of having schizophrenia if I complain about having memory loss or brain damage
My bicep broke and I had a surgery to repair it. During the surgery the doctor fucked up and damaged my radial nerve. Now I can't train for a long time. Being fit is actually my life, there isn't today that I don't do some sort of exercising. I ride my bike and I go to the gym five times a week. I was actually known for my biceps and now I see my left arm atrophying in real time. What should I do in the next few months?

Also is anybody here a doctor? I really need to speak to somebody who understands radial nerve injuries because my doctors are really incompetent and all they do is shift the blame.
>During the surgery the doctor fucked up and damaged my radial nerve.
Muscle tears can also pinch/damage nerves. On what basis do you think it was the surgery?
>What should I do in the next few months?
Rest and do absolutely zero exercises that involve the damaged muscle. You don't need a doctor to tell you that, it's common knowledge to not lift with an injury period.
>but it will take month to heal fully, maybe even well over a year
Yeah, sucks. Get over it.
>Muscle tears can also pinch/damage nerves. On what basis do you think it was the surgery?

When my bicep tore, I had a normal function in the hand and the arm. I could even type on a cell phone. After the operation I realized I cannot move my fingers upwards. His diagnosis was radial nerve palsy but he thought it was going to pass with time. It has been 3 weeks since my surgery and I cannot do any moves that use radial nerve except put my wrist up but my fingers still stay down.

Also the bicep didn't tear it was the tendon I don't know if that is important but they told me my bicep tore but the operation was to repair the tendon that snapped.
I'm sorry that you fell for the aging millenial gym meme
>Rest and do absolutely zero exercises that involve the damaged muscle. You don't need a doctor to tell you that, it's common knowledge to not lift with an injury period.
Uhmm ackchually very light exercise promotes recovery by increasing bloodflow to the injured area. He should absolutely try to do as much rehab exercise as possible as long as it doesnt cause any pain
This is especially true for tendons which dont get much bloodflow unless you're using them. If he doesnt start rebuilding strength as soon as possible it just prolongs his recovery
Does seem like it was the surgery after all. If there's no improvement within one year the palsy is going to persist
Do you think that the nerve is severed? Because I think it's a positive sign that I can lift my wrist up. None of my doctors is saying anything they just say that the nerve is damaged.
>as long as it doesnt cause any pain
I mean yeah, sure. But more often that not saying you can do light exercise as long as you don't feel pain will cause people to do not-so-light exercise that absolutely will cause pain at some point and prolong recovery. If you're doing it with a physiotherapist, or if you really can trust yourself to keep in truly light (you probably shouldn't), go ahead. Otherwise it's safer to recommend no exercise at all.
>vitamin B6 (nerves) mentioned
My chief of department switched my shifts into weekend and festive days. Now I fuck around from Monday to Friday. Never thought I’d have this much free time after finishing anesthesia. Anyone got a rec?
lowball sellers on facebook marketplace
Thoughts on mixing unfermented grapes with ethanol and lithium?
I don't mean prescribing lithium to people, but what you think about it
Or iodine
I remember seeing a WordPress article about 15 years ago of a man who did an experiment on a stretch mark of his and hw used some kind of acid or alkaline substance on a single stretch mark on his arm i think which worked its way down through the skin but not the underlying fat or muscle and then if memory serves he simply cleaned the wound and applied a bandage and let it heal. It scabbed over and what was left after was what looked like brand new scar free skin. I searched for the article but no luck, Does anyone know of a substance that could be used like he did to eat the flesh in a controlled manner? It was so long ago but I remember it looking great after, if someone could crack the mystery behind topical scar removal and healing and use it to treat stretch marks that man would be a billionaire, the stretch mark industry is worth billions annually and it's almost all ineffective
another doomed gymcel. many such cases
do you people speak english or greek
>/med/ has good animetaste
>Anyone got a rec?
turks or redheads.
Vitamin B6
forum linguae Latinae est. asini advenaeque, ite domum.
>women talking about 'breaking the glass ceiling' even though they're the majority of the cohort
Why not give cocaine hydrochloride injections for the CF condition
I think they're referring to leadership positions.
No. You would lose complete control of every single structure (unless it had double innervation) related to that nerve if it was completely severed, you still have some control at least.
I had a really great dream last night but when I woke up I think I was having hallucinations and could hear the muffled sound of someone screaming in pain outside my window
I was out of my bed for a good minute before it stopped
Is this Hypnopompic hallucinations?
Usually I hear people knocking, it's never a specific location but just knocking somewhere or people talking nonsense
>nurse with the prettiest eyes I've ever seen starts being nice to me whenever I go in the room
>start actively avoiding her because I'm a 28 year old incel and the impossibility of me ever being in a relationship makes being around her excruciating
just ask her out, pussy.
if I was the attending and saw this, I'd think you were incapable of basic emergent management of patients and difficult decision making.
they wont truly break the glass ceiling until 0 doctors are men. then itll be truly equal, equitable, and diverse
I just started intern year. I think I would die if I immediately got the reputation of being the creepy weirdo that harasses nurses. Additionally it would never work out. I had a hinge date once and the conversation lasted about 9 minutes before I ran out of things to say. 30 minutes of silent eating followed. I then realized the bill was 80 dollars and couldn't afford it so asked her to split. She then ghosted me and I haven't had a date since. I'm just destined to die alone and without love slaving away on the wards.
>I'm a 28 year old incel
>I had a hinge date once
The word incel is thrown around way too much.
>want to sex
>have never sexed
Idk I think it applies
>I think I would die if I immediately got the reputation of being the creepy weirdo that harasses nurses
They're going to shit talk you either way. They're like that.
>hinge date went shit
How did your first couple of IVCs go? Probably shit as well. But you kept it up so you'd be competent. Dating is no different. Your only enemy right now is you.
>How did your first couple of IVCs go? Probably shit as well. But you kept it up so you'd be competent. Dating is no different. Your only enemy right now is you.
You're of course correct I am addicted to self pity. I also have this running theory going that God hates self pity more than anything else and will actively road block you until you get over yourself. Maybe I'll try casually chatting with her tomorrow and seeing how it goes.
You're not incel. You're just a regular dude that hasn't had sex. Incels don't get any attention from women nor have they ever gotten a date.
Bro I used that shit app for like 5 straight months swiping every day and got one date. Granted I was actually selective for at least average looking girls but still
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Good stuff, Anon. Godspeed with the ladies.
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You're not an incel. You got a date. That's more than incels get.
shit score (mid 220s) but passed
only going for neurology so ill be fine
Dumb shit.
>ran out of things to say
iktf man, it's like your mind just blanks
I think you just have to say anything that comes to mind, even if it's stupid
As usual this thread is shit as ever. Can't you faggots move to /r9k/ or discord?

Fuck off already. Talk research or cases.
nice job, anon.
not science
I snorted bupropion prescription and then immediately started having a runny nose similar to a bad cold which has been changing in intensity from stuffy to drippy but never really stopping. It has been 5 days and it still feels like I have a cold. What's going on?
hey, the /med/ general wasn't spammed off the board (yet).
I can't talk about my research because I don't want to doxx myself. My cases are fucking boring.
>constant fuck ups

we're just human

Be the change you want to see in the world, gayboy.
Thoughbeit the hypochondrial delusions accusations are true
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okay fine

an encrypted manifesto is presented to you

it holds the key to your future if you manage to even look at it

>how do you proceed?
I decrypt it obviously. NEXT.
Do you want to talk a out vitamins yet, docs?
say your prayers, eat your vitamins, be a real American
It's weird. I'm working way more hours but the days go by faster. Definitely liking residency better than med school so far.
Just finished 3rd year of med school (the preclinical years in Europe, not sure about the US), and I want to do some independent studying now over the summer, but I have no idea where to begin. What are some subjects that really caught your interest and that I can get into with my level of knowledge? Are there areas of programming that are worth getting into as a med student?
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Absolutely. Data science and machine learning are high yield.
Only need python. Use anaconda for your environments.
Your bread and butter will be pandas and numpy.
Torch plus some other library with functions for noobs will place you in good stead with ML.
Don't read books. Just set a project and finish it.
Also bonus points if you use your university's high-performance computing cluster and/or parallel computing.
People think you're a god if you self-teach this shit but it's not that hard. Just requires time and effort.
update on my publishing journey:
i have given up
Chlorine gas (Cl2):
Nausea / emeneis (feeling or being sick)
Haemoptysis (from: coughing up pink sputum, I don't think it would affect thr heart more than it would be lungs)

Care: supportive. Some may be prescribed oxygen. Likely going to be intubation, skin care, eye care; if chemical burns, removing the clothing that was left on or couldn't come off on the scene (first responders: removing all clothing, don't need to be ripping off clothing that's stuck to thr skin); mucus membranes. I think eyes wojld be less affected, but distilled water, analgesia
Action: chlorine gas. Also, reactive oxygen species
>really struggle gaining weight after puberty (6'4", 140 lbs, a fucking stick)
>start slowly bulking bit by bit after eating 5000+ calories each day, going up to 170 lbs
>get appendicitis
>ask my surgeon when I'll be able to return to my bulk after a surgery
>he slaps my belly and says "hopefully you don't, hit the gym and lose weight instead"
i fucking hate surgeons so much
kek. based fatty hater.
what is so bad about splitting? girls arent unemployed or something
>yeah i got something in my eye
>i tried to wash it out but it still felt bad after 1day so i came in
>remove the foreign body, no infection, just a little inflammation
next patient
>yeah i got something in my eye
>i tried to wash it out but it still felt bad
>i decided to put on my contacts anyway for a day but it started hurting worse so i thought i should keep my contacts out
>now i'm coming in because it feels really bad
>severe corneal haze and edema, big central ulcer, 3+ injection, severe anterior chamber reaction
i dont understand contact lens wearers.
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does the csf filling the void where the cerebellum should be act to maintain normal cranial pressure?
I'm trying to learn EKG but it's not going very well. I might need more examples to learn from.
stretch marks randomly started appearing on my shoulder even though I havent gained or lost any weight. Any idea what could be the cause
what kind of lymph node symptoms in the groin are cause for concern? i started having some pain near my groin, along my inner thighs. but its weird inconsistent pain, directly pushing does not cause more pain it just intermittently causes discomfort, more when im sitting than standing, but i cant do anything specifically to cause it to hurt. i have trouble locating my nodes. i dont think they are swollen but they feel hard

when you guys feel up your patients' lymph nodes what signs do you look for? im going to a doctor next week.
How do I find a clinical support role as a PhD with lots of human research experience and clinical exposure? Medical physicist is an obvious route, but I'm not experienced in oncology. I am most experienced with neural electrophysiology and neuromodulation.

Anaconda is falling out of favor. People mostly just use venv nowadays instead.
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>study medicine
>drop out to pursue veterinary medicine instead
>everything is gorillion years behind
>abysmal amount of material compared to humans
>90% of already small material is all about cattle and often dates back centuries
It's not fair
This is your opportunity to make a name for yourself! You can single-handedly push the field forward by integrating human medicine into veterinary medicine using research and experimental procedures.
On a side note, how does it compare medical school with regards to intensity, financial feasibility, job security, and enjoyment?
>I have no problems guys, what's happening to me?

Could be a common cold. Get a urine culture.
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human medicine isn't all that advanced, but only appears to be so
if you could somehow de-age a doc that retired in 2000 or even 1990 they'd do just fine with their knowledge in terms of hard patient outcomes
progress in medicine is a fata morgana, perpetrated by big pharma and self-important academics
very few real advancements have been made
90% of betterment of patient lives and longer life expectancy is due to hygiene, diet and people not smoking
to be honest even a good vet, all they'd need is a 6 month course in humans and they'll do more or less fine working humans too

gods i hate capitalism so much
if you wouldnt have gone into medicine, what would you have gone into instead?
computer science and AI development
wanting to kill myself at Google
It's way less intense. Professors also resemble humans, unlike in the med school.
>financial feasibility
Median pay is around $120.000 in the US. Not the greatest in the medical field, a bit on a smaller side even, but still fairly nice.
>job security
It's great. Veterinary field is always among the top in growth for at least two decades.
If you don't count the fact that at least 7/10 vets said that they had depression at one point in their life, the fact that a vet is 4 times more likely to attempt suicide, and the fact that 80% of veterinarians are female, I'd say I enjoy it more than med school 100%
isnt medschool 80% female now and they all want to commit suicide too? or is that just zoomers in general?
50-55% for girls in med schools, 80-85% for veterinarians.
And the suicides are a tad bit higher still for animal doctors, some studies link it to a far easier access to euthanasia drugs.
So what's the endgame with getting into this? Does this look nice on my cv, is this a good side hustle, or would an individual person be able to actually contribute something nice to the field?
>at least 7/10 vets said that they had depression at one point in their life
>80% of veterinarians are female

> a vet is 4 times more likely to attempt suicide
again, see
>80% of veterinarians are female

Anon you will be fine, this is textbook female hysteria so it is not indicative of what your experience will be like. Do the best job possible, find a fellow animal doctor to plow and you will be as happy as they come. Regarding the pay I cannot advise you since I am yuropoor
>some examples will say an EKG rhythm is one thing while another will say its something else
who to trust?
Damn you're making me want to go to vetmed and specialize in neurology. I could never survive a human neurosurgical residency, but I am doing a PhD in neural engineering and interact with neurosurgeons on a daily basis. It would be cool to translate some of the human neural ephys stuff (intraop nerve monitoring, functional mapping in brain tumor resection, seizure localization in epilepsy) into vetmed.
Is there any hope of me being able to do this with only a PhD in collaboration with a vet neurologist, or is my best bet to get a DVM too?
>Pay is 120k
How can foreign students become veterinarians? Is it easier to get in it than medicine? How do you get licensed, do you need a residency?
Dude this is premed shit. Go to a hospital, see a patient and read his EKG. How the fuck else would you do it without having the patient in front of you to clue you about the rest of shit?

You treat patients, not tests.
sorry im not premd im studying to be an ekg tech
It's pretty easy to get pubs. I won a prize at a national conference in the specialty I want because of this. I'm using it to get into a competitive specialty. I hate research though and will give it up once I'm in.
I should clarify: it is much easier to get pubs using data science. Many large datasets publicly available (cuts through all the ethics bs; or get data straight from hospitals emr, which is still fairly straight forward with ethics). Don't have to sit in a wet lab waiting for your assay to finish. Just sit in your comfiest chair at home and log into your uni's HPC and go to town; or even do it while on call. Pretty satisfying when you overcome a problem while programming.
I've eaten nothing but burger king for the last 3 days. Today is the last day. I probably gained a pound or so. I'm at 158 from 180+ so I'm still doing good, but sometimes (when I'm having a mental break and I need to cope through stress eating) I eat very poorly.
Did you post this on facebook already? You don't want to keep this important information from your fans, do you?
No, you're my doctor I thought I should tell you.
>but still fairly nice.

direct entry NPs can make this
shouldve just got a phd in math and get 300k starting
thanks but I'd rather be happy and earn this money than be miserable and earn this money
I'm not going to list all the medical advancements made in this millennia so I'll settle for cancer survival rates, read up and go be retarded somewhere else.
Must have been the lens for sure, I can think of no other factors.
>be stick
>do a retarded diet
>be skinnyfat
>medical professional calls me a skinnyfat
>offers advice how to not be skinny or skinnyfat
It really is a thankless job
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>cancer survival rates
slight improvement, and to what end?
cancer treatments are full of totally meaningless drugs that prolong life for a week or two on average
not to mention overdiagnosis
people get scans from head to toe and a lot of in situ cancers that would have never caused trouble or symptoms get discovered and lo and behold - they go into remission
by god, the best treatment for cancer STILL is the knife - catch it early and snip it and hope it didn't spread
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ah the wonders of modern medicine and screening
just inflate the denominator by overdiagnosis so the mortality% falls
much ado about nothing. +/- a handful patients?
any oncobros wanna chime in?
medicine improved just in time to save all those people with thyroid cancer
awesome scientific progress
researchers and research and phd's etc
i kneel, truly academia is fucking awesome

good thing all these people had their thyroids cut out (to save their life obviously) so this smug fucker >>16291944 can call people retarded on 4chan
How are new surgical techniques developed? Are there any opportunities for PhDs in the US to work with surgeons on this, or do only MDs do this kind of research?
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how many times per week should i take this?

in the past i have taken just 1mg of anastrozole and 50mg of clomid per week and this caused extremely severe roid rage and i had to go to the hospital for polycthemia vera.

given my history i have decided to try half a pill 3 times per week.

and might consider 1/4 a pill 3 times per week if its too strong.

it seems insane and crazy to me that people take 1 pill every day.

i chose this pill because i dont want my balls to ever shrink from doing something like taking just Mesterolone or just trenbolone.

Clomiphene Citrate 25mg/Tab Tamoxifen Citrate 10mg/Tab Mesterolone Acetate 15mg/Tab Tadalafil 3,5mg/Tab
Two options.

Go to a third world shithole and start cutting up people without care about their outcomes.

Become a biologist and cut up a thousand pigs.

I seriously can't see how someone without clear motivation and concrete problems to solve in mind could get into such a field. Why don't you ask for job at a pharmaceutical company instead?

Do you have prostate cancer or do you intend to cause it?
>Do you have prostate cancer or do you intend to cause it?

I intend to cause myself to become ripped/jacked
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>talking with a zoomer patient
>keeps talking about playing vidya and anime
>finally budge and ask him what he plays and watches thinking maybe i can be hip with the kids
>yeah i play fortnite and watch chainsaw man
Chainsaw man is alright. It's also almost 2 years old, so he's clearly not against watching stuff that isn't the current flavor of the month. You could have easily made conversation if you mentioned anything you watched, don't be autistic.

Fortnite's pretty gay tho
Do you any of you guys smoke? I'm thinking of picking up smoking to destress. I know it's bad for my health but I figure that I might as well smoke if I'm going to die anyways.
>thanks but I'd rather be happy and earn this money than be miserable and earn this money

didn't know someone could be "happy" by a career of euthanizing thousands of animals and neutering hundreds of dogs
i live in israel and there are tons of smokers here, my advice is to just vape if you want nicotine, because vaping provides the most nicotine and doesnt cause COPD or deposit tar in the lung tissue.

cig smokers here often have COPD and cough all the time.

vaping is also much cheaper and tastes better
that's just a part of life
instead of some dog dying in darkness, scared shitless about something it doesn't comprehend, potentially traumatizing some kid who'll see it's body being eaten on the street, you let the dog calmly fall asleep in a safe environment
plus neutering stray animals is a positive for humans, and a minor inconvenience for animals
and if I were to become a human doctor, I'd likely kill myself after trying my best to save a father of 3 who got in a car accident or something sentimental like that
I have turned into a middle-aged man in my mid 20s. Cannot relate to youth anymore at all.
>I'd likely kill myself after trying my best to save a father of 3 who got in a car accident or something sentimental like that
Grow up, faggot. Life is shit. Get over it.
>vaping doesnt cause COPD or deposit tar in the lung tissue
[citation needed]
also it makes you look gay as fuck
you'll most likely get ED. again, if you haven't heard, that shit is toxic, to your entire. body. but do what the cool kids do, we live on a floating rock right

you would have to be the biggest fag to vape. the only possibly good thing about smoking is the fact that it makes you look cool. that's it. nothing else. vaping takes that away from you. even if it didn't have le faggot watermelon jaba juice flavor, it still looks pathetic to smoke from that solid electronic phallic-shaped stick.
Quad 3 rule effective. Poster is faggot.
There are way to destress that are both more effective and don't have all the negatives that smoking has. That's a really dumb idea my dude, most smokers get into it as dumb teenagers trying to look cool, emulating their parents or from peer pressure, it's somewhat understandable at that age, you're most likely too old to be this stupid.
>it still looks pathetic to smoke from that solid electronic phallic-shaped stick.
As opposed to a solid, non-electronic phallic-shaped stick?
I know that smoking is bad for you but would it really be that bad for me? I don't plan on smoking 1-2 packs a day like the people who have COPD or anything, at max I'll smoke 1 pack a month.

I can run a 21-minute 5K, I don't eat junk food, I don't drink alcohol, I'm a normal weight, and I sleep enough so would picking up smoking really be that bad? It would be my only vice if so.
>at max I'll smoke 1 pack a month
>at max I'll smoke 1 pack a week
>at max I'll smoke half a pack a day
>at max I'll s-s-smoke a pack a day
>at m-max I'll *wheeze* sm-m-moke 2 packs a day
>at max I'll--*COUGH COUGH COUGH GASP*--smoke 3 packs a day
>at max I'll--ACK!
Lung cancer. Inoperable.
I don't think cigarettes can be that addictive. I really only plan on smoking responsibly.
it's not gonna go that way, you'll regret it, and you will, for the rest of your life, have to fight a stupid addiction. your lungs, after smoking, will change forever, and no amount of exercise will save you. trust.
started smoking around 19. a girl introduced me to it. at first, I was like. okay, I'll have this one pack i bought, and I will only smoke it when I party and drink. so the entire pack would last me a year. lol. it took a while, a thousand attempts. your numbers are good. you won't be able to accept a smoking addiction, and you'll constantly try to fight it. there is no stress release. the release that tards feel is a craving being comforted. that is it. don't start smoking.
Starting my Ph.D as a kidney researcher next month. This field is underrated as fuck with so many mysteries we still don't know. I hope that nephro researches atleast get same amount of attention just like cards
So you don't have problems yet go to the doctor. Get the fuck out.
Bro, you can't live with a little stress? Might as well kill yourself. What are you, a line cook?
>I don't plan on it bro!
Neither did any of the rest of addicts.

Do whatever you want. You are beyond saving. There's a good evolutionary reason smoking causes miscarriages and mutated sperm.
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Would to be possible to get a metal jaw like Raiden in the near future? To avoid bone loss/tooth loss
How old are you? What do you study?
22, i dont wanna say
Whats the obstacle really? Poisoning? Not breaking the neck?
>Become a biologist and cut up a thousand pigs.
So you're saying PhDs develop new surgical techniques on animal models? What key words are used in such a job? I have never seen a postdoc position advertising this type of research.
>I seriously can't see how someone without clear motivation and concrete problems to solve in mind could get into such a field
Why are you assuming I don't? In almost any research position you are not working on your own research ideas (unless you're the PI who wrote the grant application), so you rely on the people paying you to identify the problems to be solved. Postdocs mostly just seek out research positions that are adjacent to their expertise and involve the type of models they like working with (in vitro, in vivo, in silico, or humans).
I don't like direct human research because you're incredibly limited on what you can explore, and the doctors end up doing all of the interesting parts while you're left as a glorified data analyst.
In silico research is similarly boring in a lot of contexts, and you're left wondering if your computational models have any consistency with the real world (you'll never be the one to find out).
In vitro and in vivo (wet lab) work is by far the best because everything (within reason) is on the table. Developing surgical techniques seems like a cool field for someone who is into biology/anatomy/engineering, is spatially inclined, and likes working with their hands instead of staring at a screen all day.
>What are you, a line cook?
I'm currently a medical student. I see doctors smoke and that's why I asked if anyone here smoked as well.
>Neither did any of the rest of addicts.
I don't really get why people in this thread are saying that I'll get addicted. Alcohol is bad for you and people drink it socially so I don't see why smoking casually is seen as impossible.
I don't give a single shit about surgery bro. To be honest, you sound like an autistic asshole who is after recognition rather than a genuine interest to solve things. People like you are shitted out of universities in heaps, people with better social skills, with a lot more interest in the subject matter as well.

You're just another autistic faggot with no direction in life. Come back when you grow the fuck up.
>I see doctors smoke
And surgeons coke up. Are you gonna coke up as well? What are you, a teenager trying to fit in?

I already told you. Smoke. Die. I don't give a shit, you're the one trying to justify what everyone knows as poison. Get a fucking hint.
>And surgeons coke up. Are you gonna coke up as well?
No, I'm not going to do cocaine. I don't see the issue with responsible cocaine use though if you're insinuating that it's bad.
>I don't give a shit
You're the one getting bent enough to reply. All I did was ask if anyone here smoked because I was curious to try it out.
>All I did was ask if anyone here smoked because I was curious
Aww poor little thing. You got hurt because everyone called you a retard when all you wanted was external validation. How about you try to ask facebook or get friends in real life if all you want is people to reinforce your bullshit?
You're clearly mad at cigarettes if a simple question I asked gets you that out of shape. I'm sorry you or someone in your family has suffered because of them. Truly.
i havent watched any anime series after 2016, and i mentioned some games i play that are older but he gave me a blank stare. i also mentioned steam and valve and he had no idea.
nice bro
good luck
hope you have a good supervisor
A couple of weeks ago I got a cold by some shit virus that gave me laryngitis. It has left me a cough from hell and nasal congestion with the formation of extremely thick and difficult to move snot. Ambroxol is doing nothing, I'm trying beclometasone inhaled and it seems it has reduced the cough a bit, but the nasal congestion is still a pain in the ass. I don't want to abuse oxymetazolin, I want this stupid snot to stop being thick as shit. Anybody knows what could work? How is it some type of viruses will give you runny noses but others like this thick nasal congestion?
>only view of the brain where i can identify shit is axial
I hate sagittal and coronal. How do I get better at neuro-radiology?
Study the anatomy. Study the landmarks of the occiput and the sphenoid bone, so you can get an idea where you are.
Will do. When I was a pre-med, I used to like the site headneckbrainspine, but since it died I haven't found a good replacement now that I'm a med student.
Let me guess, you're a med student? I'll provide you with a little translation: Autists are to science what gunners are to medicine. And no, the 10 bullshit "papers" you publish in med school to pad your residency application don't count as science.
Just use Netter.

What the fuck is a gunner?
Fine then. I apologize. I'm just tired of seeing stupid questions in this thread. You sound very misguided. You haven't even said you're a PhD in what or if you're still a student. Everything wherever you go is networking. I don't see how could anybody develop "surgical techniques" if you don't even know what kind of patient you want to help. Either you get in contact with surgeons who notice a problem or you become one yourself. Obviously no procedure will be performed on humans until the animal model is proven safe.

I don't know what the medicine subculture or university life is like in the US, but I don't like the idea of treating science as an industry to be exploited. At the end of the day it's about helpless people, specially surgery, it's awful when operating and causing all the harm that implies is the only resource available, and it was awful to deal with all the sociopathic fucks eager to cut people up or do risky procedures as routine, and all their bitching when their butchery line wasn't running smooth as they expected. You're coming to this with the wrong approach, some aimless ambition, and without any experience around the field or meeting the subject matter that are the patients. I really hate that kind of thinking, but I might as well just accept that a lot of people are like that.

Also I hate that this thread at the end of the day is nothing but career advice for students or people without need for help asking shit they could have googled. Either way, you're too inexperienced, and I say that in the living sense of the word.
>I know that smoking is bad for you but would it really be that bad for me?
That's like asking if not wearing your seatbelt will be bad for you. Could be you live your entire life driving everyday without one and just never get in an accident, could be you die from getting launched through the windshield at 18 years old. We don't know, it's a risk. There are lucky fucks who live to ripe old age despite being chain smokers, there are unlucky fucks who get terminal lug cancer at 40. Last i checked smoking takes about 25 years off your life expectancy on average. If you want that in exchange for thinking you look cool (you won't) then go ahead.
>I can run a 21-minute 5K
Won't stop cancer and you will lose that time quick with smoking. Not that 21 minute 5K is all that impressive, it's decent compared to the average person, but the average person is fat and can't run 5k at all. Took me like a month or two of regular running to get to that.
>It would be my only vice
How about you keep doing good at life instead of fucking it up on purpose to look cool? Do you fear you're missing out on vices or something? You don't, trust me. They're called vices for a reason.
>I see doctors smoke
Yeah and I saw an obese, sedenary sports medicine doctor one time. Medical professionals are still human, they get to be dumb hypocrites like everyone else. There's no grade for integrity in med school.
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Can I get an infection, sepsis or whatever from getting my blood drawn?
1 is the needle and my vein, contact point...It's attached towards this transparent plastic thing where a vial goes
2 is the vial itself, NOW, what if that's dirty, bumped into something or whatever?

My blood has flow into the vial, so the vial has a flow into me, right?
What to do? Yes, I am paranoid.
1. Yeah, dirty needles can give you a localized infection or disseminated infection as they go through the skin and other tissue layers to reach the bloodstream. Hence why you can get nec fasc from injecting heroin and why needle exchange programs are so important in those drug users communities. But if they're taking it out of the package fresh as they're supposed to, it's a super low chance of infection.
2. The outside of the vial is whatever, but the inside is meant to be sterile. Even if the flow is so turbulent it somehow tries to backflow all the way back into the vein, there's a one-way valve preventing backflow in the phleb kits used in America that I've always seen
>My blood has flow into the vial, so the vial has a flow into me, right?
Vacutainer tubes are sterile inside and have a vacuum, so no, there's no backflow.
The needle was new but I am worried about the vial. It did have the one flow thing you mentioned because I had to fill 3 vials in one sitting, so in between vials the things is connected but not flowing. Nonetheless, assume worst case scenario and infection, what to do? Am I going to die?
>Can I
Yes. But you first get a flebitis and fever.

It's unlikely that any of that happens and useless to worry about it. The entire disposable syringe is sterile by means of UV, the bubble of air you see formed is usually a vaccuum expanding the column of air in the needle. It's negligible.

The only thing that flows into you is the contact point of your skin. Dogs get vaccinated without cleaning the puncture site or shaving and nothing happens to them.
>Am I going to die
Yes. And you must come to terms with that but that's another story

>assume worst case scenario
Worst case scenario is always unlikely. It's not within your hands either. Learn to avoid catastrophic thinking.
Not within my hands, there must be something I can do, my first instinct was to go ahead and go in myself but I would only turn this into an actual problem
I am being very paranoid and paying attention to any symptom in my body
Yes nigga you fin gon die
If you don't have problems there is nothing you can do is it? You will know there is a problem when you feel one so you have nothing to be worried for until then.

Say I got prostatitis a month ago, I took cipro and the shit gave me the ominous side effects of paresthesia and pain in many tendons. Worst case scenario was I became crippled for life from it like the rest of people in reddit, but it passed. That was a problem with absolutely no solution, your still not present problem does have solution and is to take antibiotics. Everything ends up being better than expected, specially for those who expect the absolute worst all the time.
i would literally never take cipro
congratulations to your PI for snatching another willing serf and tying them to xer fiefdom
Is it bad if I felt a pop at the bottom of my brain, after which it felt like my brain was filling up and I could readily remember past memories I was barely able to recall for years? That's when my perception changed and everyone started acting differently by intensly gaslighting me or did people start acting differently around the same time and my perception didn't change but they're trying to make me think it did? My cranial pressure is high.
I ate some turmeric with detox tea and now I keep peeing a lot more than normal and feel rather thirsty. Is this normal?
>My blood has flow into the vial, so the vial has a flow into me, right?
kek, never change patientards
>How do I get better at neuro-radiology?
Unless you're going into rads, neuro or neurosurgery there's just no point to getting gud at neuro-radiology, it's of no consquence to your clinical workflow, you'll have to wait for the radsfags either way, use your time to get good at something that will actually be your job.
>kid starts crying
>have to hide my smirk
shouldve gone peds for ultimate joy in life
We'll see.
All is fun and games until the kid who comes crying is brought by his parents at 2 am because he wouldn't let them sleep.
surgeon hands typed this post
>no dude just pump literal poison into their veins, either it kills the cancer first or it kills them first who cares
Same level of stupidity as natural immune processes like fever
if you die from a fever or having poison pumped into you, then God just didn't want you to live.
fuck yes they removed my pancreatic cancer I'm going to live
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>tfw have to wait at least another week for my Step 2 score to release
Come the fuck on just lets get it over with already
godspeed anon.
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Today this random boomer patient came in for earpain and he had the most perfect earway i had ever seen, i could easily observe his eardrum without even needing an otoscope, i was looking much longer than needed just to admire it
apparently the english word is ear canal my bad
Is that the patient? it looks yellowish and tense. You can look at people's eardrums without otoscope by pulling their ear dorsally. Some doctors would give antibiotics for any reddening at all, hope that wasn't you.
>im going to have to wait 4months to get my optometry test results back
kill me.
>tfw got a speeding ticket for 25 over
Applying for deferred judgement, but will this be a problem for licensing after med school is over if I end up paying the fine?
>everyone complaining about finding job after graduation
>guaranteed job next year
at least there's one benefit from doing medicine
What state are you in?
Depending on which one, just use a ticket clinic.
Pay like 100-200 and they take care of it, they have 80+% success rate depending on state and you don't even have to go to court they literally do everything for you

For most speeding what usually happens is they go to court, ask for extension, and the ticket gets thrown out by the next court date for either the cop not showing up or some other reason, or they just keep extending the date until it does get thrown out.
On the off chance cop does show up, their lawyers usually do a pretty good job defending you

My case was the officer caught me going 20 miles over the limit(in reality i was 40 miles over) 20 minutes after I got ticket I called them up, paid them, and didn't do anything or hear anything back for like a month or two and got a letter in the mail saying I won my case and nothing got on my record
if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Good for him,he found freedom.
Hopefully he will get back, this time in research medicine.
Hi /med/ I have a really really really painful pimple under my armpit and my corpsman told me not to pop it or else I'm fucked but I really want to do it but he isn't a real doctor like you so what do you think
This is interesting:
>While the dominant paradigm [of autism] is the pathology paradigm and is followed largely by autism research and scientific communities, the neurodiversity movement is highly popular among most autistic people, within autism advocacy, autism rights organizations
>The pathology paradigm advocates for supporting research into therapies, treatments, and/or a cure to help minimize or remove autistic traits, seeing treatment as vital to help individuals with autism, while the neurodiversity movement believes autism should be seen as a different way of being and advocates against a cure and interventions that focus on normalization... seeing it as trying to exterminate autistic people and their individuality

Perhaps people with other mental differences (depression, bipolar, OCD, etc) should also call for the world to be more accepting of people with mental differences, rather than have a situation where doctors are dictating "treatments".

Of course if somebody wants to take a medical intervention for dealing with their mental health problems, that's fine, and it should be up to them. But I really get the sense, whether it's in autism or mental health problems like depression etc, that doctors create "treatments" that are in their interests rather than in the interests of patients. Doctors will claim over and over that they care about patients. But history proves otherwise. Whether it's lobotomies, or deaths from antipsychotics when they were first discovered (e.g. clozapine), or sodium valproate being given to young women without warning them that valproate causes birth defects (research showed this a long time ago, but prescriptions continued).

TLDR - doctors will never care about patients. I think it's cool that some people with autism have decided to stand up for themselves, and maybe patients in other areas of medicine should too.
The reason these conditions are called diseases are because they are incompatible with society. The only reason a person goes to the doctor about a problem is because the problem is hindering function in society.

Those acceptance movements are nonsense. As human rights are universal and technology progresses dysgenics will only keep increasing. It's not possible to sustain the entire dysgenic population.

Those pathologies are a tragedy and prove to be costly personal challenges to their families, they end up feeling relief along the grief once they die. It's a cursed existence.

>depression, bipolar, ocd
Those people suffer anon. It's not an environment problem. Depressed people are incapable of feeling happiness. Bipolar people become psychotic and harm others or themselves. OCD suffers from exaggerated ideas that make them feel constant threats. It's unethical to deny them treatment or brainwash them into thinking treatment is harmful.

>doctors never care about patients
Doctors give a service, it's you who are supposed to care for your sick relative or yourself. The service of the doctor is to attempt to return you to functionality. The doctors who do care end up suffering from knowing the limits of medicine do little for the patients, it's not possible to do more.
>The only reason a person goes to the doctor
What about when doctors lock up people against their will - this of course happens in the area of mental health.

Also, even if someone goes to the doctor voluntarily, they would hope for a treatment that is in their interests, rather than a treatment which is actually in the doctor's interests.

>Those acceptance movements are nonsense
Absolutely not. If you happened to be born with some genetic brain differences, you would want to stand up for yourself too.

>Depressed people are incapable of feeling happiness
This is quite obviously nonsense. That's like saying "a hungry person is incapable of feeling full". Obviously they're not - they just need to eat some food.

>The service of the doctor is to attempt to return you to functionality
The service of the doctor is to profit from misery. Okay perhaps this is not fair for many kinds of doctors. Many doctors do genuinely good work. But there are definitely doctors who are simply trying to profit from people's misery, especially in countries like the US where healthcare is largely provided by for-profit companies.

Regarding mental health treatment, I think doctors are often not concerned with what the patient wants (even if their wants are perfectly legitimate and legal, etc). Perhaps it is too often about producing an outcome that is desirable for the doctor, rather than desirable for the patient.
>female rights
>nigger rights
>autism rights
what rights do they not have in current day USA that normal white men have? it seems they have more rights and privileges than a regular whitie.
>doctors lock up people
They are brought in by their caretakers who don't see it feasible anymore to care for them, or by cops who may choose to execute them instead. Those patients are psychotic, their survival instinct is abolished and are attempting to kill themselves, are being violent and damage property or hurt people, or they have stopped eating. There have been antipsychiatry movements before and the result was these patients dying in the streets or in prison.

>genetic brain differences
Nobody is discriminating these people. They are not functional and it's not anybody's responsibility to accomodate for them.

>obviously nonsense
It's the definition of being depressed. Have you ever worked in psychiatry? Have you met these people? I have. I have a functional type of depression as well. You are too naive and self-centered to assume you know more from a funny sounding idealistic thought than the experience of people who work on this.

>Le doctor profits
I was paid $3 an hour and had to see 6 or more patients each hour in busy times for 80 hours a week. You can kindly fuck yourself if you think all is roses in this shit fucking field. I have never asked for gratitude for this piss stinking work but having assholes like you come with a mouthful of shit on top of everything we deal with is the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Who the fuck are you? You have nothing but poison to speak of this field, what do you pretend you know about it? Where is this victim complex coming from? What do you gain from coming to a thread full of doctors and start insulting the field which you well know some make a genuine effort to help?

I've replied so far in good will but if you're gonna behave like an asshole you might as well get the fuck out.
>SHOCKING: Neurosurgeon discovers that healthy lifestyles improve bodily health
>Blames hospitals even though everyone has been saying this for millenia
>10 million views
Why are they like this?
I mean it's just his version of having burnout is that he can't come to terms with the reality of medicine being symptom management. Maybe it's just a millennial/gen X doc training thing. Nowadays we are basically drilled from day 1 of MS1 to understand that medicine is a hackjob focused on symptom treatment
>SHOCKING: Neurosurgeon discovers
For some reason normies and even some medical professionals think that neurosurgeons are some kind of all knowing irl Dr Manhattan. As an anesthesiologist, I have seen way more gifted minds at internal medicine and at the ICU.
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I know you're that same retard always talking about these same points.

Food for thought:
These people are allowed to exist in this way because of the welfare state.
In a normal society, these people would not be able to earn a wage to feed themselves because they are deficit (hence it is a pathology). Being able to work to sustain yourself is part of being HEALTHY (i.e. bodily autonomy/homeostasis). Much like how you wouldn't consider someone being kept alive via ventilator or ECMO isn't healthy, so too the person who relies on the state to live is not healthy.
Because of the incentive structure of the welfare state, these individuals realise they can grift off of their pathology. Thus, the neurodiversity movement, which "embraces" their pathology. Given the psychological association, this encourages further pathology in society. It is absolutely anti-social in every conceivable way.
Once you guys got your ability to prescribe, what was the first drug you prescribed for yourself?
Can't think of anything more based:
>go to pharmacy
>ask for script pad
>write it out
>leave with drugs
There's no prescription limitations here except for anesthetics, benzos and misoprostol.

I think you could get in trouble for prescribing to yourself, but there's always someone to prescribe you stuff. I automedicated ceftriaxone and got an allergy.
Why murican doctors are adict prescibing opiods for everything , do they know about the pain elevator? Does their population really have a high prevalence on neuropathic pain ? Do they know about NSAIDs?
NSAIDs are bad for the kidney, CHUD.

What you should be asking is why do americans have so much pain, or feel the need to treat it? They're also bombarded with 3 drug ads every 10 minutes.
>be 350lb at 5ft tall
>all your joints are fucked
>why should i have to lose weight. just give me a drug to cure everything and make me feel good
Is there such a thing as psychosis with mood features? Rather than mood episodes with psychotic features.
Why the fuck do you retarded wannabe doctors learn how to mutilate newborn infant boys genitals? Does it earn you a pass to Epstein's island?

Do you have to be this Jewish to be accepted to medical school?

What the fuck is your profession even doing while there's still Coronavirus around the world?

Why are you just being trained to do organ transplants for the rich?
not really
though it would be difficult to delineate the two clinically

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