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idk my race
White enough
>green veins
it's time to kys
You - kys - fag.
drink bleach you fucking tranny
If you need some ancient warrior race to Larp as, feel free to Larp as Indo-European yamnaya milk dudes.
Probably the common thing between it all.
At least it’ll make Indians seethe
only americans have dna tests that don't fit on the screen
Your ethnicity is Mezzogiorno. Your "race" is a bank statement.
but i don't want to be a brown person. Poltrannies are on suicide watch because their pure white dutch aryan maiden just married a southern euro, but i'm a virgin at 24.
I don't understand the racially overladen patois. You're a catholic and a moor. What you do with that is a function of where you live, not who your parents were.
>100% european
>moor isn't a european designation
it implies you're a shitskin sandnigger. and i'm atheist
Your DNA test avers. You're a papist moor. You surely vary as an individual but in terms of taxomony you have no dice.
so i'm not a real european? Americans tell me i don't belong in america and europeans don't want me because i'm american. Where won't i get shit on?
If you're American, you're not European. In terms of DNA, your papist moorishness has been genetically European for 1300 years. The more useful question is why does no geographic area "want" you?

And they don't want me because 90% of italians here are southerners, so basically africans. My eyes are too dark to have visible pupils. If you have to go around convincing people you're white, you're not. I find it funny i'm expected to bend over for people who hate me. Finding out what nazis thought of southern europeans is public knowledge
It's not a choice. Your DNA is moor papist. Who is "they" and why don't they "want" you?
you're obviously just trying to antagonize me since you keep calling me that. I'm sick of having to prove my racial supremacy to european mongrels.
Call yourself what you will. I'm only interested in whether or not you can describe the person or group of people who "don't want" you. Or whether it's a generic feeling of being bullied that perennially transcends DNA.

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