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File: 1720966547272561.webm (2.85 MB, 1280x720)
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Why are mathematicians so obsessed with finding a pattern for prime numbers? How does it benefit humanity?
Resonance cascade!!!!
They aren't. There definitionally can't be. There can be patterns *within* primes, but not for them.
I have found a pattern. All primes are divisible by exactly 4 integers.
Suddenly I have great interest in this retarded "sport"
Eratosthenes downdooted your post.
It benefits those of us who work with radio frequencies/EM and I think most people would say we benefit humanity unless they are really big on "5G gives you cancer" or something. If we got to the point where we just had a single equation to watch out for, it would make a number of systems more reliable.
well done
RSA encryption relies on large numbers not being "easily" factored into a product of primes. If there's a pattern then whoever finds it breaks RSA.
>There definitionally can't be.
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>Why are mathematicians so obsessed with finding a pattern for prime numbers? How does it benefit humanity?

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