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I thought that Ivermectin was a very safe drug, but this blog argues that it's not at all:
The same blog is very critical of vitamins btw.
What's your take /sci/?
Ivermectin was never a good drug.
When you have Covid you just want to tough it out. Taking too much deworming medicine can give you pancreatic cancer and is almost as bad as the vaccine itself.
It was always a trap to keep both sides unhealthy.
Covid is such a weak virus anyways, just eat well and relax. You don’t need anything, why risk vaccine or ivermectin side effects?
I was interested in Ivermectin for the (((parasites))) conspiracy theories from /pol/.
But now I guess that I will resort to natural cures.
how does ivermectin cause pancreatic cancer?
inb4 the horse meme
after seeing this video
I consider that site of yours a nest of the well-poisoners
(you shouldn't take vitamins in pills, but that's it about them)
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