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Why do clever dogs like border collies generally have much smaller brains than dumb brutish dogs such as pitbulls? Like I've seen pitbulls with human sized brains but they never seem to listen or do complex tricks like dogs with brains the size of McDonald's burgers.
because brain size is not correlated to intelligence
It is when you control for total body mass since you need more brain volume to process sensory data from a massive body and also to move it.
kill all these hell spawns
and pitbulls have higher body mass than border collies, so you answered your own question.
> pitbulls with human sized brains
LMAO, the typical pitbull brain is 1/6 the size of a human brain. You must be confusing skull size with brain size.
He was comparing them to the brains of their owners
pit bulls are actually very smart predators. it's the main reason they are extremely dangerous if left unattended and uncontrolled

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