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Since the total energy content in the universe is increasing all the time, could we harvest it somehow?
Metal : In and In
Energy : Out and Away

Anti-Metal: LHC
Anti-Energy: ????

There are many answers ranging from tiny to super massive.
Though I have the answer in my mind. I am retarded at the moment. I'm actually in the simulation to fight a war.
^ Why does /sci/ have this bot problem?
The asherah trees were intended to do this, but Yahweh is the demiurge and he could not have it.
>energy can be created
where is it coming from, and where? can it pop up in closed systems? why/why not?
It would kill all. It's called killing and gaining the soul of. (If you kill someone you gain their soul if harvested).
It would become a void system, thus cancelling harvesting equipment.

It's called a full energy transfer. Like uploading the universe to a computer but also voiding it.
>Where does it come from
It’s just a feature of the universe that energy is created at times. Total energy increases since things are accelerating and it has increased in the past to give us the energy we see toda. If energy could be created we would be hardstuck at 0 energy which is not the case.
1st law of thermodynamics says energy can't be created or distorted idiot
Retard, total energy is increasing and has increased in the past or we would be stuck at 0 energy.

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